
Cupcake! (bokuaka)

Kermit_perfect · LGBT+
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13 Chs


Did you get enough sleep? Here have a hug!! You are a QUEENNN AND A KING SLAYYYY!!!

Kenma POV:

We all ended up staying the night just because Kuroo didnt want to eave Bokuto and Bokuto didnt wanna leave Akaashi. I woke up to my phone blowing up with texts and missed calls. "Morning kitten your phones been going off for quiet a bit." Kuroo said lifting his head from my shoulder. I checked my phone and Oikawa,Iwaizumi,Yaku,Yamamoto, and Hinata had all sent tons of texts and called 17 times each. "Kuro we should get back by the way where is Lev?" I said replying to some of the texts. "He went out to get coffee knowing you would not want to be awake when you woke up." Kuroo said chuckling a bit. "Hes..not wrong tho" I said finally replying to all the texts. "Hey there 2-toned shorty" Lev said smiling and handing me my coffee. "Mhm" Is all I said before we heard a gasp that sounded painful. We all turned our heads to see Akaashi with his eyes closed tightly and his hand tightly squeezing Bokuto's hand. Bokuto woke up from this and just squeezed his hand to. "You moved it again..didnt you" Bokuto said looking at Akaashi. Akaashi just nodded. "This hurts..Watching Akaashi hurt like this.." Kuroo said "We should head back Kenma..the practice games start soon.." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me up. "You almost spilled my coffee." I said sharply. Kuroo grabbed out stuff and lead me to the door. "What about Bokuto and Akaashi.." I said stopping and looking back at them "I'll stay here and i'll let you know if something happens." Lev said looking back and smiling at me. "See its fine." Kuroo said dragging me out of the room. When we got out of the hospital Kuroo led me to a bench in a park and sat down. "Kuroo.." Is all I said before he pulled me into a tight hug. I felt my shoulder slowly starting to get wet. I wrapped my arm around his back and the other on the back of his head. "Kuro..whats wrong.." I said concerned at the sudden outburst. "I-Im tired of people I care about getting hurt.." I was about to say something but got interrupted."I mean you stay up all night barley getting any sleep,You dont eat, You dont wanna talk to anyone, you dont want to leave your room." he said hugging me tighter. "Then Akaashi sprains his wrist then he falls on his face breaking his wrist and scratching his face." "Its scaring me what if something happens to Bokuto or you." my shoulder was completely drenched from his tears. "Nothing is going to happen to me or Bokuto or Akaashi." "I cant promise you but Akaashi is going to be ok with time." "I'll try to go to sleep earlier and eat more ok?" I said trying to reassure him. "Lets go back Kuro.." Kuroo just nodded and let go of me. "Give me your hand Kuro" I held out my hand and he grabbed it. "Pull up google maps cause I still dont know where we are." Kuroo said looking up at the sky. I did as he said and we were on our way home when I got a call from Oikawa. 'Yes kawa?'  'Hunny where are you?'  'Were on our way back now'  'We?'  'Kuro and I'  'Ohhhh i'll let you flirt then'  'k bye'  'by-'  "Dang he didnt even get to finish saying goodbye" Kuroo said chuckling. "Shut up hey were almost there anyway." Kuroo just picked me up and put me on his shoulders. "Hey this is scary y'know!!!" I barked at him. He chuckled and held onto my legs tighter. "There less scary Kitten" he said as we got closer to the gym. "Hmpt no your to tall for this I feel like Lev." I instantly regretted saying that as he started laughing making me unstable and start swaying. "KUROO STOP LAUGHING I'M GOING TO FALL" I was yelling at him as we were almost at the door. And then it happened I slipped backward falling. I let out a small scream and right as I was about to hit the ground someone caught me. It was Kuroo he caught me and pulled me in to his chest holding me like a baby. "Oh thank god your not hurt I regret laughing you could have gotten seriously hurt im so sorry Kenma.." I heard the doors open and someone yell Kuroo's name. "Why are you holding Kenma like a toddler-" that would be Shoyo. "He was on my shoulders and I was laughing and he fell and I just barely caught him..it scared me." I was tired I dont know how but I was so I just got comfy on Kuroo's shoulder. "Were both pretty tired so I think were gonna skip the games today but we should be back tomorrow and we can play some Mario Kart k Chibi-Chan?" Kuroo said as I closed my eyes. "Ok then!" Shoyo said with a bright smile that I couldnt see but I knew it was there. Kuroo started walking and the wind blew his hair around. I was almost sleeping, I looked dead. I felt something on my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see Lev poking my shoulder. "How did you get here so fast Lev-" I said biting the finger he was poking me with. "Owww Kuroo your cat bit me" Lev said whining. "Shut up" Yaku said kicking Lev. Lev fell and I just started laughing. "BAHAHAH" Kuroo started laughing again. "I swear to god if you drop me again you Hyena." Everyone round started laughing. "I will bite all of your fingers off." "Ok nap time for Kenma." Kuroo said starting to walk again. We got to our room and he set me down on the futon and layed down next to me. "Do you want me to hold you while you sleep Kenma?" Kuroo said opening his eyes again. I nodded and he pulled me close to him. "Why do you like falling asleep like this so much?" Kuroo said questioningly. "It feels..safe." Kuroo kissed the top of my head and I slowly fell asleep.

~Word count 1137~

Heyyyy I felt like posting again so um yeah have another chapter. Get some sleep because its important!!! Eat something even if its hard I would do it with you but I cant exactly do that through there. If your reading this THANK YOUUU reads mean a lot to me idk why but they just make me smile! Have a good Day/Night!!!

-Your sarcastic short person
