
The Sibling's Deathmatch

After being teleported, Long Yejun found himself inside a secluded dimension that was created solely for the Dragon God Festival. He didn't waste any time looking at the void and searched for his opponent.

However, he instinctively knew who he had been matched against after sensing her tyrannical presence.

"Elder sister." Long Yejun muttered in a calm voice after confirming that his opponent was Long Wu Qing.

He had already mentally prepared himself to fight Long Wu Qing, so he didn't act surprised. As a matter of fact, he had spent the past month preparing to fight Long Wu Qing.

"Why am I not surprised, little brother?" Long Wu Qing suddenly spoke. "Is this fate, or is this father's desire?"

There was a chance the Dragon God had purposefully matched them together. However, they had no proof.

"Either way, it doesn't matter. I have been prepared to fight you since I decided to participate in the Dragon God Festival," said Long Yejun.