
The Meeting

It was a wonderful dream. I wanted to continue dreaming but it is time to get up now.

I have to go to work.

My alarm clock keeps ringing as if reminding me to get up.

I still feel dizzy at the moment, and as an automatic gesture my left hand find its way at the right part of the bed side table, to press the button on my alarm clock, to stop it.

I slowly get up, my eyes are half open, with a disheveled hair and scrunch up face, I go down from my bed and walk straight to the bathroom, while removing my clothes one after another.

I close the bathroom door and open the shower.

As the cold water drip to my body it helps me to wake up my senses little by little.

I'm in the shower for almost thirty minutes before I turned it off and walk out from the bathroom, then put on my clothes, and comb my hair, while grabbing my backpack.

One final look at the life size mirror to check my appearance and I'm ready to go.

Walking out from my apartment door, I am wondering if the traffic is heavy at this time because it is rush hour again, there is a lot of people outside rushing to go home or to go somewhere.

Thinking of alternative ways I should do to avoid from being late again, yes! again.. because I'm always late.

I tried so hard, and tried a lot of ways to be early, but because im a slow-footed, I always arrive at work late.

At last after squeezing my brain on what to do, I've come to a decision to make shortcut by riding a bus instead of train because the route is shorter than the railway. so, I stand at the side of the road and wait for the bus to come.

In just a minute i saw it coming. Then it stop in front of me.

I wait for the door to open. Now its my turn to walk in.

I mount on the steps upward and find the most convenient seat for me near the window, and sit down, hugging my bag I slowly close my eyes and leaned at the window frame.

In just a second I fall asleep and I'm already dreaming, maybe because of the air conditioned that is why I ascend to the dreamland again.

I woke up when I felt a poke in my right leg.

I opened my eyes and tilted my head to the side, away from the window.

Then i saw the person who is poking me. A man with alluring aura, his handsome face was showing impatience, as if he is waiting for me to wake up for a long time.

" hi! I'm sorry for disturbing your beauty rest, but I need to sit down too, because I paid for it " he said while smirking.

" oh! what a smug ! " , I thought.

" sorry " I said then move near the window side to give him space.

In my peripheral view, I saw him smirking again and looking at me from time to time.

" What a brute ! , As if I'm a joke ? ". " Is it not normal to see people sleeping in a bus ? ! " I thought while gritting my teeth.

"what a jerk! so what if his cute " !. I did not stop cursing him internally until I alighted the bus.

Hope you guys enjoy it!:)

Midnightsoulcreators' thoughts