
Cultivator in the Super Powereds world

I was your regular, everyday guy until i died *sigh* tragic, i know. But all is not lost because with every closed door comes a open window ... or something i'm not really sure how that saying goes. Anyways that's not the point, the point is after i died i met god. Yeah that god the one on the clouds with the long beard, and the white hair who can talk through burning bushes and has a list of rules to live by or you will go to hell, yeah that guy. Well it seems he messed up and i died because of it and long story short he is letting me choose which world i will reincarnate into and give me a few wishes to help my life along. So follow me as i go into the world of Super Powereds to make friends, find love, and kick ass ... hopefully. (Disclaimer I do not own the rights to super Powereds written by Drew Hayes. If you have not read or listened to this series i recommend you do you will not regret it.)

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Chapter 19: First Day On Campus...

Arriving on campus the first thing I notice is not the sprawling school with multiple school buildings made of brick that seems to have been there for over a hundred years. It isn't the courtyard that is located between buildings where you can see students of all different races, heights, weights, and hair color. It isn't even my parking spot located close to the school which I had to pay a premium for. No, the first thing I noticed was the two men standing in my parking spot.

Taking a closer look, I realize I recognize them. They are two of my parents' acquaintances from the company, the same company that built the Batcave under my house. stopping in front of my spot I stick my head out the window.

"Uh, can you move? I kind of need to park there."

"Very well but we need to speak with you before you head off towards your dorm"(taller man)

"That's fine and all but there are cars behind me and we are kind of making a scene"

Pulling into my spot I park my car and get out. Looking at them I nod to the trunk of my car and say "If we are going to talk the least you can do is help get my bags to my dorm"

The taller one then simply goes to my bags makes sure no one is looking grabs them and disappears, returning a second later. Nodding with satisfaction because I can only assume, he took my bags to my room or robbed me. But I doubt he robbed me.

The shorter man then looks at the taller nods and we disappear off-campus. Which is a real shame, I just got here and it was a long drive and to be honest, I'm kind of tired. when we reappear, we are in a concrete room with no windows, 3 chairs, and a metal table. sitting at the table I take in the two men's appearances.

The taller of the two has brown eyes, brown hair and has an empathetic look on his face as if he is sorry for the inconvenience they are causing. He is wearing a pristine black suit and looks like he just stepped out of a scene from men in black. Under his suit, you can tell that he has a decent amount of muscle, not as much as me obviously. But he works out, so I approve. the other man in the room is much shorter and has blue eyes, brown hair, and seems like the kind of man who only cares about facts and nothing else.

"Well first allow us to introduce our selves. I am Mr. transport." (Taller man now Mr. T)

"Nice to meet you they call me Mr. numbers" (Shorter man now Mr. n)

"Hello I'm David but I assume you already know that or I wouldn't be here in this lovely room"

"Yes well, do you know why we have taken you here" (Taller man)

"I assume it has something to do with the dorm I'm moving into. I was told the other residence are rather special, but honestly its none of my business"

"Yes, the reason we have taken you here is because of the other residents of Mellbrook hall. Well, to be honest, the others are rather special, they are powereds'" (Shorter man)

"I thought htcp schools didn't take in powereds because they can't, well, control their power"

"They don't" (Mr.T)

"What do you mean they don't? you just told me that ... ooohhhh I see, oh wow how did... never mind I see why you took me here. you don't want me saying anything about what I hear in the dorms and you don't want me to freak out. Ok got it"

"It seems that you are quick on the uptake. good. The other residence knows that you will be there as well and we already told them that we will be telling you about their situation." (Mr.N)

"That's good and all but why am I in the dorm if the situation is so strict and secretive?"

"That is quite simple, the reason you are there is because of your power. With your strength, if anything was to happen and their powers went on a rampage you have a high likely hood of being able to stop them." (Mr.N)

"Yes, although we will be in the dorms most of the time it is always nice to have back up plans. But don't worry you won't need to think of them as a threat or an enemy just treat them as friends and I'm sure everything will be fine" (Mr. T)

"Alright sounds good. can you take me back now? I'm hungry and it's about lunchtime."

"Sure, let's go" (Mr. T)

After teleporting us back to campus the two of them disappeared once again. Shrugging I start to make my way to my dorm, and new home for the next 4 years of my life. Walking up to the dorm I notice it is not like a normal dorm which is built like an apartment. No, instead it looks like a large house. Walking in the front door I see a cream-colored wall with a sign pointing me to the right. Since to the left is only a wall, I didn't really see the point in the sign but I shrugged and followed the sign down the hall. Following the hallway and taking a left I come upon a metal door with a fingerprint scanner. Looking at it and wondering how they got my fingerprint and if they didn't get it how am I going to get in I shrug and push my thumb to it. After a second it lights up and the door slides open.

Stepping into the room I am impressed. The first thing I see seems to be a living room of sorts with couches and chairs. There is a coffee table in the middle of the room and a 65" flat screen tv mounted to the wall across from the entrance. The entire room is decorated in whites and reds with an artificial flower smell in the air. I can only assume its an air-freshener since I don't see any candles lit. Ignoring the slightly overpowering scent and thinking that I will definitely have to light some candles in here. Looking around I see two other doors, one on the wall to the right of the entrance I just stepped through and the other on the left wall. The door to the left of entrance has a sign over it which reads "boys" while the one to the right has "girls".

Walking towards the wall with the tv mounted I notice two more doors. one of the doors seems to lead to the kitchen with all of the necessary cooking utensils and, what truly makes me happy, a fully stocked fridge and pantry. It takes a lot of food it feeds a body like mine *quick flex* so I'm happy that I won't have to buy food. It would be really expensive. looking to the left wall of a kitchen I see another metal door but this one doesn't have a scanner nor a sign so I ignore it and return to the living room.

Checking to make sure that I am, in fact, a male and let me tell you, I am. Walking to the boys' door I press my thumb to the scanner. This place has a ridiculous amount of security but I guess I understand their worries with the whole "first-ever powereds to have been made into supers" thing going on. Walking through the door I step into what can only be assumed to be a common room. With another tv mounted to the wall, on one side of the room, I notice a pool table and a ping pong table. On the other side, I see dart boards and a door that reads bathrooms. Opposite the entrance is 4 more metal doors. These doors did not have signs but were numbered 1 through 4. Walking up to door number 4 since I can only assume that whoever made this dorm did so with the powereds in thought first and me second, I press my thumb to the scanner and low and behold the door opens.

Looking around the room I am quite satisfied. On one wall there is a large king-size bed and on the other is a tv and a desk with a laptop set up. Looking to the bed again I can see my two suitcases on top of it. Looking out the window I take in the view and take a deep breath and exhale. Outside there isn't much to see except trees and the like but I still enjoy big windows since my house has so many of them. Walking to the closet next to the desk I unpack my belonging and decide to go get something to eat.

Alright, boys and girls, ya boy is back at it again with a new chapter. I am currently writing this while listening to the book again so that I can get all of the details right. originally I didn't plan for David to live in mellbrook but I decided, fuck it lets do it. So here we are. I hope you enjoy and stay tuned for a second chapter soonish. Also, shout out to Lazyy who told me to get Grammarly. I did I hope it's noticeable. as always I hope you guys have a great day. <3 :)

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