
Cultivation: Starts with Resisting Temptation

Eighteen-year-old Liang Chen died an embarrassing death due to excessive masturbation. However, he gets a second chance at life when he is transmigrated to a Cultivation world along with a system. Liang Chen imagined a life like a protagonist’s, bound as he was to the system. But his life proved completely different from what he had envisioned. It turns out the system Liang Chen was bound to prevents him from indulging in any lustful activities. If he tries to indulge in anything lustful, he would be punished by the system. So Liang Chen desperately tried to keep his distance from women. However, for some strange reason, different types of women flocked to him - like a Yandere Boss Lady who crafted meticulous plans to insert herself into every aspect of his life. Another example was a Demoness Temptress who continually tried to tempt him to the dark side. Thinking of all the women who tried to pursue or tempt him, Liang Chen sighed in frustration rather than delight. “Why do all these women tempt me when I just want to keep my distance from them?” This was like being presented with all kinds of mouth-watering foods while fasting – frustratingly tempting. Just as Liang Chen was contemplating his bitter lot in life, a Young NobleWoman appeared before him. She declared “Liang Chen! Stay by my side and I'll give you everything you want. You can have an entire cultivation mansion and access to my clan's elixirs.... Wait! Why are you running away? Let me finish!”

QONT · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 1: Transmigration

"Ugh, What happened? Wasn't I masturbating?"

"…. Did I pass out? I guess 10 times is the human limit of masturbation." Liang opened his eyes groggily as he felt tired. Last night, He pushed himself too hard by masturbating 10 times in a row.

Blinking in the darkness, he fumbled around for his phone. "Anyway, is the electricity gone? It's too dark here." Panic crept into his voice as he sought the familiar glow of his mobile.

"Umm, where is my phone? And what the heck? Where is my bed, and how come I am floating without any support?" Liang's confusion escalated to horror as he waved his hand beneath him, realizing there was nothing below.

"Congratulations, Earthling! You're dead." Just then a mysterious voice reverberated, shattering the silence.

"D-D-dead? But I thought I was … Alive?" Liang's eyes widened, his mind grappling with the absurdity of the statement.

Ignoring Liang's confusion, the voice confused unfazed, "Prepare yourself for a new journey. You shall transmigrate to the cultivation world, a realm of mystique and power."

"Transmigrate? Cultivation? What kind of nonsense is this? I might accept if you said I am going to hell but transmigration? I think this might be an absurd dream." Liang said in disbelief, He was utterly baffled by the situation and felt it was so absurd that it might be a dream.

Before Liang could fully comprehend the situation he is in, the voice persisted, "Now, Earthling, Choose your path. Wealth, Power, Lust, Food. You have but a moment to decide before transmigration starts."

Liang could not comprehend the situation unfolding around him, he found himself contemplating the options presented. In a dazed state, he mumbled to himself, "This has got to be a dream. I mean, flying in the void, Choosing path? Must be too tired. Gotta be a dream."

Liang visibly relaxed thinking till here, "Damn it! Scared me to death. For a second I thought I was dead. So this is just a dream."

"Looks like I should stop reading novels all day long. It's even haunting me in dreams but I have also watched porns for years. Why can't I have some naughty dreams? Sigh! Bad luck!"

Just as Liang was laminating about the situation the mysterious voice continued, "Choose wisely. Your selection will shape your journey in the cultivation world."

"Yeah! Yeah! I understand. Since I am going to wake up anyway, So let's play along for a little while." After calming down Liang looked at the options and thought out loud, "This situation is similar to novels. Choose a path and I would get a similar goldfinger Aka cheat. If I am dreaming, I might as well dream big, right?"

A mischievous smirk appeared on his lips as he pondered, "Well, How about a dreamy, Lustful adventure? That sounds tempting." 

Thinking till here, Liang confidently declared, "Lust! Bring on the dreamy adventure."

"The Lust option has been chosen. Prepare for the transmigration. " The mysterious voice boomed in the void.

Just as Liang was ready for some excitement, The voice continued, "In the cultivation world, you shall face countless temptations. Your task: Resist them. Succumb, and penalties await. Resist, and rewards shall be bestowed."

"Penalties may range from loss of talent, Cultivation base, life span or even alternation of destiny. Reward, on the other hand, shall vary based on your resilience against temptation."

After hearing this, Liang's face contorted into expression of disbelief and frustration, "Wait, Resist temptation? Scam! This is not the dream I want. I want boobies! Lots of boobies!" 

"Transmigration starts on 3.. 2.. 1.."

Before Liang could say anything else, the surrounding began to blur, the mysterious voice counting down echoed in his ears. As the countdown reached its climax, a vortex of light enveloped him as his consciousness plunged into the darkness.


"God, you played with me!"

Liang stared at the wooden ceiling, contemplating life.

"Man, I never expected to find myself in such a classic scenario. This wooden ceiling is so cliche."

"Previously, I thought I was dreaming, but who knew I really transmigrated? And in the cultivation world, on top of that."

"Damn! Sure, they've got legal harems and gullible chicks, but one wrong move, and poof! There goes my chance at living the dream." Liang grumbled to himself, contemplating the questionable decisions that led him here.

"If I had known it wasn't a dream, I would have chosen something else instead of lust. Now I have to bid farewell to my potential harem," Liang mused, feeling like he had willingly sentenced himself to a monotonous and painful existence. No one forced this upon him; it was a choice he made.

"Calm down, Liang! Things aren't so bad. Who needs lust in this perilous world?"

'Any normal girl here may be a demon in disguise? I mean, Uhh that sounds tempting.'

"No, no, that's too dangerous." Liang vigorously shook his head, trying to dispel the enticing thoughts.

"But looking on the bright side, it's good I opted for lust. Wealth is out of the question, as I can use it to become stronger. That's right, that's something I need."

"And Food... Damn it! I should have chosen food. Who needs sustenance in the cultivation world? I can survive on air alone." Liang felt the urge to bang his head against the wall as he pondered this.

"It's all the fault of that damn voice! He didn't give me a clear explanation." Liang calmly shifted the blame, propping himself up from the bed to observe his surroundings.

The room bathed in a gentle, golden glow, the luminosity seemingly emanating from the very walls that enclosed him. As Liang sat up, he couldn't help but notice the sparsity of furniture within the chamber.

Traditional windows were absent, replaced by walls adorned with shimmering, floating orbs, each emitting a soothing light that cast a tranquil ambiance. 

A low, intricately carved wooden table occupied the center of the room, its surface adorned with a crystal-clear basin brimming with an assortment of exotic fruits. Nearby, a meditative cushion rested, confirming that it was indeed a cultivation world.

There was a bronze mirror in the room and a single elegant door, adorned with ancient symbols.

"Indeed, I have transmigrated and in the cultivation world on top of that." Liang mused, his emotions swirling like a complicated blend of excitement, curiosity, and a hint of trepidation as he surveyed his unfamiliar surroundings.

"Now, let's see how I look in this life. Am I still as handsome as my previous life?" Liang exclaimed in excitement as he walked toward the ornate bronze mirror to observe his appearance.

As Liang stood before the mirror, a moment of surprise crossed his typically composed countenance. The reflection staring back at him showcased the culmination of good genes, and for a brief moment, a subtle smirk appeared on his face.

"I mean, I look good," Liang mused as he observed his appearance. "A height of 5'10? Well, I suppose this is a decent height for a cultivator."

Liang's facial features were finely sculpted, with high cheekbones and a chiseled jawline that spoke of aristocratic lineage. A cascade of midnight black silk framed his face, as his hair fell in smooth waves around his shoulders, each strand seeming to shimmer with innate luster. Piercing brown eyes, their color subtly changing with his emotions.

His flawless complexion, reminiscent of ivory, seemed untouched by the harshness of the mortal world. Adorned in opulent robes crafted from the finest silks, embroidered with subtle patterns denoting his prestigious family lineage.

Intricate accessories adorned with precious gemstones and metals subtly announced his wealth.

"Not bad! Looks like I come from a wealthy background. Choosing lust was indeed a correct option," Liang consoled himself while examining his own appearance and accessories.

As Liang admired his opulent appearance, he couldn't resist his curiosity about the less visible aspect of the cultivators' attire.

With a smirk, Liang muttered to himself, "While reading novels, I always wondered what cultivators wore down there in the nether region."

"I always had the suspicion that cultivators, in pursuit of enlightenment, simply forgot to wear anything down there."

"After all, who needs underwear when you are on the path of immortality? Let's see… Oh, what the heck?" As Liang ventured to his lower attire, his expression shifted from jest to genuine surprise.

"Holy shit! Is this… Gold? Are my undergarments made of actual gold? Who in their right mind would wear golden underwear? It's like my nether region is on a quest to weather themselves."

With a face full of amazement, Liang looked at his naked reflection with only a golden underwear and laughed in delight, "Who knew the real treasure was hidden beneath the robes! Cultivation just got a whole lot shinier down there."