
Cumulus System

Nanites, a nano robots created with a hitech engineering, this was the age of wars. When a majority of the world seek refuge from the engineers, when country sold their prides for science and science is Gods. The forbidden fruits of knowledge has been unleashed, where we studied human and their abilities and boosted it to the very efficiency it has to offers. The time is 200 years ago, the name of the era is "Nanowars". "You will grow with the main character, a steampunk industrialist era, with modern technology cowboy meet alien style, it also includes full event story, cheat skills, pets, flying pets, unique pets, girls and boys in tight body suits, romance, drama and politics" - author

Egi_Dio · Fantasy
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138 Chs

The truth is out there

"Nothing happens in contradiction to nature, only in contradiction to what we know of it."

-Dana Katherine Scully

I tell her about what happens in the way back of the mission in the northern tundra. Her expressions became very serious listening to it. After telling the story to the end, i am expecting a question.

"And.." she said.

"Yes, and..?" I replied her.

"Did it go great with Jean?" That is totally uncalled for! "Just joking!" She said it.

"You don't to answer that! It did great isn't it? What do you do with her?" I am blushing red.

"Hehehe are you OK there? Cass!" She said a little loud. "Ah? Eh? What? I am sorry.." i was caught a bit of guard in a red handed way.

"Oh quit it! I was from a military family too you know, military family girls will not drop the ball so quickly in the game! That is how my daddy brain washed me too, i bet its the same!" She said it half guessing.

My face became hot all of the sudden, the she continue rubbing it in my face.

"i will do it if i am ready!" She said it just like Jean does it. My face is so red i was almost exploded on the spot.

"Just keep listening to her! You'll get in her pants if she deems you worthy of her trust!" She is half gloating. And then she tell me to listen to a story of history and she put a pressure on the next sentence, "the truth in history".

She start the story when she was forced enlisted in the nanowar, by her father military families. After the loss of her companion, she was shipped home. She went back to the front lines recruited by Richard Cumolo, most of her last work in the nanowar was intelligence works for Richard Cumolo. The scientist team of Richard Cumolo are a biotech and bio molecular experts geniuses, some where in the course war, they refuse to get involve and manage to create and manipulate the nanites technology to creates a couple of new hybrid of augmented species, using a DNA pattern mapping. They created augmented species of legends Dragons, Griffith, Cerberus, even a weird monster in under the sea domain. The habitat of that creatures is developed in the mountains area in the south central area of the mainland, and the southern seas. The creatures was thriving on the mountains but not on sea, limited sea creature materials is the cause of this. A couple experiments went out of control, they created a very bad sea monsters. That is why the south sea of the adamant seas was off limits, and it was still off limits in the present too.

When the wars escalate beyond nature, a full operating automaton is created. Bio bots started to emerge between nation, the balance is breach. They try to recruits the scientist to choose a side, when they profusely refused, the countries begin to launch a couple of infiltration operations to get the research subjects. In the seventeen years near the end of the nanowar, a group of scientist was attacked in one of their mountain facility by one of the nations black ops team, and all of the research was lost in a fire and many second generations subject was taken.

The research was made into a couple of stage, the first generation of the research was to create an augmented creatures but the second generations was an established independent new genes, a new stability DNA was created, and something unnatural is brought into the world and able to procreates. This are the subjects that was taken.

Richard Cumolo in fear of the repercussions of the research. Destroyed the mountains facilities and all off the subjects, that mountains locations was the infamous desolated land. The destruction was so massive that it shaved the top of the mountain peaks into giant hills, and wipe out all of the vegetation. The area is so full of radioactive that makes no one dares to ventures inside the area.

They took refuge into cloud mountains island build a giant research facility high in the mountains top of the island called the monastery, and in a year Richard Cumolo end the nanowar by invoking the restriction of nanites operational system functions without using a human user. But before that Richard Cumolo made a show of power that shaken the whole world, he destroyed the central nations that held responsible for the attacked of his mountain facility, the middle continent was destroyed by this so called legend creatures. Hundreds of fire spewing Dragons, Storm making Griffith, and Corpse eating three headed Cerberus. All of them stormed into the central nation, turning all things into deaths, ashes and ruins. The land was destroyed so horribly that the cause of destruction made the whole area into a desert an unlivable-able area, that country was the sunder desert's area.

I try to make sense of this unbelievable stories, its so hard to imagine. But that explained the Dragons and many things. It perfectly connected the lines and the dots.

Juliet instructed me to go back, and can contact her using this hall of heroes. For emergency she told me to contact Ms.Rose if i was to in a hurry. And she also tell me to keep Ms.Rose always on the loop for anything involving this kind of information. I end the simulation, i wake up only to find Jean fallen asleep in the side of my bed. I keep watching her, she looks tired. By the way she looks beautiful while sleeping, then suddenly i remember what Juliet said. Lost my interest rafter that and the next moment trying hard reaching to Fang and Snow, with my neural link. He and Snow are staying in the Valorem nursery, so was pilot for the last two weeks. I caress Jean's hair, she shook and wake up! "Ow hi Jean, i don't.." before i can finish, she stand up and hugs me, and kiss my lips. She is crying so hard i can feel her breath so fast, she was sobbing leaning in my chest. She try to wake me up after the ball that i held drops to the ground, and Master Hunter immediately send me to the Valorem for better treatment, i was unconscious after two weeks and then yesterday i manage to open my eyes and went back unconscious for a half of day.

Ms.Rose come to my ward, a few minutes after i wake up. She release me back from the facility, the Valorem staff is staying away from me for some reason, but in my guess, it was because some involvement by Juliet. Before leaving me Ms.Rose told me that now i gained an access to some restricted files archive. But i can not leaked any information that i gain to any of my team mates, specially to Jean. Her grandma told so, and warned me to call her with honorific title.

I got back to my dorm with Jean after picking up our companions, Fang is glad to be back home. Snow got bigger and so did Pilot, their furs and feather change color a bit. As soon as near the bed, Jean and me immediately hit off. But! Because what MASTER Juliet did, i got this guilty feeling every time we got together. Jean picks up my signal, and stop, looking at me. "Are you sure you are OK Cass? You seems uninterested.." i looked her. "I meet someone.." clueless i said it, oh wait!(AWKWARD) Shit! that came out so wrong, Jean faces is getting red fast. "But! That is not what i mean, it is not what you are thinking! That totally came out wrong!" Then i tell her about the summons of the Master, leaving the information about the message. Lying about it, my only reasons for the summon is something happen with the super cores and our super cores is the new type, so i was called to be questioned, but i tell her about the conversation about her and me, with the whole Master Juliet is from the military family and she is the same with relationship principal theories. I found Jean looking at me, and then suddenly she get so worked up, we starting to make out. I can hear her breath chasing mine. When things went hard she open her shirts, her breast is dangling in front of me, i grab and squeeze her breast within the bra i can feel her nipples hardening, she kiss my lips passionately, i slide down her pants and throw the pants far, when she reach my pants too she put her hand inside my underpants, oh that feelings is so fucking indescribably. She is trying to take off my trouser.

BANG BANG BANG!! I heard someone banging at my door.

The whole scene just stop! And Jean put her shirts back on. I wear my shirts back, and take up my trouser and went for the door. I open the door, Dean flew by to my couch! "Guys we have to talk about our team, i know something is wrong!"

'Damn!' I cursed, now it is Dean that got me a 'hard' time.

"What is it Dean?" I looked at Jean that now is seating in my bed covering her ass that wearing nothing but panties.

"OK you guys sit here, and Jean get dress, Dean close the bedroom door"

Jean got dress and sit next to me facing Dean. "What?" I asked him looking all tight up.

"I am not interrupting you guys right?" He smiles.

"Fuck you Dean!" I cursed at him, and he directly spill the beans avoiding my continued curses.

It was about Grey and Shawn, after the desert mission there is something wrong with the both of them. They are starting to meet in secrets, and once Dean caught them, alone both talk and whispering, and they try to change the subject of the conversation every time Dean try to finds out what is they talking about. In Dean suspicion deducted, he convinced that this guys must be linked with the western outpost infiltration. "So do you got any idea Cass? We have to handle this as soon as possible! We got a mole on the team!!"

That nite our team had a meeting, in one of the abandon shack in the back forest of the dorm. As Grey and Shawn walk into the shack, we ambushed them and tied them to a chair back to back.

"Now! Is there something you both want to share with us?" Jean is interrogating them. "Come on guys stop joking, this is not funny" Grey is upset but Shawn keeping quiet not talking.

"What can you told me about what happen at the western outpost?" Dean interrogating in turn with Jean.

"What? You knew?" Shawn looks surprised. "Is that why you always stalking us? Fuck Dean you should asked nicely!" Grey looked pissed off. Jean pull his shirt by the collar "Damn you Grey! Cass almost died!" Suddenly Grey expressions changes.

"What the heck are you talking about?" Suddenly Shawn is laughing.

And honestly got this suddenly knack of thought.

"Shit! I think this is two different matters!" I said it a loud, Dean and Jean is looking at me confused.

"OK! You tell the story Grey, i do not want to heard excuses, left no stone un-turn!" Shawn face is getting red

"OK!" Grey said

They were on security details on the day the three of us gone to the desert camp with the Master escorting the object. The day is hot, and they was on a break. When suddenly Grey looking at Shawn and they kissed and make out, but then when Grey stopped saying sorry and think that what he is so doing so inappropriate, Shawn kissed back and they make out again. They are going out secretly after that event on the desert and on a relationship since then.

Dean faces was so pale, it looks like his life force is sucked out. Jean is laughing, Shawn faces looked as red as a steamed crabs, and Grey is really pissed off that everybody is so awkward at each other. I told Dean to untie them, i tell everyone to sit in circle facing each other. When everybody sitting in silence i started to laugh, it was so hilarious. Jean start to laugh too, and then Dean, and Shawn. Grey was the last to laugh after seeing Shawn laugh.

"We want to tell you guys, but with your condition Cass.." i stop laughing and point to Dean "You stupid Fuck! Its all your fault! Stupid shit!" He laugh more louder than me. So was Jean "OK! Stop it now please, my tummy is hurt!" Jean begging us.

The laughs resides in a few minutes, and i begin to explain what is Dean thinking, and what happen is totally uncalled for. So the facts that Grey and Shawn is gay and having a relationship, we were totally cool with that. The matter settles with Grey middle fingering Dean in the process. And Jean kissing Shawn and Grey on their cheek congratulating them.

That night i am guiding the four of them through neural link building the small core. Dean is at 94%, Grey is at 96%, Shawn is at 98% and Jean is at 97%. That nite Shawn complete the core. In the next day Jean and Grey manage to complete. Dean manage to complete with our help after three days later. We are the first team completing the core, the Betta team still have two team mate in an uncompleted state. In a week there will be another mission, but this time two of our team will participate. It was the annual yearly culling of the South Garden. So there was a jungle and a mountain within Valorem jurisdiction to hunt and harvest once a year. This is going to be a first hunt for Snow and Pilot, they are old enough to learn to hunt.

Companions have faster growth beyond their age, their body is nearly mature in a couple of months. Compared to the two previous mission this is like a walk in a park, or in this case a garden.

After that scene that got called off by Dean intrusion, Jean never mentioned anything. As i realize she and i, almost get to third base that night, she will trust everything to me, if i asked her to. It was a moral burden for me in my young age to bear such responsibilities. I talked to her, and i said to her that i will do it with her only if she is ready, not before. Last time we almost did it into third base because i was to reckless without asking her, i tell her that i respect her feeling if she just said no, and I'll stop. She kissed me like she never kissed me, we make out intensely. She was coming on to me lustfully she slip her hand into my hard on, and she rubbed an squeeze it in my pants, i am going to lose my mind it feels so good, her strokes was so good. She just rubbing it so soft on that part. And then i slipped my hand left hand into her pants and reach her crotch out side her under pants and rubbed her crack until she moans became lightly trembles and wet her panties. Getting horny she stroke mine harder and something warm came out, she was giggling. After we cleaned our self, she sleeps with me for a few hours and when she wake up, she got back to her dorm. She stays a virgin and i still can have a little fun in romance, i don't like to be living under pressure anyway.

(I blamed Juliet for this! with a crow passing by sound effect)




I accepted the summon, that night i went to see Juliet. She is furious when i called her by her honorific title, i feel worse i pointed her about the speech i am not worthy to call her like that, she insist on me calling her, grandma. And she give me a secret mission on the South Garden event. The specific words is..

"I want you to do me a favor. It's not negotiable, either you do it, or I kill you. You understand?"

This is what i learn in the Barnes family, when someone threaten you, just smile and say "How can i be in your service.."

Because the more desperate they became, the more favor they owe.

Crazy week upload day five!!!!!

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