
Cultivation of Secrets

In "Cultivation of Secrets," the tranquil harmony of Pinecrest Village, a unique blend of ancient Xianxia traditions and modern technology, is shattered by a chilling murder during the festive Christmas season. The victim, Mike, a notorious village bully, is found lifeless under the twinkling festive lights, setting off a complex investigation that delves deep into the hidden facets of the village and its inhabitants. Elder Lin, a respected figure skilled in both cultivation arts and technological matters, leads the investigation. He navigates a labyrinth of secrets and motives, uncovering the intricate lives of the villagers who are potential suspects. Each character possesses a unique combination of cultivation abilities and technological expertise, casting a web of suspicion over the village. Benny, the tech prodigy; Beth, an aficionado of true crime novels; Becca, a victim of Mike’s bullying; Ray, with her level-headed composure; Fredde, the quiet optimist; Donni, the laid-back observer; Justine, a creative fan-fiction writer; and Mich, a devoted admirer of Justine, all emerge as complex characters with potential motives for the crime. As Elder Lin delves into the investigation, he encounters a series of cryptic clues, anonymous threats, and conflicting alibis, each pointing to different suspects. The story weaves through the perspectives and backstories of these characters, exploring themes of unrequited love, jealousy, revenge, and the human capacity for both good and evil. Set against the backdrop of a world where cultivation arts mesh with cutting-edge technology, "Cultivation of Secrets" is a tale of mystery and suspense. The narrative unfolds in a series of chapters that deepen the intrigue, with each character revealing unexpected depths and secrets.

BenzaFisher · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Justine's Juxtaposition

With each conversation revealing more layers to the mystery, Elder Lin next sought out Justine, the fan-fiction writer whose imaginative world often overlapped with the realities of Pinecrest Village. Her perspective, he hoped, might offer a fresh angle on the motivations and behaviours that could lead to such a crime.

Justine's home was a vibrant collage of creativity. Manuscripts, sketches, and various cultivation artefacts that inspired her stories filled the space. She welcomed Elder Lin with a curious gaze, her mind seemingly weaving another narrative.

"Elder Lin, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Justine asked, her voice tinged with intrigue.

Elder Lin got straight to the point. "Justine, your stories often explore the darker aspects of human nature. In your opinion, could someone in our village be capable of taking a life?"

Justine pondered the question, her eyes reflecting the complexity of her thoughts. "In fiction, characters often act on desires and fears hidden beneath the surface. In real life, it's not so different. People can surprise you, Elder Lin. Even the most seemingly peaceful person can harbor a storm within."

Elder Lin considered her words. "Did you notice anything unusual at the festival? Any interactions that struck you as noteworthy?"

"I saw Mike, of course, being his unpleasant self," Justine replied. "I noticed Becca seemed particularly affected by him. And then there's Mich, always hovering around, trying to catch my attention."

"And what about you, Justine? How do you view Mike's demise?" Elder Lin asked, watching her closely.

Justine sighed softly. "Mike's death is a tragedy, not for the loss of the man he was, but for the ripples it has caused. It's like a story where the antagonist suddenly disappears, leaving chaos in his wake."

Justine's insights into the human psyche added a new, almost philosophical dimension to the investigation. Her ability to see beyond the façade, to understand the underlying motivations and fears, provided Elder Lin with a broader canvas to examine the villagers. The lines between fiction and reality blurred, as the characters in Justine's stories mirrored the complexities of the villagers, each capable of a narrative twist as shocking as the one in Pinecrest Village.