
Home V

As they were walking towards the exit, Xia Tian and Fan Quexian ran into the two little girls who were playing around with a black cat.

"Big Brother!" Shen Huang immediately ran and jumped into Xia Tian's arms, and he immediately carried her.

Yue followed behind her and laid Mao Yao on top of her head. "Are you two going on a date, master?"

Before Xia Tian could answer her, Fan Quexian had already spoken. "Yue, you are already Tian's wife; so why do you still address him as your master?"

"Hehe." Yue giggled at that. "Although master is my husband, I prefer to address him as master. Then how about you, Sister Quexian? When will you become the master's wife?"

"I don't know; it all depends on him." Fan Quexian then glanced at Xia Tian. "If he dares to ignore me again, then I will never be willing to be his wife."

"Ha ha." Xia Tian laughed awkwardly at that, he then took and held Fan Quexian's hand. "Don't worry, I will never ignore you again."