
Cultivation: Starts with Resisting Temptation

Eighteen-year-old Liang Chen died an embarrassing death due to excessive masturbation. However, he gets a second chance at life when he is transmigrated to a Cultivation world along with a system. Liang Chen imagined a life like a protagonist’s, bound as he was to the system. But his life proved completely different from what he had envisioned. It turns out the system Liang Chen was bound to prevents him from indulging in any lustful activities. If he tries to indulge in anything lustful, he would be punished by the system. So Liang Chen desperately tried to keep his distance from women. However, for some strange reason, different types of women flocked to him - like a Yandere Boss Lady who crafted meticulous plans to insert herself into every aspect of his life. Another example was a Demoness Temptress who continually tried to tempt him to the dark side. Thinking of all the women who tried to pursue or tempt him, Liang Chen sighed in frustration rather than delight. “Why do all these women tempt me when I just want to keep my distance from them?” This was like being presented with all kinds of mouth-watering foods while fasting – frustratingly tempting. Just as Liang Chen was contemplating his bitter lot in life, a Young NobleWoman appeared before him. She declared “Liang Chen! Stay by my side and I'll give you everything you want. You can have an entire cultivation mansion and access to my clan's elixirs.... Wait! Why are you running away? Let me finish!”

QONT · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 16: I should leave

Evening, third day since he transmigrated. 

And Liang Chen encountered the situation he feared the most. Running into an acquaintance of previous 'Liang Chen'

He didn't have memories of 'Liang Chen' So he was unclear about his life, How he talked or acted in different situation, And his friends and family.

Because of this, he tried to not speak too much. As he was afraid he would reveal flaws. And now, He faced the situation he feared the most. 

Liang Chen's mouth went dry, he didn't know what to say while looking at girl in front of him.

What's their relation? What's her name?

Are we supposed to be close? 

Liang Chen doesn't have a single memory about that. That's what made the situation more complicated.

'...Well, Let's just play along.' This is the only option Liang Chen could think of. He can only act like he knows her.

"Yes, It's been a long time. How have you been?" Liang Chen forced a smile and said politely.

"I am doing great, And Yes! We met after such a long time!" The girl exclaimed excitedly as she grasped his hands warmly. A bright smile lit up her face.

"We have so much catching up to do! Let's talk while walking. I'll show you around." She looped her arm affectionately through his and led him along.

When the girl grasped his hands excitedly, Liang Chen tensed up in surprise and discomfort. 'Holding hands seriously? Are we supposed to be close?' he thought with uncertainty.

If they were close, Then it would appear out of place to pull his hand. Uncertain, Liang Chen choosed to follow her lead.

"You know, I was surprised by your appearance. I didn't know you were coming to Celestial Harmony Sect." She looked at him with a playful, 'pretending-to-be-upset' expression.

"You should have told me earlier and I could have welcomed you." She nudged him in the side teasingly.

"Sorry for not informing you. It was a last minute decision, so I didn't have time," Liang Chen replied with an awkward smile. 

"I suppose I can forgive you this once," she said, grinning as she ruffled his hair familiarly. Liang Chen had to stop himself from reflexively pulling back.

Though she seemed friendly, Liang Chen thought it best not to linger too long lest his unfamiliarity betray that he does not have memory about her.

"I really should thank you again for the timely rescue back there," he said with a wry chuckle, eager to change the subject. "Just what was going on with those other girls?"

"Oh, that sort of chaos happens every year when we get new male disciples," she said casually, waving a hand. 

Liang Chen's interest was piqued. "The male disciples specifically cause such a reaction? Why?"

"The reason? Well, I suppose it's no secret," she said, tapping her chin. "Since you'll be one of us, you should know..."

She glanced at Liang Chen and said, "You already know our pavilion is mostly female, around 90%, with only 10% male disciples, right?"

"Yes, I'd been told it was a heavy skew," Liang Chen nodded, recalling Feng Yulan's words again.

"Good, so no need to catch you all the way up," she said, shooting him a grin. She squeezed his arm affectionately once more. Liang Chen fought the urge to pull back reflexively again.

"Our cultivation technique involves enchantment and illusions," she explained. "To truly master it, We need practical application."

She gave a sly smile. "As you can imagine, the male disciple plays a crucial 'supporting role' here."

Liang Chen's eyes widened in understanding. "Ah, that explains the reason why female disciples' eager reaction to me. "

"More like a frenzy over you!" she laughed, elbowing him playfully again. "You should feel honored to be in such high demand."

Liang Chen winced, rubbing his arm where she kept striking him affectionately. "I felt more like an object than a person," he said wryly.

"Oh I know, it must've been startling," she said with some sympathy. "At the beginning it started as requests but as time passed it mutated into an unrefined scramble."

She shook her head. "Still, rules prohibit new female disciples from seeking help from outside the pavilion. They can only work with males who are part of the pavilion."

Liang Chen's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. And concluded "So female disciples essentially see the male disciples as...'resources'...which appear annually?"

"You're quick on the uptake!" she said approvingly. She suddenly grasped his hand. "Anyway, enough walking. Let's head to my place! You must be exhausted. I'll make some tea and snacks."

She smiled eagerly. "Then after some rest, I'll take you to register formally as a Pavilion member."

Liang Chen hesitated, but needing the registration swayed him reluctantly. 'It's just some tea...how bad could it be?'


After a short walk, the girl brought Liang Chen to a cozy house.

"Come in and sit! Let me get you some tea and snacks."

Liang Chen glanced around at the interior after entering behind the enthusiastically familiar girl. The walls were adorned with delicate landscape scrolls painted in soft, rich hues. An ornately woven silk rug with intricate crane motifs sprawled across the glossy wooden floor.

"Over here, make yourself comfortable!" The girl gestured to a cushion on the floor mat. Liang Chen awkwardly settled onto the square velvet cushion.

Before him stood a tall rectangular wooden-and-paper panel, suspended from the ceiling by cords. 'What's this odd structure for?' he wondered.

Behind the panel, he noticed candlelight flickering. Its faint glow illuminated the translucent screen.

"Let me whip up some quick refreshments!" The girl bustled through a side door.

Soon she emerged with a tray of fragrant tea and appetizing snacks for Liang Chen. "Please, enjoy!"

"My thanks, this looks wonderful!" he said politely. The girl smiled radiantly before leaving again.

Liang Chen sipped the excellent tea, relishing the snacks in the quiet room's comfort.

Later, the girl returned holding a lit candle. "It'll be dark soon, so I brought light," she explained, placing it on the table. The flickering flame cast a warm glow about the room.

"Let me know if you need anything else!" She gave his shoulder a pat and left again. Liang Chen nodded and continued to eat. 

"So, how have you been lately? What's new these days?" 

Just as he was almost done eating, He heard her question and looked up and almost choked in shock. Behind the translucent paper screen, he could see the silhouette of the girl but that's not the main point, The main point being that…. She appears to be changing?

Behind the paper panel, the candle illuminated the girl's figure as she began disrobing. Liang Chen caught the outline of her hands raised to unwrap the bindings in her hair, her locks falling loosely over her shoulders.

He watched the shadowy silhouette slip the robes off, the shape of her torso visible through the thin screen as the fabrics pooled at her feet. 

"Well, Why aren't you talking?" The girl behind the curtain asked as she turned sideways and Liang Chen quickly lowered his head.

"I...uh.. I am fine.." Liang Chen stammered, quickly closed his eyes in embarrassment. His mind raced - perhaps his relationship with this girl was not mere friendship?

Maybe I am thinking too much, Right? Maybe she is just changing clothes? 

Liang Chen scrambled for plausible explanations, but knew these were just lies he told himself. In his heart, he already understood the truth.

"Why are you shuttering? Oh, I know…." The girl's words trailed up as Liang Chen's heart almost reached his throat.

"... Don't choke on the snacks. I know they are delicious but eat slowly." Liang Chen breathed a sigh of relief. For a moment he felt that he almost exposed himself.

"Anyway, What color would you like today, Red, Blue or your favorite Black?" the girl asked. Her tone turned teasingly sultry.


But it seems it was too early for him to be happy, As the girl dropped another bomb. As Liang Chen's eyes widened in realization. 

'There is no way she is a friend. Either she is some side chick or the previous Liang Chen has a leg with her.'

'Oh both of them are the same but never mind, It's not time to think about this.'

'Damn these sounds of clothes rustling are distracting me...' Liang Chen kept his gaze lowered to avoid any accidental glimpses of the changing girl. He tried to focus his attention on the lacquered table before him instead.

'Focus on the table, just look at what's in front of you...' Liang Chen thought, directing his attention to the items laid out before him.

'There's that ornate silver tea set placed just so on the smooth wooden surface...' he noted clinically, observing the floral scent still curling from the petite cups.

'And the plates have scattered crumbs from the pastries I hurriedly ate earlier when she started...changing...' The thought made his face flush warmly.

He dragged his eyes towards the candle stand placed nearby. 'Bronze holder, carved with intricate motifs...' The minute details stood out clearly as the restless flame's glow rippled in his eyes.

'Look at the candle flame, it's so bright and it has such a warm glow.' The flames started to grow in eyes like will-o'-the-wisp.

'What is it made of? No, focus...I need to think of how to get out of this situation.' He shook himself as he was going off track.

'What should I do now? Should I go along with the situation or not? Just go with flow' Liang Chen's mind churned quickly, 'The question here is not whether or not I should… The real question is Where or not I can!'

Liang Chen remembered the fact that he is bound to the system and dropped the idea. 

'I should just leave before things get more awkward...' 

'Yup, I should leave…' Just as this notion appeared in his mind, The flames in his eyes started to flicker. 

"Liang Chen, What color would you like today, Red, Blue or your favorite Black?" Just as this moment, The girl asked the question once again.

Liang Chen thoughts were interrupted and he couldn't grasp after wayward thoughts as when he did it started to crumble. And the flames in his eyes, Started to stabilize.

'Where was I? Yes, look at the table, to distract myself. There's that ornate silver tea set placed just so on the smooth wooden surface…' Liang Chen's thoughts started from the beginning and the flames flickered in his eyes.

"Liang Chen...you don't remember me, do you?"

The abrupt question barely registered in his dulled state. "...Yes," he conceded tonelessly.

A weighty pause. "I see. So you truly lost your memories?"


"But surely you still recall the Void Weave Scripture?" A hungry excitement entered her voice.


"Marvelous!" she cried jubilantly. "Recite the scripture for me now!"

Liang Chen's will wasn't his own. "Void filled with mystery..." he intoned as bid.

Knock! Knock! 

Before he could finish there was a knock on the door which interrupted him and the flames within his pupils started to waver as if it would extinguish any moment.

Fury suffused the silhouette behind the curtain at the interruption. As her enchantment was almost destroyed because of a knock.

"Junior Sister Ling Xi, I am Feng Yulan. It's night time already, So according to the Pavilion Leader's instructions I am here to pick up Junior Brother Liang Chen."

"And escort him to the floating island. As per rules and regulations.'