

the story of a cure gone wrong

Saint_Rebellious · Realistic
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This is a story about a young man named marx who's "life work" was used for evil and it's up to two young friends to find out the Truth

1:marx: a doctor ambitious man who will do anything to achieve his dream, the man in the middle of the photo

2: xing: member of resistance a smart red haired boy, who is trying to find the cure

3:jin: member of resistance ,xing best friend





it starts in the year 25xx with a scientist in a lab rejoicing there is a huge a huge machine behind him

let's start

I finally achieved my childhood dream,I finally change the world my name will be written in time for I've completed it,I must call every one and also update my social media accounts that I've done it my hardwork and dedication paid off hahaha, I marx survived

now in the year 32xx

(Jin)so that's the start of all this problem  he trying to defile fate thought you could plan god screw you marx wherever you are (xing) from what I'm reading he might actually be in heaven will you just listen to the complete story you're too brash jin (jin) what did you say four eyes (xing)just keep quiet and listen you dumbass.

all marx wanted to do was survived as he promised his family.marx dad ran away to start a new life after he knew marx condition Marx was raised by his mother and stepfather.marx was the eldest of three kids.marx was well loved by his family but even love couldn't hide the Truth

(jin) spare me the family crap four eyes so what happened next ?(xing)arggg just listen!!

marx knew he would soon passed away due to the same reason his father ran and no matter how much he tried to ran from it he couldn't.(jin) And what was that

he had an ss gene(sickle cell)

(jin)ho I thought he was just being a good doctor (xing)ho can you just shut the f*** up

Jin:(Ahem)So he promised to cure his self and every other ss Gene carrier out there. And to do that he had to become a scientist.

though marx was really smart, and could archive his dream, things were still hard for him.so he worked very hard everyday but like everything in life nothing goes as planned, govt issues,love  cooperations all stood in way of him archiving his dream, it was as if the whole world was against him bu...

(jin)(rudely interrupts) doesn't he know that to thrive in this world one must crush all obstacle s tht may befall them.but he deserved it, also did you just say govt issues (xing) no I said it 7 line's upward (jin)stop your lame jokes but shouldn't the govt even be funding his research (xing) yeah they should but they didn't (jin) and why is that (xing) marx wasn't doing it to Make only profits exclusively he was a doctor and couldn't let his creation be used for petty things, and that made them angry, very angry






but continue reading to get more information (jin)I don't think I would he's just a cliche guy against all odds , this feels like a story rather than a biography I'm starting to get suspicious

(xing) maybe marx was a good writter

Let's just read to the end

jin: then turn the page dumbass I don't have time to waste

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