
Cultivator Battle Royale

Every year, a group of the weakest cultivators in the planet is offered the chance to compete in the Cultivation Battle Royale, a chance for them to rapidly gain power as they defeat other cultivators and risk their lives for valuable herbs, pills, and techniques. Xing Wenghu, The reincarnation of the Immortal 9 Quadrants Chicken Wing Emperor is chosen to enter. Having failed the Thunder Tribulation of moving out of his parents house, he risks life and limb to overtake the other "Bizarre" cultivators he competes against. A satirical parody of many cultivation tropes, stories and characters.

SmilesS · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Rise (6)

Xing Wenghu was currently with Feng Peng, the two having decided to vacate from the training premise.

It was not good for your luck linger around trash like Lo. "So he was using your sister to blackmail you, how despicable!" Xing Wenghu clutched his fist in rage.

"Yes, you have to be careful Brother Xing. He will try to pursue revenge." Xing Wenghu only laughed at what Feng Peng said.

Many had tried to get revenge on him, and now they were in a grave!

The only bastard that was still living was that damn Sun Yaozu.

How dare he covet his mother...

In time Xing Wenghu would rise and come back with a vengeance upon Sun Yaozu, and pay forth his revenge upon the man ten fold!

But for now that would have to wait, he had to prepare himself for the Battle Royale and survive it!

"I am not worried about that Feng Peng. If trash wants to send trash to fight me, then I shall become the ultimate garbageman!" Feng Peng felt at ease with Xing Wenghu's personal confidence.

"If you trust yourself, then I will follow through."

Xing Wenghu toured around the facility with Feng Peng in tow, off to the restaurants to retrieve Fatty Wei.

The facility had put great care into appeasing the potential demands of the cultivators, making sure cuisine from all over the world was offered to them.

Fatty Wei had wasted no time clearing out the kitchens, and being sure to terrorize the kitchen staff as much as possible.

He was currently in a chicken restaurant, surrounded by fat buckets of it. "Woah. How can one human being eat so much chicken???"

Feng Peng was astonished by the amount of chicken being blown for one person.

Xing Wenghu walked up and sat down with Fatty, "Ah Fatty Wei, I see you are enjoying yourself my brother."

Indeed he was, a man of his stature had to eat as much as he could. "Why yes Brother Xing, I need to build up my strength after all for the battles ahead hoho!"

His mouth was full of chicken while he said this, shamelessly talking while eating!

Feng Peng then sat down at the table with them, as Fatty Wei managed to stop eating for a few seconds.

"Fatty, this is Feng Peng. One of our new teammates." Xing Wenghu introduced him, Fatty Wei looking him up and down.

"If he's good with you then he's good with me Brother Xing!" He had no desire to disagree or quarrel with Xing Wenghu's decisions.

It was time for Xing Wenghu to weaponize Fatty Wei, and perhaps Feng Peng in one go! "Ah Fatty Wei, what if I told you there were...A way to cultivate using your fat?"

Fatty Wei stopped eating at once and his jaw dropped open. "Cultivate using my fat? Have you lost your mind? Is such a thing possible Brother Xing?"

Fatty Wei was astonished by Xing Wenghu's proposal. To cultivate using fat was something unheard of, but Xing Wenghu sounded so sure of himself. It couldn't be of any harm to use it right?

"Brother, if you have truly such a great technique, then I would find it of great portent to receive it!" Feng Peng also couldn't believe his ears. "Do you really have a method of cultivating using the fat?" He asked.

"Why yes, I do. It's called Nine Tissue Law. And it cultivates using the Nine cellular types of the fat!" This of course, was utterly pulled out of his ass.

But it was convincing enough to persuade his companions towards it.

"Brother Xing." Feng Peng said, "I do not have a method of cultivation at all, so I would appreciate greatly if you could bestow this upon me as well. Lo starved me! So I can eat even more than you'd think!"

Xing Wenghu chose his next words carefully, could he trust Feng Peng with the fat cultivation technique?

Perhaps, but it may not have been optimal for him. However, he simply didn't give a fuck.

He would win this Cultivator Battle Royale with his hands tied behind his back! If he gave his friends some benefits, then they would be loyal alongside him for what came after!

Xing Wenghu's tribulations would only begin right after the Cultivator Battle Royale. So he had to be sure to make sure his companions were up to snuff.

"Alright then. It's as simple as this..."