
Cultivation: Start From Simplifying Martial Arts Techniques

Chen Fei looked at the bewildering number of people in front of him who desperately practiced boxing to become a master, sighing. "Compete? I don't think so. My motto is never to stand when you can sit." So the panel answered his call. "Extreme Mountain Fist Technique simplification in progress... simplification successful... Extreme Mountain Breathing Technique" "Extreme Mountain Breathing Method simplification in progress... simplification successful... Breathing" Chen Fei took a deep breath. "Extreme Mountain Breathing Method experience +1." "...So I can cultivate by breathing alone?"

Eat More Fish · Eastern
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840 Chs

Wu Renxu's face changed slightly as a cracking sound emanated from the seal, and faint green energy seeped out from the cracks.

Wu Renxu's gaze flickered as he looked at the seal in his hand. With the circulation of elemental power, he began to repair each of the cracks.

However, before Wu Renxu could completely smooth out the cracks, another cracking sound came from another part of the seal.

The old cracks had not been repaired, yet new ones appeared.

And as the new cracks appeared, it seemed to reach a limit, causing the seal in Wu Renxu's hand to suddenly burst open, releasing the green energy within.


The malevolent entity let out a roar to the sky, its immense sound waves sweeping the surroundings.

Wu Renxu waved the folding fan in his hand, blocking all the attacks in front of him, his eyes fixed ahead.