
Chapter 2


A gentle ringing sound came from the doorway of the library, waking him from his thoughts, as it means that a person has come into his library.

Raising his head to look at the person who entered, Fuu couldn't help but raise his brows in surprise, as he quickly noticed a distinctive aura about the person.

Wearing an ordinary-looking robe and leather shoes, he looks very ordinary in any sense, but no matter how he deliberately hides it, the aristocratic air around him couldn't escape Fuu's eyes.

'Interesting,' Fuu thought. Such a temperament wasn't something a commoner would possess. The level of confidence and the way he carried himself were characteristics typically found in individuals with a substantial background.

"Hello, how may I assist you, sir?" Edward greeted the young man, concealing any indications that he could see through his disguise.

As an old fox who has lived long enough to be called an ancestor by several generations, he has learned lessons from his mistakes, and one of them is that being involved with these high-level people was very troublesome.

After all, one small misstep could ruin his carefully constructed facade, potentially resulting in him getting captured and getting himself interrogated.. Worse, he might even reveal all his secrets.

Such scenario.. Although he knew that it was very unlikely to happen considering that he was smart enough to avoid it, it also made him aware of his weakness.

Being immortal doesn't mean that he can't die, as a matter of fact, just like any other person, poisons, severe wounds, and disease can pretty much kill him.

His immortality doesn't grant him invulnerability like Deadpool, who can regenerate from almost any injury, but rather it grants him eternal youth, much like Vandal Savage.

Being the cautious old fox he was, he kept his facade on the surface. With a humble smile on his face, he greeted the young man.

"I need a place to live." The young man looked at him sternly and said straightly.

"A place to live? I'm sorry, this place was a library, not a hotel." Fuu sighed and explained, with an incredulous expression on his face, as if saying, 'are you kiding me?'

"You... sigh." The young man obviously understood the meaning of his words and blushed in anger.. if it was before, he would probably force him to kneel to apologize.

Unfortunately, time has changed.. he wasn't what he used to be.

"Okay, let me get this straight.. I want a place to hide myself.. You know, it was messy outside, and I'm very scared.." The young man sighed helplessly and said straightforwardly.

If it were other people, they would probably find nothing strange about it, as it sounds reasonable; the government had just fallen, and without leaders to control the country, laws cannot be maintained strictly.

Right now, the impact can't be felt as the town they are located in is at the border of the Zengwu Kingdom, but in a month or so, after the news of the destruction of the capital is spread to the town, chaos will soon befall them.

Without a government and without people to pay the soldiers, no one can maintain rules, without rules, everyone can pretty much do whatever they can—robbing, pillaging, killing, rapping, etc.... All kinds of evil in human hearts can be done without restraint.

However, as an old fox himself, he instantly saw the strangeness of his words, and through his expression, he knew that he was very scared, especially when he said, 'It was messy outside'.

He knew that he was referring to himself, not to others in general.

'He must be a member of the Li family,' he concluded, nodding in his mind.

Throughout his hundreds of years of living, he had seen a lot of nobles of various ranks, and he could vaguely identify their ranks just from the way they carried themselves, and apparently, the one before him was something he had only seen in the direct lineage of royal families.

"Oh, well~ we indeed have a place to hide, but the question is, how are we going to pay for it?" Knowing that the other party was a member of the royal family, Fuu's caution was reduced a lot, and he asked without caring whether he offended him or not.

This was the charm of intelligence.. Sometimes knowing others was enough to grasp the whole picture.. As long as you know the other party well enough, you could grasp his weakness to flip the table and use it to your own advantage.

"You!" The other party seems to be angered by his attitude, but thinking that he had no right to get angry, he helplessly calmed himself down. "I.. I don't have money.."

"No money, no place."

"But I have a secret book.. I wonder, If I can pay my stay with it?" The young man hesitated, gritting his teeth in pain, and finally took out a 1 inch-thick book from his sleeves and placed it before him.

"Sun Breathing Technique!" Fuu's eyes widened in shock as he saw the title on the front cover of the book and couldn't help but to tremble.

'No wonder he came here instead of those hotels.' He said in his mind and speculated that this young man must have shown it to those hotels and bars but was chased out because they didn't recognize its value.

After several attempts and failures, he must've realized the reason behind it and finally decided to come to his library in hopes that someone could recognize it.

Which makes sense after all.. There are very few people that can recognize it, whether they died of old age or high ranking in the government, as most public records regarding it were deliberately erased by the previous emperors.

However, Fuu was different, as he knew exactly the origin of the book.

Hundreds of years ago, when he had just crossed, various stories and fairy tales about it could be heard everywhere.

But basically, it was the technique that the first emperor of Zengwu Kingdom realized after bathing under the sun for years.

A technique that gave the first emperor an unimaginable power that made the people think of him as the Sun God himself.

With it, he managed to conquer the entire wilderness and establish a kingdom. Even after his death, the technique he created was passed down to his descendants, which is one of the reasons why the Zengwu Dynasty has been able to maintain its family lineage for hundreds of years since its founding.

"I see, so you know it." The young man let out a sighed, breaking him from his thoughts.

"Damn~, I was caught off guard." Fuu complained inwardly, as he really didn't expect to see such a book, causing him to be seen by the young man in front of him.

"Sigh, well, I indeed recognized it." He nodded helplessly. Anyway, since he was already seen through, there's no need to pretend; however, as a cunning old fox, how can he let himself earn less?

 "But.. how can you prove that it was real? I mean, don't get me wrong, every once in a while, there will be people that will sell me martial arts cheat books, and guess what? They're fake," Fuu said straightforwardly, and he wasn't joking.

There are indeed many people who sold him such books, and most of them are fake.