
myriad faces art

Adam's speed was truly too fast because he could cover 70 meters in each step if he decided to . the average 2nd level of origin core realm could only cover about 30 meters so one could see the difference easily . this time adam used his full speed so he arrived in an alleyway between two shops which was more than 5 kilometers away from city lord's mansion in just about few minutes . he chose this alleyway because he didnt spot anyone entering it and the shops were closed right now . so nobody saw him and those few people who were on the way here could only see a blur and couldn't possibly see his face.

there was 40 some meters long space so adam chose to sit on some empty wood boxes at the end to relax . his surroundings were dark but for a cultivator like him it was no different than normal . now adam was sure that chen would definitely not come to find him himself but he would not completely give up and use his subordinates for the job . adam was not being arrogant or anything but he knew that a businessman like chen would never give up the opportunity to strike a deal with adam would was a great doctor and strong cultivator despite being young . so adam started to think about a sure way to easily stay in the city and avoid being detected by the guards . he arrived on a conclusion that disguise was the only option so he asked system if he could purchase any good disguise arts from shop .

" host can purchase the myriad faces art . it is the best disguising art in existence besides the strong bloodline arts which have similar effects . host can purchase it for 5000 SP ."

adam was not dissatisfied with the price but was confused instead because it was really low for the best art in existence . this meant that this art was unrivaled for disguise in higher planes too so of course any rational person would doubt the price .

" host needs to know that there are many other arts available for purchase in shop and the most expensive disguise art costs 67000 SP to purchase . the myriad faces art is cheap because it is less complicated and the only requirement to use it is pure energy and excellent control . host is recommended to purchase myriad faces art because he excels in both requirements . "

adam believed the system so he accepted its explanation because the system would have never mentioned the most expensive art if it wanted to deceive him and let him purchase more expensive arts . Adam's stock of SP has increased a lot now because he had killed many beasts and the bandits on his journey .the only way to accumulate SP was to kill and system would reward him appropriate SP . now the total SP count was 10570 and adam couldn't guess the standard through which system determined the SP gained . he slated 2 beasts which were both at 3rd level of qi refinement realm but SP gained were 40 and 85 . after that he didnt bother using his brain for this task .

5000 SP would be considered a large expenditure to adam but after listening to system's explanation about the myriad faces art , his curiosity was piqued. so he immediately purchased it and his SP stock was reduced by 5000 . instantly the information about the art appeared inside his mind and adam was satisfied after reading it .

it had only one level which was the right method to change the body structure while not affecting the strength. adam could see why it was called the best art because despite the fact that the body would changed from cellular level , it was only to much extent that didnt effect strength, energy of the cultivator and the only energy used was to change the body structure back and forth . the new form could be maintained till his death if adam wanted and wouldn't use extra energy to maintain it . powerful cultivators could record the energy structure of a cultivator so it was difficult to deceive them but adam didnt have such fear as his energy was pure and he could manipulate the amount as such that he could show it as less than his actual cultivation level anytime as much as he wanted . if adam wanted to show that he was only normal foundation realm cultivator then he could make it so that everyone could see the same . with the myriad faces art he can add some additional fake clour to his energy pure energy and disguise his energy print . he can even add various colors to show that he possess beast qi which is way more chaotic than any cultivators energy .

adam didnt waste any time and decided to change his body structure so that he resembles his former boss . he was a little fat middle aged man and his face resembled that of a hardcore mafia man despite his honest and diligent character . so this was good choice for adam to disguise as he wanted to fuck various girls inside the flower guest house which was located near the flower restaurant where adam and chen had their talk and was managed by the same owner .

he was introduced to the owner by chen and he was an honest looking middle aged man who didnt bother to hide his desire for wealth. he even proposed adam to visit his brothel and introduced the best girls he employed even their 3 sizes alone to adam in a corner. of course adam refused him on surface but was definitely going to visit at night . and now with the disguise he could enjoy till his hearts content .

crackling sounds were heard from Adam's body for a few minutes and the process was complete. adam was truly happy as he didnt look any different from his former boss and his height was even the same 165 cm . he was also glad when it was confirmed after five minutes that he didnt require to expend energy continuously to maintain his disguise. this time adam didnt bother disgusing his cultivation level or add color to his energy because there was no one who had powerful divine sense than him in this city anyway . adam knew that chen would easily break through the 3rd level of origin core realm because his cultivation foundation had been stabilized at the same stage for decades now and after absorbing energy he could cultivate at much fast pace without worrying about his foundation shaking . but even so adam whose divine sense was way more powerful than a peak origin core realm cultivator now didnt have any reason to worry about chen succeeding in scanning him with his divine sense .

night had approached coincidently and the air was delicious . so adam kicked his lips after he licked his lips tasting the air and cursing his former girlfriend inside his mind . his resolve was again solidified to not look for pure love by himself anymore . so adam changed his clothes to black robes which he had stored inside his inventory and his demeanor changed to that of a mafia boss on earth . now only if he had a scar on his face then even the police would shit his pants after taking a look at his ferocious face ...

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