
Cultivator in Danmachi

While being chased by others cultivators, Xiao, a young genius Peak Bone-Refining cultivator, entered a spiritual space. Spiritual spaces were a world filled with voids with huge amounts of spiritual energy. Things like that were obviously like heaven to cultivators. However, the one he had entered wasn't a world filled with voids. No, this one was another world of itself!

Skudle · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Xiao tries to join the Loki Familia

A place with lots of people would usually be noisy, but this time, it was as if everyone had lost the ability to talk.

At that moment only the sound of rustling leaves could be heard.

A few moments later when their shocks dissipated a little bit, the bandits did not dare to stay any longer.

Just like the villagers, they fled for their life as it they were chased by a monster that wanted to devour them.


"He is a monster!"

Seeing this, Xiao did not go after them.

After all, he has completed his objective. Why should he care about the small fries?

Besides, he owed nothing to the villagers. They were just strangers.

"Where's the nearest city from here?" he asked.

Kadyn wanted to ask the newcomer in front of him to kill all the remaining bandits but, it felt weird to make such a request.

He was too ashamed to request a boy his son's age to bring death upon the bandits when his benefactor has just saved him.

At least their boss was dead, so they would be able to live in peace for some time.

'When I get home, I'll learn a little sword fighting...' he thought.

"Hey, do you hear me?" the boy said. "Can you tell me where the nearest city is?"

"O-Oh...U-Uh..." Broken from his train of thought, Kadyn was startled by the adventurer suddenly talking to him.

"Of course, sir." Feeling both admiration and fear, he treated the boy with the utmost respect. "If you go that way, you will reach Labyrinth City Orario in a few days by foot."

Xiao had no interest in going to villages for information since the people there would not know much about the surrounding world. To him, going straight to cities was much better, saving him both time and effort.

Curious about the origin of the city's name, he asked, "What's with that weird name?"

"Eh?" Kadyn looked at Xiao as if he had seen a ghost. How is the boy in front of him so powerful, yet doesn't know about Orario, the biggest city in the world where every adventurer gathered?

"Don't you know it? Orario is the only city with a dungeon, hence its name."

'A dungeon? It sounds like a dangerous place with an inheritance...'

As his interest in that place grew, Xiao inquired about it for some time.

With this, he was able to get some basic knowledge about this world.

"Thank you. I appreciate your help," he said.

After this, Xiao casually retrieved an old-looking manual and tossed it to the man.


"This is my gift to you. Take it. You will become much stronger trust me. One day, even the bandit's boss will be an ant in front of you. I, Xiao, always repay kindness with kindness."

Hearing this, Kadyn kneeled to the ground. If his benefactor's words were true, he could become stronger than even the man he had just faced earlier. Meaning that the book between his hands was peerless.

With it, he would be able to protect not just his family but everyone from people with malicious intentions!

"Thank you! I will never forget your kindness!"

Of course, Xiao wasn't stupid as to give the stranger a Supreme cultivation technique.

He had tossed away an old worthless cultivation technique manual that he had retrieved from one of his rings dedicated to stuff whose values represented nothing to him.

Although it was trash, to the man, it would be like an immortal technique, allowing him to become a legendary warrior among mortals.

Satisfied with the new information, Xiao strolled back, without looking behind him, toward the lake to resume his bath.

After that, he will go to that Orario city and take a look at the so-called 'dungeon'.

'Maybe that place is hiding a Venerable Immortal legacy...' he thought for fun.

Along the way, Xiao remembered something as he muttered, "Wait..."

"I think I might have given him the 'Golden Finger' cultivation technique..."

'Oh, well...'

A few days later...

With its tower that seemed to reach the sky, even from afar, one could see it.

"This world is so mythical..."

Even Xiao who was used to seeing magnificent places, the tower in front of him was just a league above.

'Labyrinth City Orario, huh?'

During the few days, he encountered a few bandits that wanted to rob him, but overall, his trip was rather peaceful. Besides, they were nice to give him their money.

When Xiao arrived at the entrance, a guard stopped him. "1500 valis, please."


'100... 240... 615...' Xiao counted the world's currency with some difficulty since he wasn't familiar with it.

"Hurry up. We don't have all day!"

"Here's 1,500 valis." Keeping the urge from snapping the man's neck in front of him, he held himself back. As a proud cultivator, it was infuriating to be yelled at by a trash mortal.

"Next!" the guard shouted after receiving the money.

'Now, should I first go to the guild, join a familia, or explore the dungeon?'

"Did you see Ais Wallenstein?! Only the Loki Familia, one of the strongest forces in Orario, deserves someone as beautiful and talented as her!"

"I wish I was in her familia!"

Xiao spied on the conversation between two men walking on the street.

'Whatever, let's join a familia first.'

"Hey, where's the Loki Familia headquarters?" he asked.

"Oh, it's that way." the man replied.


Standing before a tall manor with multiple towers overlapping each other, Xiao had a grim expression on his face.

The reason behind his annoyance was the guards blocking his way.

"How many times do we have to repeat that you can't enter the manor? The Loki Familia is a reputable group in the city. Many people want to join us. If we allowed anybody to join, it would be a disaster! You are still a kid. Try again in another few years when you grow some muscles!"

'I'll kill those motherf*ckers! How dare they—'

"Hi, excuse me. I would like to join the Loki Familia."

The newcomer was a young teenager with white hair. The boy seemed to be the same age as him. Xiao couldn't help but overlap the image of a white rabbit on the boy's appearance.

"Ahahah" the guards laughed. "Here's another naive kid who wants to go on an adventure!"

"Sorry, kid. The Loki Familia doesn't currently recruit children in their ranks!"


"Pfff..." this time, it was Xiao's turn to laugh. He felt as if he was watching himself just a few moments ago. Understanding better the point of view of the guards, his resentment for them, diminished a little bit.