

We've met at a curfew. A curfew that was meant to keep people in their houses but drew us, him and me, out and into each other's arms. I never thought that a curfew would also be its ending.... The bond that was about to ignite.

Rowe_Faith_Panilag · Teen
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3 Chs

Curfew II

"I couldn't help but be mesmerized. He is breathtakingly handsome. He already left yet I was still dumbfounded. My brain was still clouded with his handsome grin. He—", I couldn't help it anymore and hit the girl before me who keeps on talking with dreamy eyes.

"What was that for?!", she asked angrily as if she did not do anything wrong. Well, she indeed did not do anything wrong but I find it disturbing. Her talking with those dreamy eyes.

"Lyca, hello! It's already lunch time and we are supposed to do our group research. But look at you! Thinking about a guy whom you met illegally!", I blurted out.

"Let's finish this tonight then. I'll go by your house. And don't worry, the curfew won't be a problem.", she added when I was about to complain. Aish. She's just so stubborn.

"Suit yourself.", was all I said in defeat.

Our launch ended with not a single word on our research paper. I sighed. This is going to be a long night.

"So here goes. You do the experiment and I'll do the papers.", Lyca headed straight to my house after class and we started making our research. Since she is good with written literature, I let her handle all the papers while I work on the experiment, which is right up my alley.

"Oh God! It's already past curfew!", Lyca shrieked which made me jumped from my sit. 9:25?! It's this late already?

"Eh? You're going home? You can stay here you know.", I offered but she shook her head and hurriedly run outside, waving her hands good-bye.

"I'm finished with the papers and besides mom would definitely kill me if I won't go home.", was the last thing she said over our front gate and started to run.

Well. Good luck.