
Cultivation Online: Transmigrated as Yuan

a young man dies and finds himself transmigrated into his favorite novel Cultivation Online as Yuan the protagonist Note : This is Harem and the MC is overpowered more than OG Yuan and he will do anything he want not caring about good or evil so don't complain about it to me since I am writing this for my fun also don't expect anything special since I am not a native English and this is my first time writing Disclaimer : This is a fanfic based on the novel Cultivation Online by MyLittleBrother I do no own any of the characters other than the MC everything but the MC belongs to him

TheZX · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Xiao Hua

"Character status" Yuan activated the system command through his mind as he did with the talisman.

Name: Yuan

Cultivation: None

Legacy: None

Bloodline: None

Physique: Heaven Refining Physique, ???

Physical Strength: 100

Mental Strength: 600

Soul Strength: 3210

Physical Defence: 100

Mental Defence: 3121

"I wonder what is this hidden Physique is it the reason why my stats is higher than OG Yuan" he pondered and pondered, but without any clue currently he stopped thinking about it.

"Let's try punching that tree" He thought

Suddenly, he punched a nearby tree.

He is surprised by the small crack that appeared on the tree "It seems that I am stronger than OG Yuan I didn't even feel pain" Yuan thought

"Umm... excuse me, the brother over there..." a sweet voice suddenly resounded behind Yuan, making him turn his head.

Standing right behind him was a cute little girl in red robes who looked to be around 10 years old, hugging a red ball in one arm and a book in the other.

"This must be Xiao Hua I didn't even notice her"

"What is your name little girl" he asked her.

"Xiao Hua" replied the little girl.

"So your name is Xiao Hua huh. My name is Yuan"

"How did Brother Yuan manage to get in here?" She suddenly asked him with a curious gaze, almost like it is her first time seeing another person in her life.

"I think it is better to respond like Yuan here so I just did that"

"Get in here? We are outside, aren't we?"

She shook her head and said "We are inside my family's garden."

"This forest is your garden?" Yuan asked.

She nodded

"Sorry for intruding, but I was teleported here by some old man against my will..." He tried to explain. "I'll leave immediately, so can you tell me the way?"

But as he expected, the little girl shook her head. "Brother Yuan, since you are already here, why don't you play with Xiao Hua?"

"You want me to play with you?"

"Xiao Hua is always alone and it is boring to play with herself"

"What about your family?"

"They are always busy and cannot play with Xiao Hua"

"Okay this big brother will play with you!" He patted his chest with confidence.

"Really? You will play with Xiao Hua?" Her eyes glittered like the tiny stars in the sky, and her bright expression was adorable enough to soften the hearts of even the cruelest killers out there.

"Un, what do you want to play?"

"Then Xiao Hua will throw the ball to you, and you will throw it back okay?" She placed the book down and showed him the ball.

"Let me get some distance... okay I am ready"

And without further ado, the two began playing throwing ball, and soon after, the merry laughter of a joyous little girl would echo in the forest.


While Yuan was spending his time entertaining Xiao Hua, other players would be either strengthening themselves or trying to gain more information about this world

Minutes quickly turned into hours, and while everyone was grinding in their own ways, Yuan continued to play with the little girl.

After throwing the ball back and forth for many hours, yet there is not a drop of sweat on Xiao Hua face!, Yuan could still go on since his stats is higher so they continued to play for some hours.

After the game Yuan sits down at a nearby tree, and Xiao Hua follows him, sitting beside him.

"Where is Brother Yuan from?" She asked

"I am from a faraway place called Earth"


Seeing her glittering eyes, Yuan smiled "Do you want to hear about my homeland?"

"Yes! I want to hear stories about this Earth!"

Yuan began telling stories to Xiao Hua, and she quickly became engrossed in his stories.

After an hour of non stop storytelling, when he ran out from stories to tell her since his life wasn't anything special, Xiao Hua opens the book in her grasp and spoke, "Since brother Yuan played with Xiao Hua and even told her stories, Xiao Hua shall also tell you stories" she said "This is Xiao Hua gratitude to you, brother Yuan"

Yuan did not refuse since he knew that from here he will start his path in the cultivation world.

He closed his eyes after closing his eyes, he began feeling more relaxed and comfortable, almost as though he was experiencing some kind of hypnotization.

The weird chanting from Xiao Hua became less gibberish -- he was beginning to comprehend her words, and information he never knew was being fed into his head. This continued for half an hour before a sharp sound would suddenly wake Yuan from his meditative state.

<You have learned Heaven's Secret Art>

"Heaven's Secret Art..."

Xiao Hua smiled gently upon hearing Yuan's mumble.

And suddenly, above the sky for every player to witness, a grand system notice appears.

<Player Yuan has become the world's first player to have learned a Divine-rank Skill! Congratulations!>

The announcement shocked every witness there, especially those Players at the top. The game has not even been out for a day, yet someone has managed to obtain a Divine-rank Skill already? Who was this Player 'Yuan', and what did he do to obtain it?


I know that there is a little changes but I didn't want to change his first interaction with Xiao Hua a lot most of the changes will happen soon I hope

Comment if you have and ideas

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