
Cultivation With a System in the Morden World

Out of all the people in the world why did I get selected for the System. Danial Crawford a simple collage going student suddenly got the System while he was playing games. The seems to be very powerful and it choose Danial because he was 100% compatible with the System itself. Were there other System users and what would happen if one day I met one of them. The only thing is that the System requires Danial to get stronger and stronger no matter what the consequences are. And the System seems to be hiding something its True Purpose. If Danial wants to know the secrets of the System he needs to get stronger. But his life takes strange turns due to the System itsefl.

YuKy_Man · Fantasy
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42 Chs

The Celestial Stargate Begins to Awaken

As soon as Grandmaster Abraham completed his sentence the Celestial gate started to rumble. At first, the rumbling seems to be gentle. Grandmaster Quintan narrowed his eyes as he looked at the majestic Celestial Stargate and said cautiously " This is not what I was expecting"

The other Grandmasters present also frowned as they looked upon the Celestial Stargate.

Grandmaster Quintan then ordered, " I now declare emergency order within the Sedgegan mountain."

Grandmaster Quintan's voice resonated all over the mountain and the emergency order was taken into action"

The other Grandmasters widened their eyes but then understood to why Grandmaster Quintan would declare an emergency within the Sedgegan mountain. The Celestial Stargate is ancient and it is said to connect different realms. Even the slightest rumble would catch the Grandmaster's attention.

Grandmaster John then asked Grandmaster Quintan " Quintan, if the Stargate is opening soon don't you think we need to hasten the Human God Project."

Grandmaster Quintan didn't answer for a while. He looked at the Celestial Stargate as if he was thinking of something.

Grandmaster Quintan said with a little regret " We don't have a suitable subject yet"

Grandmaster John said with little impatience " Quintan we don't have time you think this not be the right time to bring this subject but it's the right time. The Celestial Stargate is awaking ahead of its time and now we don't have any choice."

Grandmaster Julius chimed in "John is right Quintan if we don't progress with the Human God Project then it will be too late. The prophecy says that only one person can contain the cataclysm and the only way to find that person is through the Human God Project"

Grandmaster Quintan sighed. He knew he had no choice but to start the Human God Project again.

As they were discussing the countermeasures the Celestial gate rumbled again and it was very slightly stronger than the earlier rumble.

All of them looked at the Celestial Stargate with gloomy faces as if they know what lies behind the Stargate. They knew the time has come.

Grandmaster Quintan then said " So it's decided then we will restart the Human God Projet again"

Every other Grandmaster present nodded.

They knew it was the only way to defend humanity.


Danial on the other hand was training in the secret realm called the Plan of the Three Musketeers.

He has been training with the ancient monk Abhaya for several months now. Since the dimension doesn't not follow the normal rules of time therefore a month's worth of time in the dimension is one hour's worth of time in the real world.

Danial is seen panting heavily while his whole body is covered in sweat while on the other hand, Abaya seemed calm and collected like the ocean.

Danial has been doing physical training for several months and his body has taken shape. His muscles were well defined but now they are built and heavily well defined. Even so, he could not even compete against Abhaya.

After completing the 10,000 push-ups, 10,000 situps and the 10,000-kilometer run Abhaya didn't s show mercy and gave another complete set of weird physical exercises. Until this point, Abhaya has been patiently watching Danial perform every regiment and made sure to correct him whenever Danial made a mistake or slightly altered the training given to him.

During that time not only he trained with Abhaya but also learned from Balthasar and Yamato. Although he didn't learn any practical skills from them, he learnt about the History of Martial arts and how it began.

After Danial completed the last set of exercises given to him by Abhaya he sat down panting and taking large gulps of air.

Abhaya looked at him with a wide grin on his face and said with satisfaction " You did well Danial "

Danial looked at Abhaya with a stunned face, Abhaya would never compliment him and today all of a sudden he complimented him which means he completed the Training effectively.

Danial stood and said excitedly " So you mean that completed the regiment?"

Abhaya said with a smile on his face " You completed one of my many regiments"

Abhaya then continued " As far as I can see your foundation has been solidified and now we can start cultivating your body."

Danial was confused and said, " Wasnt I already training and cultivating my body while I was training?"

Abhaya smiled and explained " The regiments that I gave you only trained your body. But with cultivating skills not only you will train your physical body but it will also enhance your level. "

Danial then asked " Then why didn't I start with the skills earlier? If it strengthens my body as well as enhances my cultivation level, shouldn't we start those first"

Abhaya explained " Amitabha your body initially was very weak, if we have started with the cultivation skills then your body would handle the immense force and strain and you would have exploded literally"

Danial raised his eyebrows and said " Good thing we didn't start with that "

Abhaya laughed and said, "Now sit cross-legged we are gonna start with cultivation."

Danial nodded and sat cross-legged in front of Abhaya and closed his eyes.

Abhaya looked at Danial and touched Danial's forehead with his finger. A stream of spiritual energy travelled from Abhaya's finger and entered Danial's mind.

Danial experienced immense pain in his mind but eventually, he calmed down and let the stream of information enter his mind.

Abhaya revealed a lot of surprise as he thought " He didn't even flinch in pain when I touched his forehead. He seemed to easily gather and segregate the information I gave him. This kid has a lot of surprises"

Abhaya removed his finger and patiently sat away from Danial.

Danial looked at the skill in his mind and saw its name, " True Iron Vajra"

He learned that the skill that Abhaya has gifted him was a Body Cultivation skill. True Iron Vajra cultivates and strengthens the body until it becomes hard as a diamond and quick as lighting.

Danial also noticed something, there were another five skills that were floating in his mind. He couldn't touch them no matter how hard he tried.

" Don't be greedy Danial, the other skills besides the True Iron Vajra are superior-level skills that surpass the True Iron Vajra and they will only be assessable when you fully comprehend the True Iron Vajra"

Abhaya's voice echoed from afar. Hearing that Danial left the other skills and focused on the True Iron Vajra.

Danial started cultivating the True Iron Vajra and his body started glowing, he was heating his body according to the skill and he started practicing. While he was training his body temperature kept rising.

Danial was not only feeling extremely hot but he also was experiencing immense pain due to the skill. Danial gritted his teeth and endured the pain and kept on cultivating.

While Danial was cultivating Yamato and Balthasar appeared behind Abhaya.