
Chapter 24 I have no shortage of women

Dominic Parker's old face sank, "She has passed my assessment, and I think she is fully qualified to be your secretary."

Sebastian Park narrowed his eyes slightly, "I have no shortage of secretaries. If Mr. Parker really wants to arrange for her to join the group, then I will ask the HR department to arrange a suitable position for her."

"No, it's good for her to be your secretary."

"Mr. Parker, are you arranging a secretary for me or a woman?" Sebastian Park stopped beating around the bush with him.

Dominic Parker also felt that talking like this was too tiring, and said directly, "Aurora can be regarded as the child I watched growing up. This child is not bad, knowledgeable and gentle, suitable to be your good wife."

"Dad, I have no shortage of women." He meant that he was not interested in the women around him.

Dominic Parker snorted coldly, "Really? So you have a woman by your side? Why didn't I know?"