
into the multiverse

Sora looked around him and saw many people looking at him like they saw a ghost, confused he looked up towards where he fell from and saw a headless statue, looking next to the statue he saw a woman who was holding the statue's hand. he suddenly froze while looking at that statue of the woman, where did he see her before?

His face suddenly twitched as he got images of the past, they were flashes, but he got to see a few things, wars, titans, death, and plans for a rebirth. he tried to remember more, but it was like his mind was badly damaged, he found that even events from his past life were gone.

how did he get the money that his stepmother killed him for? what happened to his real mother before his stepmother came into the picture. the more Sora tried to remember the worse the pain got before he ended up simply fainting.

Irene seeing Sora snap rushed over to help him up, she was in shock for some time, before he looked at the empty coffin, and her heart skipped a beat seeing Sora's name. looking at the other coffin, she saw it said Autumn, who should have been Sora's maid. her heart at the moment was racing, within her hands was the legendary being who should have died.

Dragnof had hope once more... no the whole human race had hope, seeing the crowd which was looking at Sora, she saw the shock in their eyes. like her, they had guessed who was within her hands, after all, Sora was wearing the same clothing as his statue.

She quickly had some guards clean things up, as for Autumn's coffin, she was to be burry by someone else, and as for where, Sora would have to choose. She took Sora to the castle, where he was put to sleep in his own chamber.

Sora woke up an hour later and looked around in confusion, but his face twitched in pain as he felt pain all over, seeing a mirror, he walked over to it and was shocked seeing he was not in his body.

that last event of Sora trying to remember caused more injuries to his already injures soul and mind, hundreds of years ago, Sora was already on guard against his soldiers. to make sure he could have a chance to live, he had slipped a piece of his soul and stored it within his inner world.

Before his death, he asked to be placed in his statue knowing that he would come back to life. Sora's body couldn't be easily destroyed and burned, and even if it was, it would reform thanks to his inner world which couldn't be simply destroyed because his body was destroyed.

with this in mind, Sora's plan to come back to life worked, but the injuries he had suffered from fighting Zeus and the others although healed, most of the energy gained through auto cultivation was used to strengthen the soul, until it slipped out of his inner world, and took control of his body. his body was.

right now, Sora could recover everything if he stops trying to remember, as going so right now when his injuries are not stable was bad. he might become a fool if he does it,

"I seem to have transmigrated... but how did I die?" Sora was confused while looking at himself, the past was completely dark to him. but he shook his head and looked around the chamber he was in, from the look of things, the body he took over was of a royal or something like that... he would work with this

"I should find out if this world is a magical world or a normal world," he said softly as he ignored the pain and walked towards the door. but the door suddenly opened as Irene stepped inside, Sora froze seeing someone suddenly enter, and for her to be so beautiful, although he couldn't remember anything he was sure this must be the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

"you're awake, you suddenly fainted. is everything alright?" Irene asked respectfully, Sora was confused, and he suddenly fainted. then explain the pain he was feeling, with this he easily guessed that someone beat him up, but on the way home he fainted.

"I seem to have memory problems, I can't remember a few things," Sora said softly, with this it would be understandable if he doesn't remember a few things, she would not think it strange and think he took over this body or something.

"You lost your memories! sigh, you have been dead for over 300 years, I guess that's understandable, you must have suffered huge injuries." Irene said with a frown confusing Sora, he had been for what now? he couldn't find the confusion on his face, to which Irene took a deep breath and tried to explain to him, maybe this could help him remember.

but as she spoke, the pain began to fill Sora's hand, he began to remember things of the past, Irene stepped back slightly in shock and a slight realization as to why Sora fainted in the first place. Sora went on to faint once more, and she placed him back to rest.

this time it took Sora more than a day to wake up, and this time he woke up with even fewer memories than before. seeing this, Irene's heart shrank slightly, she realized that Sora's mind is too broken, the more he tries to remember the more damaged his mind would become.

because of this, she gritted her teeth and had the statues destroyed, she had all knowledge that could help Sora remember the past removed. hell, Sora was even moved to a small house away from the castle, where he could live. only she was to know where she was keeping him.

"Why can't I go outside?" Sora asked with a frown, Irene was helpless, the more Sora see the more dangerous it would be,

"It's dangerous, there has been some... killing outside. many people have died, plus your body is injured, and you can barely move without being in too much pain, so just stay here. I will take care of you and rest you up." She said as she placed Sora down, Sora sighed softly, one moment they were in the castle, but the next she rushed him here saying its for his safety? she even covered his eyes,

"How did I get injured in the first place?" Sora asked softly, Irene's mind raced as she thought of a good story,

"Well, someone was bullying this old lady and you rushed over to help her. but you got beaten up, luckily that old lady was a noble and managed to save your life and took you to the royal place to rest. but the royal place is dangerous, so I took you out of there as soon as I could." She said softly, Sora's eyes turned slightly cold hearing this,

"I seem to not remember you... are you my sister or something? I do know where, but I think I meant you before." Sora said softly, Irene quickly nodded her head, to have her hero call her big sister, what was better than this? although Sora might be displeased with her, she knew he was a kind king, respected and feared by all.

"You my little brother, although not related, that doesn't matter." She said softly, stunning Sora slightly he nodded. Irene spoke for some time before she let Sora sleep before she went back to her duty as queen.

like this, she would come to see Sora's everything, feeding him, and keeping him company as it was indeed boring just lying there all day. from time, she would take Sora out, but it was heavily limited as they stay away from anything that would make Sora remember the past.

Luckily, it seemed not everything could help Sora remember the past, from dragons, and other people, only things that were close to him gave him a headache, so Sora made sure to move out of his way each time Sora's head began to hurt.

Irene indeed was serious about taking care of Sora, but she noticed that Sora might be falling for her, which scared her slightly. yet she was not against it. Sora was calm, handsome, down to earth, and was someone who she could talk to and ask for tips. although Sora lost his memories, his talent was still there.

"what's wrong?" Irene asked as she saw Sora was lost in his thoughts, Sora seeing her looking at her, shook his head slightly.

"It's this dream, a war between gods. it just felt so real." Sora said softly, Irene almost jumped in hearing this, it only took 7 months, but Sora seemed to be regaining his memories, she quickly asked Sora to tell her the dreams, although Sora didn't remember them well, she got to hear how the battle between humans and gods took place.

"But in the end, the king was betrayed by his soldiers, they killed him. although I don't know why," Sora said softly, slightly confused as to why Irene cared so much about his dreams. Irene opened and closed her mouth slightly; she didn't expect Sora was betrayed, and she didn't know what to say hearing this.

"how's your condition?" She asked softly, Sora smiled slightly hearing her words, int he past few months he had recovered and didn't feel much pain anymore. he could even sense this weird energy in the air, while was being absorbed by him at all times.

"That's great, your injures were bad, but a few more months should be enough for you to walk around as if nothing happened." She said with a smile as she held Sora's hand, Sora was stunned slightly seeing her holding his hands. normally he would blush, but a part of him told him a mad don't blush.

Sora held her hand back, stunning Irene who saw a new look suddenly appearing in Sora's eyes, slowly Sora's hair turned black, red markings appeared all over his body, and a flaming symbol appeared on his forehead,

Sora moved at the speech which shocked her, she couldn't react to it. she had a power level of 10,050, yet she found Sora was too powerful. Sora held her in her hands, while Irene blushed slightly,

"Well, it seems I have fallen in love with you," Sora said in a soft voice, stunning Irene this was not the Sora she knew. what was with the sudden change to his appearance, the aura Sora gave off was also different.

"w-what are you saying?" She asked with a huge blush, Sora raised her chin slightly,

"I may not remember much, or know much, but all I know is that I seem to have fallen in love. and what I, I shall take. I shall take you as my wife." Sora said softly, making Irene blush and deepen, her mind racing with all kinds of things.

from Sora's words, he didn't regain his memories but seemed to have regained his personality or something of the sort. the aura Sora gave at the moment was of a noble refined sword, refined through man's blood, but the sword was Sheath, and harmless, waiting to be released and slaughter all who dares to stand against him.

"I-I can't marry you," she said stunning Sora, she raised his eyebrow waiting for her to explain. Irene, seeing this slowly explain. because of some territorial disputes, she was going to marry a general of a neighboring country.

"... I reject the marriage; I will not stand for it," Sora said with narrowed eyes, Irene was speechless but with Sora's strength, who could reject. once Sora reveals himself, who could reject him,

"Do you want to?" She asked in a soft voice, she didn't like the thought of marrying a stranger, but for peace between the two kingdoms, did she have another choice?

"of course, I can tell you that you're not happy with this marriage, so let's run away. it is not like you're the queen or something," Sora said softly, making Irene speechless, she was the queen.

"I am the queen..." She said weakly, stunning Sora, and with those words thinking slowly clicked in his mind, he looked at Irene in shock. why was the queen hanging around with him, a nobody?

"My name is Irene Dragnof, I'm sorry I lied to you. I did it to protect you." She said softly, but once her words fell, she quickly realized she made a mistake, she said her last name.

"Dragnof... where did I hear that name," Sora said as his head began hurting slightly, but it was not that bad, his mind had recovered greatly within these few months. Irene hasn't tried to test if he could remember stuff, but he was more than good enough to remember a few things

"Sora... my name is Sora Dragnof, the king of Dragnof," Sora said softly stunning Irene whose eyes brightened slightly, he remembered

"But how did I die? that dream... yes, that was the battle, I seem to have been betrayed by Ankhseram and the others. but I knew they were up to something, so I planned things out for myself to come back to life. I kept losing my memories each time I remembered something, so you kept me away from doing so." Sora said softly while he looked at Irene, who was looking at him with an uneasy look.

"Thank you, I didn't think far ahead about my mental problems. in a way you saved my life, and for that, I shall thank you." Sora said softly, as he brought her into his arms, he has yet to fully remember everything, but good enough of his memories were back for him to understand things.

Irene's face was brought red as Sora's lips neared her, she shakily closed her eyes, as she pressed her lips together. but instead of Sora's lips touching her, she only managed to kiss Sora's finger.

"Sadly, I can't stay here. since I remember, they will find me if I remain, but I have to leave with a gift." Sora said softly, Irene was disappointed slightly hearing this.

"Don't worry, I will return for you. once I recover, I will return," Sora said softly to which Irene nodded slightly, Sora gave her a slight kiss before he went on to head to the place. he looked at the chances that happened over 300 years. he sighed softly, his hard work, and had fallen to such a degree.

Irene seeing the disappointment in Sora's head lowered her head slightly, seeing this Sora smiled slightly as he rubbed her head.

"No kingdom lasts forever, in my time magic had reached its peak, now it would only drop over time. once you reach the sky, the only way to go is down, it's good that it still stands." Sora said softly, Irene nodded slightly, but she knew Sora was disappointed.

Sora went on to spend the next day within the shadow, Irene went on to move on with her marriage, but Sora took the so-called husband and used memory magic to rewrite his memory, making him Irene's Husband in name only.

he gifted Irene with a way to create dragon slayer magic, and before he left, he spent a few nights with Irene. as he left, he went on to absorb a huge among of energy from this world, leading this world energy to take a noticeable drop, using that stolen magic, Sora opened a portal and disappeared and went on to travel the multiverse.

he needed to recover, so a few parallel worlds would lose magical energy, to help feed him, so with a thought he summed up his statue window.

{Name- Sora

Age- 9/ immortal

Bloodline: {Titan- Prometheus Bloodline}, {Inshou Bloodline

Cultivation Level- level 30 Great Saint

Power level- 38,000 +76,000 with Equipment {5x with Dao comprehension}


Cultivation Arts:

Tier 1- [The Health Tree Cultivation Art {level 10], [The Grand Moutain Lion Cultivation Art (LVL10], [The Mighty Tiger Cultivation Art (lvl10)}

Tier Two- [The Sword King Cultivation Art (LV10], [the Mind out of Body Cultivation art (LV10]

Tier three- {Sealing Heaven Cultivation art (level10), [he Supreme Elephant Cultivation art(lvl10), [ Heart Sword Cultivation art(lvl10)]

Tier 4- [Soul Devouring Cultivation art(level1), [the 3rd eye cultivation art(lvl10), [inner world (lvl10)],

Tier 5- [the 12-flood dragon cultivation art(lvl10)], [the undying snake cultivation art (lvl10)], [The Lightning Phoenix Cultivation Art (lvl10)],

Tier 6- [Nine Dragons Tyrant Art], [The 72 Earthly Transformations], [The Sage Eyes cultivation art]

Unique abilities- [Sword Body (complete)], [Sword Affinity], [Health Tree Physique (complete)], [Protected Life-force], [Extremely Fast Recovery], [Grand Moutain Lion Physique (complete)], [Stealth Movement], [Super Extreme Senses], [Vibration Sense], [Mighty Tiger Physique], [Sound Attack], [sword king], [sword will], [Sword King sword style], [Heavenly Chains], [Chain Fusing], [Chain Shaping], [World is Chain], {immortal], [Telekinesis], [Telepathy], [body reformation], [body take over], [Flash Step], [spiritual sense], [Psionics], [72 transformations], [lightning mastery], [Sage Eyes], [Undying Snake incomplete}, [The Lightning Phoenix incomplete], [Deadly Poison], [Gods Illusion], [Hells Flame], [12 flood dragon transformations], [Sage Avatar], [Sage Will], [Life And Death], [Sage Body], [Sage Soul], [Summoning], [Absorption], [King Hell], [Energy Rodes]

'I reached the peak of Greater Saint within the time was dead, which is honestly weird. did my auto cultivation work? I guess the system thought I wasn't really died, and my soul was still up and active, whatever, I should work on regaining my full memories,' Sora thought as this didn't matter right now, he was still too injured to use his full power, so right now it was safe to say he had a max powerful of 150,000. it was safe to say the others got far stronger within the last 300 years, so he should stay low-key until he recovered

he turned his attention towards his talent and was shocked to see he had covered 300 points he could place. stunned, he quickly maxed out his charm, luck, cultivation talent, and comprehension talent, doing this, Sora suddenly found that he remembered everything he had forgotten,

sadly 10 was the max, or else he would have been truly overpowered. he set the points, and with that, Sora became perfect. now, it was time to cultivate the one true cultivation art, a tier 25 cultivation art, Sora couldn't even imagine how powerful it would be.

So, Sora went on to step onto the first parallel world, a world known as Edolas, with The Essence of Magic, and the One True Cultivation rt, Sora wanted to see what heights he would reach

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