
Cure Of Dying Vampire

" I have lived for centuries as an immortal but it was lonely and painful. Now I want to live as a human. And you are..... my cure ". He was a dying vampire, who has lived for thousands of years and had seen the world in its revolution phase. Many feared him, cursed him in secret, and wished for him to die. He was a devil who sucked the blood of innocent people, known as the most frivolous and cold-blooded among the other races. His existence was a mistake...for humankind. Sofia was a sweet girl who was kind to everyone. She was special, A pure blood human whose blood was an elixir for Enzo. A human being who was born for him but a curse to other vampires in disguised. Enzo would do anything to trap her in his love. But in the end, will his wish to become a human being be granted? It's not easy to become a human, only when Sofia falls in love, will this curse be broken. The path to becoming mortal is difficult. (Attention : The cover is not mine, it belongs to it's rightful owner)

BlossomingDaisy · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 14: Quick to change personality

" I overheard their conversation. That senior was very angry at Angelo. That bastard impregnated an older woman and then brutally brushed her away. And all this was because she had no money on her. That senior was threatening to take him to the police for what he did...but he had no evidence. Plus, the woman decided not to file a complaint against him. That's how I came to know about him ".

Sofia was calmed and collected when talking about that shitty bastard but deep down...she was raging with anger. However...that's not her business and she has no right to get angry over someone else without even knowing their situation.

Mary nodded her head as she understood everything and looked in the direction that guy ran to.

It was bustling in the canteen and everyone was talking about no study topics. They took the tray full of food and started looking for an empty table. There...a table on the east side just thirty seconds away appeared before her eyes and started to walk towards the table.

" I tell you, I was completely shaking earlier when that guy started reciting those cheesy lines. I almost thought that you were going to be swayed and do something stupid. I thought...you are going to give him a chance. It's a good thing....you rejected him, that too...so fiercely. That's my girl you know ".

Sofia uttered not a single word after hearing Mary. In fact, she became upset. A person like her...can she ever deserve something called Love? She never believes in love after being mistreated by her family. From childhood to now, they never showed her any kind of affection...

A person like her who was abandoned by her family over her siblings...can she deserve love? She wondered a lot of times.

There were many moments when she expected her family to show at least a little concern for her, and many times she begs them to love her....they never turned to her.

So now....a work called Love, it's never her first priority. Not that she expects it...

" If someone says they can allow me to earn, I can believe them. But is someone saying they like me or love me? I can't trust them. The word love...has been invisible in my dictionary since birth ".

Sofia spoke those words as if it was too easy. But Mary...she felt as if the person was not alive. It's like...the girl standing before Mary was just an empty shell without any emotions and feelings. As if...she was not real and just a mirage that would disappear any moment leaving no trace of her.

This actually made Mary disappointed and upset over nothing.

As they approached the table, another three people appeared there as well. Looks like they were aiming for the same table. The three of them before Mary and Sofia were guys.

When Sofia lifted her head, she saw Enzo. Seeing him...she smiled without even realising it herself. " I think...we should sit together ", Sofia smiled at him as she suggested.

Since both parties arrived there at the same time and there are more than five chairs present at the scene, there was no need to make a fuse or tell one party to find some other place.

He couldn't believe she was behaving so normal after what happened just a while ago. She looked totally unaffected and completely different from what she was earlier.

He was a thousand-year-old Vampire. But even he is not that quick to change personalities. Nonetheless...he smiled back at her and told his friends to sit there with Mary and Sofia.

The other two boys were rather happy that they were seeing Sofia from this close. Enzo however was completely unaware of Sofia's background.

" Do you know him? ", Mary whispered to Sofia as she sat down and gave those three guys a friendly smile.

The two boys were indeed having their lunch, but their eyes were rooted on both Sofia and Mary. For some reason, they were quite nervous as their plans were sweating.

Mary was trying to eat in peace but their gaze was so intense that she ended up slamming her spoon on the table.

The two boys felt their body jolting from the sudden shock as they saw her looking at them with contempt in her eyes. And then their eyes stop on her lips...she parted her lips. " If you have something to say, you better speak before I lose my patience ", She warned them straight as her strong yet elegant hands crossed in each other and her eyes stopped on them.

She was sitting there like she was some monster who was waiting for her prey to utter the last word in their life, it was scary.

Nonetheless...the boys were still not intimated by her to the point they would lose their ability to speak.

They were looking at her as if she was their role model or at least the idol who they worshipped, totally hooked on her.

" You are Ms. Mary, right? We have heard a lot about you and how you defeated the neighbouring university student in the last tournament. From the moment we have seen you...you have become our idol ", They spoke in that aww tone that even Mary was flatter but...

" First of all...stop adding that Ms. before my name, it's annoying. Call me senior Mary and that's it. Also...you said I am your Idol, I respect that ".

She has had many admirers just like Sofia...but she doesn't like it. It's annoying having people look at you all the time and following you at some point, it's brain fusing...

" We want to learn from you. Can you teach us martial arts and how to defeat others? ".

Look at their puppy eyes begging for her attention and asking her to give them some tips and teach them what she has learned til now.

No matter how much sparkles they released, she ain't going into the trap, it's just their silly trap.

" I am sorry! But I don't teach. There are many institutions in our city, you can go anywhere and they will give you classes. So...I am sorry ".

The special classes were only created for her friends and close ones who need protection. She can't be with them all the time, that is why she was trying to make them something so where she is not around and a crisis arrives, they would be able to protect himself.

Another thing...she doesn't go around beating others and showing them she is the thug of this university. She never beat anyone for no reason. So...these guys asking her to teach them and give them tips about how to defeat others is really irrelevant to what she does.

They both wanted to keep pestering her but she is stronger than them and there is no way they can defend themselves if she raises her fist and beat them. Just one punch from her and they will go get buried in the land.

Sofia was having lunch while looking at her tray. She was still wearing the jacket given by Enzo. And was sneaking glances at him once in a while while having lunch.

Those guys found it unbearable to stay there as their Goddes had just rejected them. They both picked up their plate..." Enzo! You have your lunch, we have to go ".

And they left without even saying anything. Sofia was speechless and so was Mary and she couldn't utter a single word and could only see them going away.

" Why did they leave? ", Mary asked with that innocent face of hers as she turned towards Sofia

Sofia was speechless and didn't know what to say anymore. " You drove them away and you have the guts to ask me why they left? You are pretty cunning ", Sofia remarked.

" Hehe! I said nothing. They asked me gently and I rejected them gently...what's there to be called cunning about me? You are exaggerating it ", Mary completely denied that she was harsh a moment ago.

" Leave it! You are someone who will never admit her mistake. But anyway... it's good that it's peaceful ".

" Peaceful? There's still someone here who has not left yet ".

Mary looked at the man who was opposite of her and totally unaffected by this little drama, he was focused on his food...

Mary's earlier words were indicated toward Enzo. But he was still silent and said nothing. But then...his head slightly got lifted in the air and his eyes fixed on her. He might be giving off that soft boy vibe right now.

But believe it...he was still intimidating and unapproachable for some reason.

A person like her who's this old should be a CEO or a President of some big established company. But here he was...still studying in the university while acting like some 22-year-old.

" Senior! did you get your wounds treated? ".