
Cumulus System

Nanites, a nano robots created with a hitech engineering, this was the age of wars. When a majority of the world seek refuge from the engineers, when country sold their prides for science and science is Gods. The forbidden fruits of knowledge has been unleashed, where we studied human and their abilities and boosted it to the very efficiency it has to offers. The time is 200 years ago, the name of the era is "Nanowars". "You will grow with the main character, a steampunk industrialist era, with modern technology cowboy meet alien style, it also includes full event story, cheat skills, pets, flying pets, unique pets, girls and boys in tight body suits, romance, drama and politics" - author

Egi_Dio · Fantasy
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138 Chs

The Watcher's Ballads

"Driven mad by Hera, Heracles slew his own children. To expiate the crime, Heracles was required to carry out ten labours set by his archenemy, Eurystheus, who had become king in Heracles' place. If he succeeded, he would be purified of his sin and, as myth says, he would become a god, and be granted immortality. A champion of the Olympian order against chthonic monsters. In Rome and the modern West, he is known as Hercules."

-Wikipedia, Heracles.

As the five star masters start to cultivate, the watcher began to reflect on his actions. The regrets he uttered on the center of the universe has deepen his understanding of unfinished feelings that he forsake long long time ago. It came to this, for some reason he felt abandoned after seeing the forge once again. He contemplate to reflect the purpose of guarding the universal realm, why he choose the way once and the creeds he has sworn to take.

-Eons ago in the center of the universe as we know-