
A Tiny Soul

When Xia Tian opened his eyes, it was already dawn outside, he looked up at the ceiling and thought deeply about his meeting and conversation with the Asura Demon, and he felt that there were many things the Oracle and Bai Yinyue were hiding from him.

'If what the Asura Demon said is true, then my archenemy is Fate itself, for she has toyed with our lives.' Xia Tian muttered in his heart as he continued to wonder. 'But if it's true that Fate is my enemy, why would she do it? Is she really doing it just for fun? If that's true, I must surpass my old self; only then can I completely defy Fate.'

After thinking things over, Xia Tian sighed heavily and looked down, but he was stunned to see himself naked. He then turned his head to the side, raised his eyebrows, and saw Bai Zhixian sleeping naked. 'This girl! She does this kind of thing to me when I sleep.'

Xia Tian then moved on top of Bai Zhixian's body, kissed her on the lips, and fondled her big breasts.