
Chapter 22 Destroyed Her

Jana Anderson sent Sebastian Park away, seeing the bottle of perfume on the table, why did she think he was interested in this perfume?

Perhaps the perfume developed by her father is too special, it is a kind of aroma that will fascinate people.

While she was in a daze, her son suddenly ran to her side and hugged her arm, "Mum, do I really resemble that Uncle Arrogant?"

Jana Anderson looked down at the little guy, and had to admit that his face really looked more and more like Sebastian Park.

Is he really the son's father?

The thought flashed through her mind suddenly, startling her.

She subconsciously blurted out, "Why? You are nothing like him." She said against her will.

"Mum, you're lying!" the little guy stared into her eyes and shouted.

"I... How could I lie?" She didn't dare to look at this brat!