
Cultivator in the Super Powereds world

I was your regular, everyday guy until i died *sigh* tragic, i know. But all is not lost because with every closed door comes a open window ... or something i'm not really sure how that saying goes. Anyways that's not the point, the point is after i died i met god. Yeah that god the one on the clouds with the long beard, and the white hair who can talk through burning bushes and has a list of rules to live by or you will go to hell, yeah that guy. Well it seems he messed up and i died because of it and long story short he is letting me choose which world i will reincarnate into and give me a few wishes to help my life along. So follow me as i go into the world of Super Powereds to make friends, find love, and kick ass ... hopefully. (Disclaimer I do not own the rights to super Powereds written by Drew Hayes. If you have not read or listened to this series i recommend you do you will not regret it.)

KingFap · Book&Literature
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Chapter 27: Round 2 ... Start! ...[Minor Edit]

[Author Note: I just added some lines about the power he uses during 1 part so it makes a little more sense for those of you who have read before the edits and are reading after]

As I'm standing here watching Allen be checked on by the medical staff, I think about the fight or lack thereof, that just happened. Allen's power was rather strong for a freshman and I'm sure if he went against anyone else he would have been able to put on an impressive showing. The only problem is that he faced me right off the bat. With my power set, direct hits like that simply won't be able to affect me. It will take someone with a rather unique power to put me in a difficult position. If I was fighting mary right now I would have had a much harder time in this fight. That said, I wasn't fighting Mary I was fighting Allen. And contrary to what I told him, his power isn't really suited to being a hero. The amount of control needed to know if an explosion is strong enough to only knock someone out or to blow up there head is a very fine line. and in hero work, there are situations where you don't really have a lot of time to figure that out. Honestly, he would be better suited to working demolition in one of those construction companies run by supers. They get paid a lot of money because of how fast they can bring down and put up buildings. But it isn't my job to tell him how to live his life. I'm sure he won't make it to graduation anyway so he will probably figure it out on his own.

Looking back up from my thoughts I see Allen being carried out on a stretcher by the medical staff. I'm sure they will have him up and running in no time. I didn't really hit him that hard anyways. Just enough to knock him out and maybe give him a slight concussion. but I'm pretty sure he won't have the concussion part. Turning my attention to the senior who is still looking at me from the window I ask,

"So when will my next opponent appear? or do I have to go to them?"

"your next opponent will be here is 30 minutes. we like to give everyone enough time to catch their breath and recuperate but not long enough to regain all of their power. Learning to always save some power is part of being a hero after all."

"I guess that makes sense. so... how was your summer?"

"... rather tiring actually, summertime for upperclassman is just training at home time."

"Yeah, Yeah. understandable... So... do you want to be my friend?"*smile*

"... i suggest you focus on getting ready for your next fight freshman."

"... I'll take that as a solid maybe"


after about 20 minutes or so of me just standing around trying to listen in on the other fights my next opponent shows up. I wasn't able to hear any of the other fights, with the walls being made of very thick reinforced concrete but it was worth a shot. glancing over to the boy who just stepped through the door I notice his height first. he stands about the same height as your average female in America. which is to say, very short. He has red hair with freckles and is your average ginger.

moving away from the wall which I just had my ear against I smile and wave at the boy.

"Hello, the names David. it's nice to meet you! Congratulations on beating your first opponent!"

"Nice to meet you as well David. My names Gilbert, I look forward to our fight."

"yep, same"

"Ready! Set! Fight!"

Standing there as I did against Allen I watch as Gilbert disappears. No, not disappears like he is running really fast but literally just vanished. I wonder if his power is invisibility or something else? I get the answer to my question a millisecond later as a fist collides with my temple from the right. staggering slightly to the left I see gilbert there with his fist still extended in his strike. seeing me make eye contact he instantly appears 10 feet in front of me. catching my balance i look at gilbert with respect in my eyes.

"That was awesome! your power is instant teleportation? can you take people with you? how far can you go? do you need time between teleports? there are so many cool ways to use your power! it would be cool if i had it!"

ignoring most of my questions Gilbert says,

"your better off giving up now. you will never hit me with reaction times like that. and even if you were fast, there is no way you are faster than instant teleportation. even if I can't injure you heavily I can still land blows and make you look like a fool in front of a senior and the coaches. by the way, I call my ability blink because if you blink I'll be gone!"

*thumbs up* "that's a cool name for your ability! but unfortunately, I can not give up. I plan on taking first place here at Lander and not giving the position to anyone!"

"fine then stand there like a punching bag as I wale on you!"

after that, he teleported to my side and punched me again, and again, and again. during this time I started to think about how he is using his power. when he first hit me and wanted to get some distance brag he didn't just teleport backward 10 feet. No, instead he looked to his left and teleported in front of me. and now the entire time he has been hitting me he has never once teleported behind me. why is that? because it is an obvious angle to attack from? because it would take longer? or is it because he can't? if he can't then that means his ability is limited to line of sight, unlike Mr. Transport who can seemingly teleport anywhere.

Testing my theory I decide to limit his ability to see. getting good footing and a stable base I raise my left leg and stomp it into the ground as hard as I can. Well, not "as hard as I can" I stomped with the same power I had before I made my breakthrough into the 4th stage. I don't want to give anyone a heart attack if all of a sudden I am strong enough to create sonic booms with my fists and legs. Instantly a cloud of smoke and debris gets lifted into the air covering the entire room. completely obscuring the vision of everyone inside as well as outside. Waiting for a few moments to see if he will continue his bombardment, I smirk. It seems that I was right, his power only works within his line of sight.

"It seems I was right. your power is based off of line of sight. Well, I guess this current environment is quite difficult for you. I'll tell you what though. Let's play a game of Marco polo. when I say Marco, you respond with polo until I hit you. okay, let's go!"


"..." (Gilbert)

*under breath sulking* "you're no fun"

-Abby POV (senior)-


My name is Abby and I am the current overseer of the match between David and Gilbert. originally I had thought that David was just a meathead who was really strong, durable, and handsome. But I suppose I was wrong. It seems he is actually quite a clever guy to have realized that Gilbert's teleportation works off of how far he can see. Now with the rubble and smoke covering the arena, it makes it impossible for Gilbert to teleport.

Activating my ability which is a power that comes from my eyes. With my eyes, I can see through things like x-ray vision as well as shoot lasers and plasma if I put enough energy into them. Looking around the arena I notice 2 things at the same time. The amount of damage that David caused is ridiculous. There is a small 1-meter crater surrounded by spiderweb cracks taking up about 30 percent of the cell floor area. The other thing I noticed is David's strategy or lack thereof. He is currently running around the arena leading with his shoulder like some charging bull until he hits a wall. At that point, he simply changes direction and starts running again. He seems to be laughing and saying "Marco" the entire time. Well, you can't say that the man doesn't know how to have a good time.

Gilbert, on the other hand, is trying to be as quiet as possible and lay low until the smoke clears so that he can continue with his assault. Unfortunately for him, it seems his luck has run out. after running into his most recent wall David changed directions and is on a straight path with gilbert. running at full speed David shoulder checks Gilbert across the room into a wall and drops him. The collision looked like a train hitting a smart car. The car had no chance of doing anything.

wincing at the pain that Gilbert will be feeling once he wakes up, I call the Medical team to come and pick Gilbert up. I also activate the Air filtration system to clear away the dust in the air so that the medical team can find him. He isn't in critical condition but he definitely has some broken bones and probably a cracked skull. Looking back at David who seems to look around waiting for the dust to clear, I can't help but be impressed by his quick thinking. If he can make it through all four years he will definitely make one hell of a hero.

after the dust is cleared David looks up at me and says,

"I don't have to pay for the damage right?"

Chapter 3 of Super Sunday

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