
Cultivation Game: Holy Sword God

As the only cultivator left on earth while he was already 1500 years old, there weren't many things that caught his interest. Even the recently trending virtual reality games could only entertain him for a while before he got bored again. How could he possibly feel the sensation when the supernatural powers that could be used in those games weren't as strong as his in the real world. He was only interested again when his neighbor told him of a new game called World of Cultivation. This game has 7 worlds each of which is a thousand times bigger than the earth where every place can be visited. An old man in that game world destroyed countless mountains with just a single snort. "The world I dreamed of and a power that's more than mine? I have to feel the sensation even if it's just a game," he said. While the game's description attracted him to play it, once he arrived in the game world, he was filled with disbelief as he looked at the status window. (Merit Laws) - Pangu Splits Heaven and Earth - Zues the King of All Lightning - Athens' Laws of War - Nuwa's Laws of Creation and Life - King Arthur's Holy Light Etc. (Techniques) - Light Erases Darkness - Infinite Sword Domain - Kun-Peng's Wings - Rain of a Thousand Spears Etc. All the merit laws and techniques in his memory, which he had inherited from the ancient gods had also entered the game world.

Dark_Crow1111 · Games
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13 Chs

Sun Yang Holds a Grudge

While Mei Mei was returning home with the virtual equipment she just got, Luo Tian entered the warehouse again.

After a long time, he didn't really care about the books anymore, he kept them only for collection, but now he wanted to collect the important books and hide them in a safer place.

As he gathered the books, he thought, 'some people must have copies of them.'

He had roamed the world for the books, but even though he had come to almost every place where humans had lived, there was no way he could inspect every small area one by one. The strength of a spiritual master, especially on earth with limited spiritual energy had many limits.

Of course, the number of books that recorded divine grade techniques and merit laws were fewer, perhaps only one or two books each, but some of them still had the possibility of being discovered by others.

'However, even if there are people who have copies of them, without the help of cultivators, they can only memorize them word by word. Most importantly, how many of them will actually memorize them? Those who have copies of these cultivation books will probably think they are just bullshit or some ordinary ancient martial technique named after an exaggeration. Those who believe and try to memorize them also may not necessarily be able to memorize them, however, in today's era, memorizing word for word is considered ancient and the wrong way of education. Basically, I don't have to worry too much about this. Even if there's one or two, it's also fine to have a little rival.'

After gathering all the important books, he also collected important weapons no matter if they were in the villagers' homes right now.

The books and weapons flew around him, he then flew into the sky.

After he returned, he immediately returned to his house and directly entered the game, he no longer needed to go to the warehouse because the virtual equipment he used this time did not require electricity.


(You have been offline for 4 hours, you lost 0.4% of your cultivation.)

(Your lost cultivation has been restored.)


(Comprehension points for merit laws: 0.1)

(Comprehension points for technique: 1,1)

"Oh, they are increasing, so they will still improve by themselves."

The second announcement made Luo Tian slightly surprised.

He then turned his gaze to the friends list menu.

There are currently three friend requests.

<Almost_Dead999 wants to be your friend. Yes/No.>

<Black_Lotus wants to be your friend. Yes/No.>

<Bella wants to be your friend. Yes/No.>

He accepted them all, once the friendship was successful, their location also appeared.

Almost_Dead999: White Tortoise Kingdom, Desert Continent.

Black_Lotus: Black Wind Kingdom, Darkness Continent.

Bella: Western Conch Kingdom, Sword Continent.

"Mm, the Western Conch Kingdom, is it next to the Southern Conch Kingdom? This girl actually appeared near me."

Bella was currently sitting in an open courtyard, she and the other players were listening to an elder preaching about cultivation.

Seeing that her friend request was accepted, she quickly opened the friend list to see the location of Old_Demon.

Old_Demon: Southern Conch Kingdom, Sword Continent.

Hee mouth opened when she saw the Conch Kingdom's words, even though there was a difference between south and west, she was sure they were neighbors.

She couldn't help but send a message to Black_Lotus, "do you believe, heaven has eyes, apparently I got what you wanted o_o. Please don't cry, evil sister."

Luo Shen, "..."

She was currently on the dark ground, wearing a black dress which gave her a mysterious feeling.

The sun was in the sky, but dark clouds blocked the sunlight so that day almost seemed like night.

By her side stood a woman wearing the same black dress as her, the difference being that she had a pair of wings on her back. Above her head there is a virtual screen which means she is also a player, her nickname is Black_Rose.

"Lotus, what happened? Why did your expression change?" she asked.

"It's okay, just seeing something a little unpleasant," replied Lotus or Luo Shen.

"Let's go," she continued before taking a step away.

She and Rose appeared in the same place, they didn't know each other's real identities, but they both used the name flower for their nickname and even added the word Black in front of it.

They don't need to investigate each other to know each other's nature. Two tigers might not be able to live side by side on the same mountain, but they were on a new, unknown mountain, so they decided to team up first.


Luo Tian got up from the bed, he took a deep breath and opened the window.

There were more people outside, some newcomers while those who came first chose to play around, they didn't even dare to draw their own blood because of the pain. If they knew the enjoyment of the thrill of cultivating, they would definitely not waste their time.

'If the NPCs were as smart as real humans, wouldn't they feel weird about these players?' He couldn't help but wonder.

He opened his region menu, it was empty but it was linked to the mission menu. He clicked on the menu.

(Kingdom Building Missions)

- Become a disciple of a sect.

Status: Done

- Become an inner court disciple.


1. This mission is only valid before you reach the seventh layer of the iron body.


1. 1. You will get 1 comprehension points for merit laws and 2 comprehension points for technique.

2. You will randomly get a class-1 item.

- Become a senior disciple.


1. This mission is only valid before you reach the seventh layer of the silver body.


1. You will get 2 comprehension points for merit laws and 4 comprehension points for technique.

2. You will randomly get a class-2 item.

- Become a sect elder.


1. This mission is only valid before you reach the fourth layer of the golden body.


1. You will get 4 comprehension points for merit laws and 7 comprehension points for technique.

2. You will randomly get a class-3 item.

- Become a sect master.


1. This mission is only valid before you reach the first layer of diamond body.


You will get 6 comprehension points for merit laws and 10 comprehension points for techniques once you complete it.

1. You will get 6 comprehension points for merit laws and 10 comprehension points for technique.

2. You will randomly get a class-4 item.

- Expanding sect territory, first stage.


1. This mission is only valid before you reach the fifth layer of the diamond body.


1. You will get 8 comprehension points for merit laws and 15 comprehension points for technique.

2. You will randomly get a class-5 item.

- ETC.

'There are more points of comprehension for techniques than for merit laws. If I just complete these missions, I can only advance one merit law to the next stage at most. What about the other missions?'

Apart from the kingdom building missions, there are other missions, from killing monsters, refining pills, forging weapons, training disciples, etc.

Of course, he wasn't the kind who would choose all roads to be perfect, his philosophy was to focus on one area and be the best at that.

As a swordsman, apart from increasing his cultivation and practicing his sword techniques, another important thing was fighting, so he opened the mission menu to kill monsters.

- Killed a sixth layer iron body monster.


1. The mission can only be done once and is not valid again when you pass the monster level.


1. You will get 6 houtian spiritual stones.

2. You will randomly get a class-1 item.

3. You will get 40,000 spiritual essence.

- Killed a seventh layer iron body monster.


1. The mission can only be done once and is not valid again when you pass the monster level.


1. You will get 7 houtian spiritual stones.

2. You will randomly get a class-1 item.

3. You will get 80,000 spiritual essence.

- Killed an eighth layer iron body monster.


1. The mission can only be done once and is not valid again when you pass the monster level.


1. You will get 8 houtian spiritual stones.

2. You will randomly get a class-1 item.

3. You will get 160,000 spiritual essence.

- Killed a ninth layer iron body monster.


1. The mission can only be done once and is not valid again when you pass the monster level.


1. You will get 9 houtian spiritual stones.

2. You will randomly get a class-2 item.

3. You will get 320,000 spiritual essence.

- Killed an iron body monster boss.


1. The mission can only be done once and is not valid again when you pass the monster level.

2. If you complete the above missions in a row, the game system will send you to meet the boss monster.


1. You will get a class-2 spiritual weapon, you can specify the type.

2. You will get 4 comprehension points for merit laws and 8 comprehension points for technique.

3. You will get 1,000,000 spiritual essence.

'Oh, just killing a boss monster gives comprehension points, and that's quite a lot. Is this boss monster a monster with a rare bloodline?'

'And, the spiritual essence imparted is truly unbearable. These missions are definitely the better option as they don't require me to act conspicuously. I'll wait for the reactions of the NPCs before acting more flashy. I don't want to be the first. But I need to go outside the sect territory for these missions, will this be allowed?'

He held back his cultivation so that it was very hidden before stepping out of his house. With his Divine Body and Soul plus the Supreme God Tier Merit Law, it would take a few levels above him if one were to see his cultivation base.

There are several male disciples on duty to guard the area, they are not very strong, only in the fifth and sixth layers of the iron body, they have also reached middle age.

He walked towards them, one of them holding an iron rod, he asked when he arrived in front of them, "son, what do you want?"

"I want to go out, what should I do?" Luo Tian asked back.

"This should be your first day right? Why did you go out? Do you want to run away after getting a pill and merit law from the sect? You better not think about it, our dog can trace even your grandfather's grave."

"No, I just want to know, how could I dare." Luo Tian pretended to be afraid, even though he had his own personality, acting wasn't difficult for him after living for 1500 years.

"Hmph, who knows what you're thinking," he replied. "But you can go out every Friday, Saturday and Sunday provided you've settled your weekly bill. It's only Monday, so it's still a long time."

'So this world has the same day as the earth,' said Luo Tian to himself.

He then asked again, "is there no other way?"

"Another way?" The man seemed to be an idealistic man, his eyes bulging as he heard his words.

"Kid, there is no other way, you have to follow the sect rules or I will break your leg."

"Okay, okay." Luo Tian chose to end the conversation, he turned to leave.

Of course, he didn't believe the man's words, he believed anything could be done as long as everyone was satisfied.

In the end, he walked towards the mine area, several players had already headed there, but there were more old disciples, they were not players, their expressions were like beasts looking at prey as they looked at the players disguised as new disciples.

"Mmm," on the way to the mine area, Luo Tian suddenly felt a gaze, it was a sharp gaze.

He quietly looked in the direction the gaze was coming from. Behind a collapsed house, he saw Sun Yang who had one of his hands cut off, hiding.

'What did he do? From the look in his eyes, does he hold a grudge against me?'

That man might have some background in the real world, but from the way he spoke thus far, he was definitely not the overly intelligent kind of young master. Only a spoiled brat would talk about his grandfather.

Luo Tian didn't really care about him, but even a fool could be smart if someone controlled him. He had a lot of experience like that, so he didn't underestimate a fool who acted strangely.

'Well, I'll see what he does.'

Meanwhile, Sun Yang opened the friends list menu, he had one friend now, it was Yang Ming.

He messaged him, [Bro, this guy is still around, his account isn't banned.]

Yang Ming who was cultivating in his place flinched when he saw the message.

"His account is not banned? Am I wrong?" Yang Ming stopped cultivating, he stood up and started thinking again.

Of course, there was no place to report cheaters on the World of Cultivation website, but it had a forum, he had made posts on those forums and paid several people to popularize his posts. He didn't know if it would work, he started to think it worked because Old_Demon had been missing for a few hours, but just as he was starting to get excited, he suddenly appeared again.

'If he's not a cheater, then what is?'

He was silent for a moment before flinching again.

'Why didn't I think about it, maybe he does have a much higher talent so the sect can't detect his talent. Some people get saint-level bodies or souls, this sect can still detect them when they don't have cultivation yet, but what about divine bodies or souls.'

"Danger, this is very dangerous. Sun Yang said he is also very ruthless, he has no hesitation in cutting off his hand, I must act quickly before he grows stronger. Ah, fortunately this stupid brat, Sun Yang, also found my post on the forum."

He then sent a message to Sun Yang.

[Bro, reveal his identity, say that he is Old_Demon, that he is already at the fifth layer of the iron body until the NPCs also find out. I actually suspected he had a divine body. But don't say that, just say that he has an incomparable secret technique, which can increase cultivation speed like a rocket.]

He suspected he had a divine body, but he couldn't say that, he was worried that it would make the sect master make him his disciple. After all, talent is something that belongs to the owner, it's part of the owner. Saying that he possessed an incomparable secret technique was much better because it would arouse people's greed.

Of course, to Sun Yang he had to be honest because he was also a player, he knew that none of the characters possessed techniques from the start.

Sun Yang, on the other hand, after receiving the message from Yang Ming, he couldn't help but be surprised so he said, "Old_Demon has a divine body, how is that possible?"

Luo Tian who was currently behind Sun Yang was shocked when he heard his words.

'Someone is really analyzing me really fast, who is he?' he wondered.

'I thought I wouldn't meet a smart character so soon.'


His hand then moved to grip Sun Yang's neck.

He said in a cold tone, "son, tell me who are you communicating with? You know that you can't logout in danger or your character will die, but even if you choose to force logout, I can still torture you before you can. Erm, maybe the pain will make you even forget how to log out."

Sun Yang, "..."