
Cultivation Supreme

Tian Yuan was a person who valued his honesty more than anything. He is a Highschool student who works as a part-timer for his living expenses and also for his studies, his parents died in a plane crash that happened when he was only 8. From then he relied on his grandfather for quite a while. but his fate is much worse after 4yearshis grandfather died of a mysterious illness. He became lonely he could only rely on himself. He came to Chan city for his future studies. he got himself a girlfriend and he also got a reason to work hard. but one day he receives an order of condoms to deliver to a hotel. he found out that the person who ordered was his girlfriend that has been cheating on him behind his back. Was his luck always this bad? no! After breaking up with his girlfriend, he returned to his old house. on his way, he encountered a very fortunate chance for him to rise to the top. After that his life began to change, he ended up becoming a cultivator, School flowers to beautiful goddesses that can charm any man. One by one many women came to him.

LittleBastard879 · Eastern
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46 Chs

Invitation from Fang Yulie

While Yuan was driving his car and I was sitting beside him, At that moment Yuan's phone rang, he picks the phone up to look at who was calling him. It was none other than Fang Yulie, His girlfriend. He was surprised to see that she called to him at the exact moment that his class ended, looks like she was keeping a close eye on him.

He decides to answer the call "Hello Yulie!"

[call]" Hello! Yuan, Where are you right now?"

"I am just come out of school and with a new friend of mine, I will drop her at her place after that I will be at my Villa."

[Call]" Yuan! listen to me, can you come to my house at this moment and make sure to bring this new friend of yours with you, hehehe!" she chuckled

"Sure, as you wish My Lady!" Yuan said.

[Call]" I have sent a message with my address to your phone, and don't forget to bring her with you!" saying so he hangs out the phone.

Yuan put the phone back on his car dashboard. He turned to look at Li Hua who was listening to him and Fang Yulie's talking.

Li Hua became very curious about the female with who Yuan just talked, Yuan talked to her like Yuan had a very close relationship. She decided to ask Yuan about the person he just talked to.

"Yuan, who was that person?" Li Hua asked.

"Ohh, She was Fang Yulie and my girlfriend! She just invited both of us to her house!" Yuan said to Li Hua.

After hearing that Yuan had a girlfriend her mood became a little down, she doesn't know why. Her heart seems to beat faster after knowing about Yuan's girlfriend, she felt like crying but she holds it in.

'why am I feeling like this? I have only met him today but my heart, why is it acting like this? ' she asked herself, but who would answer her question?

"What happened to you, Miss Li?" Yuan notice the changes in Li Hua's face and asked her in a worried voice.

Hearing Yuan's apprehensive voice she woke up to reality, she looked at Yuan and shake her head, and forced a smile on her face.

"It's nothing to worry about, it's just that I don't have any change of clothing to wear!" she spoke out, she hides her feelings very well from Yuan. But it didn't work on Yuan, he figured out what was going on in Li Hua's mind.

"Hahaha, is that so? you do not need to worry about such a thing, I also do not have a change of clothes so how about we do some shopping before we go there?" He said.

Hearing the word shopping, Li Hua let out a big and very charming smile that took out Yuan's breath for a moment, she look very gorgeous while we smile.

"My dear Master, look like you make another girl fall in your evil claws, hehehe," Ru Shi said while giggling.

"She falls for me so what can I do about it?" he asked.

"Very simple, you need to take her to your bed, isn't it?"She said with a very sexy voice, this voice could get any guy charmed.

"I know, I know! What are you trying to say Ru Sh, but try not to corrupt my innocent Yulie or I will spank your round ass until I am satisfied!" Yuan said.

"What kind of fetish is that, perverted Master?do you like my holy butt that much? " She asked in a very seductive way.

"sigh" Yuan take a deep breath and claimed his mind down from the teasing of Ru Shi. It's very hard for Yuan to resist her teasing. He looked at Li Hua for a moment.

"What do you think, Miss Li?" He asked again.

"Sure, it would be great!" She said very happily.

Knowing that Li Hua's mood becomes good again, he felt relieved.

After a few minutes of driving, they reached the city. Yuan turned the car towards the road that goes towards the shopping mall. Yuan this time increases the speed of the car a bit. He didn't want Fang Yulie to wait for him too much.

A few minutes later they reach the best shopping mall in the city. Yuan drives the car to the parking area and stops the engine. After turning off the engine he gets out of the car and helps Li Hua to get out of the car by opening the door for her.

After Li Hua gets out of the car, he closed the door. They both walked toward the mall entrance. it is the biggest shopping mall in Changsha city and most of the people would do shopping in this mall.

When they reached the entrance of the shopping mall, many people would glance at Yuan and Li Hua. Yuan was not bothered by that same goes for Li Hua as well. She had faced situations like this many times before. People would look at her and gossip about her, some courageous man would come over to her and ask her to be his girlfriend. Being with Yuan she felt a little bit secure.

"look at the couple over there, they matched each other very much!"

"to me, they look like a perfect couple!"

"To be honest, I am very jealous of her getting such a man as her boyfriend!"

"The girl is very gorgeous if I could have such a girlfriend!"

"You have a dog shit-like face and want a girl like her, do you have no shame!"

"Are you talking about mine or yourself?"

The onlookers gossip a lot about Yuan and Li Hua but they did not give any reactions at all, they just ignored them as if they didn't exist at all. Yuan and Li Hua entered the shopping mall, and after entering they went to the clothing side.

They look through the arranged clothes, Yuan chooses a set of clothes black in color it has no other design. As for Li Hua, she chooses a light blue and white color dress. she enters the female changing room and Yuan entered the male side.

Yuan removed his uniform and put it in his storage ring, he wear the new set of clothes. After wearing them he check his hair which was tied backward, his hair was okay. he doesn't need to care about it.

After everything was checked he went out of the changing room, when he was out he look around to see if Li Hua was out or not but couldn't see her at all. without leaving any choice he immediately used the divine sense to locate the whereabouts of Li Hua. When he opens his divine sense he found Li Hua changing her clothes, her flawless body makes Yuan very excited but somehow he managed to calm down his little brother. He immediately retreats his divine sense from Li Hua.

A few moments later, Li Hua walks out of the changing room in light blue with a white pattern on it! she looks very gorgeous that Yuan couldn't take his eyes off her.

Li Hua seeing Yuan gazing at her lifts her head with a very beautiful smile " How do I look?"

"Gorgeous! You look very Gorgeous!" Yuan said what he feels about her.

Li Hua became very happy when she received an honest review from Yuan, that came from the bottom of his heart. She still doesn't know why she was feeling happy when Yuan compliment her, it was a rather very complex feeling for her that she didn't understand very much.

Yuan paid the bill for himself and as well as Li Hua, after paying the bill he walked close to Li Hua who was waiting for him.

"Shall we leave?" He asked.

"Let's go, shall we!" she said with a very happy smile on her face.

They both left the mall and went to the parking place where Yuan's car was parked. Yuan opens the door for Li Hua, after that he went to the driving seat and start the engine of the car. He drove the car on the road that was mentioned in the message sent by Fang Yulie. From the point where Yuan was, it won't take much time to reach to Fang family household. Fang family was a large family and not some lowly family that anyone can go to.

After driving for around half an hour Yuan and Li Hua reached the Fang Family's private property, which is huge. They saw the gate that enters their Mansion. There are more than 3 gatekeepers at present at the gate.

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