
Cupcake! (bokuaka)

Kermit_perfect · LGBT+
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13 Chs

I'm sorry!

POV: Akaashi

I woke up and Bokuto was still sleeping. I want to get up without waking him but I dont think I can. I thought to myself. I did manage to do it but I heard him move so I stood silent. I walked to the stairs quietly. I was about to take the first step when my foot got caught behind the other and I fell down the whole flight of stairs. My parents weren't home so I didn't think anyone was going to check on me. "AKAASHI!" Bokuto called from upstairs. "KAASHI ARE YOU OK!" Bokuto said running down the stairs. I started crying pretty loud while holding my hand. "Kaashi I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong!" Bokuto realizing it was my wrist. "Is it your wrist?" Bokuto hoping it was that. I nodded and he picked me and put my on the couch. He held me making sure to not move my wrist and got me to stop crying that much. "Is it broken?" He said looking me in the eyes worried. "I-I don't know" I managed to say. "Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" Bokuto said l. I nodded and he picked me up again and put me in the car. We got to the hospital and they took me to do x-rays.

POV: Bokuto

They took Akaashi for x-rays and I just have to sit here and wait. I thought to myself as tears rolled down my cheeks "Is anyone here for Akaashi Keiji?" I quickly stood up "I am." "Follow me sir." I followed him and he put me in a room and told me he had to talk to me then he would bring out Akaashi. "So Akaashi didn't break anything in his hand but he does have a bad sprain." " He needs to keep his brace on at all times until fully healed and no Volleyball until I can safely say it's ok." Akaashi's doctor said with a calm look on his face. "Got it but I do have one question." I said "Yes?" His doctor said with a smile. "Can we still cuddle?" I asked worried knowing about his nightmares. "You can you just have to be really careful." His doctor said with his hand on the door nob. "Got it thank you." I said smiling. He went out of the room to bring Akaashi to me. He opened the door and Akaashi was crying again not as bad as earlier but still bad. I quickly walked up to Akaashi and gave him a tight hug without hurting him. Akaashi stopped crying after a few minutes and I led him to the car. " Do you want me to call and tell your mom?" I asked while driving. "No please dont she will freak out and come home without saying anything to her boss or coworkers." Akaashi said looking over at me with a  a worried face. "Ok I wont then." I said looking over at him for a second before focusing on the road again.

~Time skip brought to you by todoroki's cold soba~

POV: Akaashi

Bokuto wedding carried me inside not wanting me to get hurt in the slightest. He opened the door to an empty house and brought me upstairs carefully. He gently set me down on the bed and climbed in next to me very slowly before I just pulled him in. I started crying again because the x-rays were scary and still are to me. "Shhh its ok baby the x-rays are over with and you don't have to do it again." Bokuto said while stroking my hair. When he strokes my hair it calms me down and usually puts me to sleep. That is exactly what happened. I was scared that when I woke up my parents would be mad but I fell asleep anyway. Bokuto made sure he wouldn't be able to hurt my hand and took a nap with me as it was only 11:00 AM. 

Akaashi's moms POV:

I came home early to surprise the boys with a movie day,but when I walked in the house I didn't see or hear them. "Weird there usually up by now and Bokuto's car is still here so they didn't leave." I said out loud even tho nobody was listening. I decided to go check on them in his room. I walked in to see Bokuto holding Keiji I thought it was cute until I saw a brace on Keiji's hand. I started panicking not knowing what happened and ended up waking up Bokuto. He got up moving keiji who was still sleeping. "What happened why didn't you call me or anything!?" I said whisper yelling. "Akaashi tripped and fell downstairs this morning. And we didn't call you because Kaashi said not to knowing you wouldn't tell anyone your leaving and would come straight home." Bokuto said trying to calm me down. "What happened to his wrist is it ok!?" I said still confused. Bokuto took my hand and led me downstairs closing Keiji's door. "He sprained his wrist when he fell downstairs this morning ." Bokuto said while looking worried "Is it bad?" I said still wanting to know more information. "Yes its almost a break." Bokuto said looking down. I watched as a tear fell to the ground and he rubbed his eyes. "Bokuto.." I said while pulling him into a hug. "Its not your fault he'll be ok just give it time." I said rubbing circles on his back. "It is if I had just been awake I could have made him stay in his room or carried him downstairs!" Bokuto said crying harder into my shoulder. My mom instincts kicked in and I sat down and held Bokuto rubbing circles in his back and reassuring him Keiji was ok and that it wasn't his fault  until he calmed down. After he calmed down and watched TV until we heard keiji's door open. Bokuto jumped up and ran upstairs coming down with Keiji carrying him wedding style. "I heard that whole thing kotaro..." Keiji said with a small frown. Bokuto just stopped still carrying Keiji. Keiji hugged him carefully and told him it wasn't his fault and that it was ok. Bokuto set him down in couch and was going to walk away but Keiji pulled him into a hug comforting him. I saw as another tear ran down Bokuto's cheek and decided to leave them alone and go upstairs.Hi!!! sorry this is out SO late it was meant to be out so much sooner but I got distracted with School friends and just didn't want to write but yeah I decided to add a twist because thats the only thing I could think of. Also I will be introducing the Oya Oya's soon + Oikawa and Iwa-Chan so thats happening .

~Word count 1159~

-Your dramatic short person
