

After human development, something bad happened, they were invaded by the alien who have supernatural powers and the become their slaves. The only to survive is to cultivate martial arts. Yi Feng who was from an average family of humans swear to become stronger to avenge his race, till he finally learned the truth of the universe

Ifecowriter_4109 · Fantasy
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7 Chs



Chapter 73

Then YI Feng went into the cave and everywhere was dark, with crystal lighting it up. And he continued to move deeper till he finally saw them and he said "hey, I wish to take that fruit".

"And who the hell are you?"the sixth young master said angrily.

"You don't need to know just give that fruit to me"Yi Feng said with a smirk

"Let me kill him, just remove the root let go."the fourth young master said why circulating his essence and kicked at Yi Feng.

Yi Feng also draw his essence and double crossed his hands at his chest why receiving the kick.


Yi Feng shouted and the stallmate broke why the fourth young master was sent flying. Yi Feng followed and launched a kick to his chest and the fourth young master clashed at the wall.

When suddenly, Yi Feng felt a killing intent on his back and he followed his instinct and dodged. Then he saw a sword heading his way, when he lowered his head and use his sword in the scabbard and raised it over to his head.


When the sixth young master saw that his sneak attacked won't work he sent alot of essence into the sword and slammed down with full force


A sword hit echoes as the sword sent Yi Feng ten steps back and blood licked out from the side of his mouth.

The both glare at each other when the fourth brother came back, then YI Feng saw that if fight with them, he would end up wasting more time so he fled.

"Should we pursue?" The sixth brother brother asked

"No, where is the seven coloured fruit?" The fourth brother asked too


"I kept it there" he said, why he looked at where he was pointing to.

"Where is it?!!"the sixth brother said surprised.

"Are you playing with me" the fourth brother said.

"No I swear, i kept it..... wait!! Maybe that guy took and we didn't notice"

"Give chase!!!"


Yi Feng was running very fast when he stopped, why laughing and bring out a fruit brimming with spiritual energy

Tuk! tuk!

Ye Feng heard some foot step and immediately hid on top of a tree. He saw the first brother and the second brother chatting.

"They must have obtained it now".

*Yes, lets be fast before something happened". The second brother said excitedly.

Those fools, where did the came from, their must be the corpse of Piercing sword eagle there. After they went away, Yi Feng looked into a distance and began walking there.

When he reached he saw a massive corpse of Piercing sword eagle there so he bring out a small knife and extract a drop of blood from the magical beast and put it in a container.

He walked to secluded place. He took out the container and the ancient sword, then he dropped the drop of blood into the sword.

The sword began to glow with a red light and an uncomfortable aura pressed at Yi Feng.

He wasn't able to endure it and he fell down and vomited a mouthful of blood from the pressure.


The sword unsheathed like a devil 😈 escaping the hell, Yi Feng followed his instinct and grabbed at the sword hand. While he endure the pressure from the sword, he pulled it down and sheathed in the scabbard. 

After sometime ,when the aura died down, he unsheathed the sword again but nothing happened. He heaved a sigh of relief, then he bring out the seven coloured fruit and eat it.


The berserk energy spread around his body. That was unexpected.

He immediately guide the through his meridian and smashed at his bottleneck.

Ka ca!!

His cultivation soared from level 1 skipping peak level 1 and directly charging at level 2.


One hour later→

Yi Feng stabilised his cultivation at level 2. 


"Now I am at level 2, I will go and have my revenge on those stupid people"

After Yi Feng advance to level 2 and teach the brothers a lesson, he left the mountains and began a journey to the largest province (Dan province).

After the defeat of Humans their planet was bleached by the alien and three continents was made (Taiwu continent,Jaighu continent and Danwu continent.)

Yi Feng is currently in the Taiwu continent, it has four nation which has seven province each manage by the royal family.

So currently, he is heading to the most popular province in Xing nation.


Yi Feng is seen at a restaurant in a desert eating while listening to the gossips.

~Do you here that a treasure which can increase someone comprehension ability appeared at the treasury island~

~I also heard that a peak rank 3 magical beast is guarding it.~

A treasure, with my current strength I am unable to get it. But I should go there, I heard that some lower level treasure appeared together with it. 

Yi Feng change to the location where the treasure appeared, when Two black clad bandits blocked his way 

"Give us every valuable you have"!

Yi Feng didn't bother with them as he unsheathed his weapon and charged forward with a thrust. The bulky one blocked it and was sent flying. He hit his back at a rock and vomited a mouthful of blood. 

Yi Feng didn't spare him a glance as he slashed at the second one, him knowing what happened to his friend didn't take the attack head on instead he slid backward, managing to dodge it. But Yi Feng didn't stop there. He chopped at him, the bandit couldn't dodge this attack as he hadn't maintain his balance yet, so he had know other choice but to take it head on and was also sent flying like his friend.

"Bunch of trash" Yi Feng said as he walked away.

My cultivation is at level 2 but I am able to beat those at my level because of the cultivation technique I practiced so I guess with my prowess I am able to match or beat those at peak level 2.

As Yi Feng walk he practice the movement technique he got from the life and death art (light float).

A movement technique Yi Feng got from the life and death art book. When practice at perfection one would able to float in air for time.