
Chapter 20: A Darkened Destiny


Fire and searing pain. Flashes of blinding light and an earth-shattering sound nearly break me. Black and silver cross my vision, blurs of color, vague images with no consistency. All I can hear now is my own screaming, my voice raw and on fire.

I drop to my knees, gasping for air and finding none there. For a brief moment, panic takes hold, and I grasp the grass, my life flashing before me.

“Kait!” I hear a woman’s voice, but my lungs scream for air, and I can’t answer her.

Marcey appears next to me and mutters something in my ear. Suddenly, air floods my lungs, and I breathe in the thick, sweet air. I cough, my chest heaving with the act.

Marcey rubs my back. “It’s okay. You’re okay now. Come on. We have to get you back.”

She helps me up, walks me to her car, and slides me into the passenger seat. I’m so worn out from my vision she even has to buckle me in.

“Kait, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have let you go with him. I should’ve made you stay home...or something.”