
Cultivation Start with Being the Creator of the World

MC found a wonderful door during the eve of the spirit energy revival. This door connected him to an endless miniature world and he realized that the living creatures in this world were smaller than even ants. He could create an endless tempest with a breath, cause a torrential downpour with a sneeze, shatter city walls with a punch, and level mountains with a footstep. Themany dwarves revered him and regarded him as the creator of their world. They prayed fervently to him and offered him sacrifices . "Ding Dong, your devout follower has sacrificed a world item, Book of Wisdom, to you. You have obtained the ability to know everything." "Ding Dong, your devout follower has sacrificed a worlid item, Gravity Ball, to you. You have obtained the ability to control boundless gravity." "Ding Dong, your devout follower has sacrificed a world item, Lightning God's Hammer, to you. You have obtained the almighty power of lightning." With the help of what he gained in the alternate dimension, MC obtained almighty power on Earth. He looked down on humanity and became an omnipotent God, to the fervent prayers of millions of followers! All profit (powerstone) goes to webnovel. Part time Editor and Translator.

MyumaraOri · Eastern
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158 Chs

Chapter 21

truth be told, there is no power more terrifying than a natural disaster.

since ancient times, the disaster that makes mankind most afraid is the flood, when the endless flood rages and spreads, we don't know how many people drowned.

therefore, dayu zhishui is so famous and has been passed down through the ages, and dayu has also become a famous human emperor.

because of this, natsukawa decided to use the flood against the giant kingdom.

thinking of this, xia chuan went directly to the pool inside the villa, and then he took out the space bag, gently inhaled, and instantly washed all the water in the entire pool, and put it all into the space bag.

such a huge amount of water, even for the humans of xuanhuangxing, was actually enough to drown a group of people.

and for those miniature humans, if so much water gushes out, it is no less than the flooding of a certain river, which will also form an unprecedented flood.

"well, have those giants already come to the border of the tang kingdom?" it seems that it is time to do it. "

xia chuan's heart moved.

through the perspective of the believers, he immediately sensed that tens of millions of giant warriors had arrived in the border cities of the tang kingdom, which was vast and very shocking.

thinking of this, he did not hesitate and immediately set about it.

at this moment, the border city of tangguo.

tens of millions of giant warriors came in full force, dressed in armor, holding large silver swords, black axes and other weapons, and they were disciplined and imposing.

the collective appearance of these ten-meter-tall giant warriors simply brought a fatal sense of oppression to countless tang people, as if it had brought about a catastrophe, making countless tang residents extremely frightened and trembling.

at this time, li xiao and others had already taken the sky bird and rushed to this border city.

"is this the legion of giants?" it's really terrifying, i'm afraid that with a slight jump, you can cross the city wall, and the ordinary city wall can't stop their attack at all. "

li xiao's pupils contracted, and when he saw the dense giant warriors, he felt a chill.

to tell the truth, if there was no ancient god behind his back, in the face of the invasion of the giant kingdom, he was simply helpless and helpless.

not to mention that tens of millions of giant warriors attacked, even if hundreds of thousands of giant warriors attacked, it would cause irreparable losses to the tang kingdom, and i don't know how many cities and pools were destroyed.

after all, these ten-meter-tall giants are really too terrifying, and the ordinary city walls are only a dozen meters, and the walls used to block the enemy cannot stop them at all.

if they are approached by these giants, they are almost certain to die, and there is no way to escape.

"yes, it is no wonder that the giant kingdom has ravaged this land for more than four hundred years, and has offended countless countries, but no country dares to retaliate."

"indeed, almost every country has been robbed by the giants, and even forced to supply a large amount of food every year in order to ensure the security of its own country."

"it can only be said that the giant legions of the giant countries are really too powerful, and when a charge comes down, basically not many armies can resist their strength."

"and what's even more terrifying is that these giants still strictly observe discipline, which is stricter than the discipline of ordinary armies, which also makes the giant legion even more terrifying." everyone was talking about it, and everyone was amazed.

although they had heard about the strength of the giant legion before, they had never seen it, and now that they had finally witnessed it with their own eyes, they were all extremely shocked.

this is definitely an invincible legion capable of sweeping through this land.

without the world prop, no country could withstand the invasion of the giant kingdom.

in the distance, the army camp of the giant legion, the lord of the giant kingdom, and many generals gathered together, at a very distant distance, admiring the attack. "hmm, is this the tang kingdom?" it's just a small country, and in the face of our giant legion, it is simply tired of living. "a giant general is murderous.

usually, when they invade other countries, none of those countries are in the wind, and basically as soon as they arrive, they obediently offer jewelry and food.

they didn't need much effort at all to plunder a lot of food and treasure.

every invasion of other countries is a huge feast for the giants, which is a legal robbery, and every giant warrior can get rich overnight. "it's better to be careful."

another giant general said in a deep voice, "it is said that the lord of the tang kingdom has come to the front line to personally supervise this war, so the other side must bring world props, we must be careful, otherwise it may overturn the ship in the ditch." "0... ask for flowers... 0 he had a cautious look on his face.

"indeed, it is said that the last time the lord of the thunder nation was like this, one careless person was killed in a second, and the whole country was destroyed as a result." another giant spoke.

he also agreed with this, after all, this is a war to destroy the country, no matter how cautious it is, who knows what cards are on the other side. "what do you mean by that, do you think tang guo can do it again?"

the giant general was furious: "our giant country is different from the thunder country, we are not such a weak country as the thunder country, it is only a tang country, and what is gained, as long as the lord of the country is here, no matter what the world props are useless." "

... 0 "that's right, tang guo's means were nothing more than summoning the divine mountain of annihilation, relying on the divine mountain that descended from the sky to smash the lord of the thunder kingdom to death." "

at this time, the giant kingdom lord's eyes revealed a hint of coldness: "that is to say, the world props possessed by the tang kingdom lord are to summon the annihilation meteorite, or the annihilation god mountain, relying on the power of natural disasters falling from the sky to crush the armies of other countries."

but i am different, i have a magnification and reduction mirror, the so-called extinction god mountain as long as it is lightly illuminated by my mirror, it can shrink in an instant, turning the threat into invisible.

if that guy didn't use this kind of power, it would be enough, once it was unleashed, i would let the tang guo lord know the strength of my giant king. a little ghost, it's not worth mentioning at all. he showed a look of disdain on his face, and did not pay attention to the lord of the tang kingdom at all.

"convey my order, attack the city immediately, i will enter chang'an city in ten days, hang the flag of my giant country on the walls of chang'an city, and i will let this so-called tang kingdom completely disappear into history." the lord of the giant kingdom shouted. "yes, your majesty!"

hearing this, many giant warriors roared with rage, and their war spirit boiled.

after all, this time it was the giant king's personal conquest, and their morale was high, and they simply had an invincible momentum.

no matter what enemy they encounter, they can win the battle.