
Brother Yuan

With a little more than 5 minutes left, Meixiu left the field after hitting every single bell off the rabbits, earning her a total of 40 points, and she instantly shot up to first place in the competition.

The spectators exploded with cheering after they witnessed the spectacular display.

Meanwhile, the other participants were left speechless.

Half of them had given up after their first shot, and the other half that hasn't entered the field had planned on giving up, but after witnessing Meixiu's display, they began feeling ashamed of themselves for giving up so easily.

Therefore, the following participants to enter the field after Meixiu would go on to shoot all of the arrows in her quiver regardless if they'd hit a rabbit or not.

In the end, most of them would go on to hit at least seven bells.

However, only two of them had managed to avoid injuring the rabbits.