
Cultivation Daddy

Li Jain was a spiritual plant in his previous life that was nurture into his human form by the Hanxu sect. legend has it that only the Heavenly Spiritual Plant can open the gate of Heaven for cultivators to become immortals. Li Jain was raise carefully, he didn't lack anything and became an experts in lots of arts. After he advance to the Transformation realm, he began his quest of opening the heavenly gate. But when the gate open, he was killed ruthlessly by the same people that once treat him like a treasure. He spent years as a wandering ghost and eventually, found his fated soul in another world. The person body he took over has seven children and was despise by his family. Li Jain could take care of seven buns and make them very power in the future. With the help of his Spiritual Tavern, he became very wealthy.

NobleFox · LGBT+
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61 Chs

Chapter 26, Alluring Yin Physique

Laughter echoed in the  air as the game was the most intense yet. Three pairs of eyes stared at the board intensely as Shen Yuan threw the dice with enthusiasm in hope to play the winning number.   The dice fell on the board and began to spin  wildly before the numbers were revealed; it landed on  '2.' Shen Yuan sighed, "I lost." 

The other two people chuckled with a slight smile at his reaction.

"Now, the game is all mine." Jing Xuan said with a proud grin.

"No it's not. I'm only four steps away from taking the crown. And it's my turn next." Li Zhang pointed out to Jing Xuan in an accusatory tone as he picked up the dice.

"So lucky."  Jing Xuan responded with a shrug

Li Zhang smiles, it feels good to win no matter what you're doing. Just as he was about to play, Xiao Yang came with red eyes as his face was filled with tears. 

"Brother, I want to go home." Xiao Yang said to Shen Yuan, who looked at his brother with worry in his eye. " What happened? Why are you crying?" He asked in concern as he stand up to comfort his crying little brother

The rest of the friends look at each other with shock but decide to say nothing for the time being.  

Shen Yuan felt very distressed as he looked at his little brother who looked so tired and worn down. Xiao Yang wasn't a willful child like most children  of his age. His little brother was always cheerful and lively and had a contagious laugh that made everyone around him chuckle with joy.  It was just...seeing him crying so pitifully is quite a rare sight.

"Let's go home, I don't want to stay here any more."  Xiao Yang said while sniffing

Shen Yuan didn't know what transpired but since his little brother is feeling uncomfortable,  then there is no point in them staying here further. "Alright we'll go home." He turned to the others, "You guys should continue playing, we'll leave first."

"No, you should take your game back. When you visit again, we will finish where we left off!" Li Zhang insisted. 

After they all agreed to let Shen Yuan take his game back, he went to Xiao Yang to give him an embrace and rub his head.  "It's alright, don't cry anymore. We'll go home."



Jing Xuan has been dumbfounded the entire time. Weren't they all playing happily just now? How come the others are leaving so suddenly? "Brother Zhang, what happened?"  He was confused, looking at the backs of the two brothers leaving.

"What happened?" Li Zhang sighed, "Asked your good brother Sheng."

At the time Xiao Yang came crying, Jing Sheng wasn't present, Li Zhang guess it should have something to do with him.

"Why would Sheng Sheng do that?" Jing Xuan asked

Li Zhang shrugged nonchalantly, "How would I know?"


Hours later, Li Jain came back from Qingyuan town only to find the atmosphere at home  had changed drastically. Li Jain frowned, did that matchmaker come again when he was absent? Usually when he comes home, the yard would be noisy with the children laughing, talking, or arguing. But today, there is only silence. They sat separately with their backs facing   each other, not bothering to speak with one another, not even exchanging looks.

"What's wrong?" Li Jain asked once he entered the house  

"Daddy, you're back." Li Juanxin came running into his father's arms to welcome him after hearing his voice.

Li Jain smiled at his youngest son, "Hey baby, what's wrong with them?"  Li Jain asked gently


Juanxin looked at his older brothers and sighed: "They have been arguing all day."

"Arguing? What about?" Li Jain asked concerned as he picked his son up and carried him on his hip.

"It's Jing Sheng who is so Mighty that he drove my friends away." Jing Xuan answered, his brows furrowed and a pout appeared on his face.  

 "I didn't send him away. I only had a word with him.," Jingsheng replied calmly 

"Yes, A private conversation that made him cry and he had to leave!" Jing Xuan retorted sarcastically

"I had my doubts about him and needed to verify it. I don't need your approval." Jingsheng replied in an indifferent manner.

"Oh yeah, but guess what? I was the one who invited them and moreover, they are my friends not yours. You shouldn't have done what you did today."  Jing Xuan snapped

"What I do is none of your business." Jingsheng said bluntly

 "Ok, ok, calm down. We can talk it through."  Li Jain said with a placating voice as he tried to stop his kids. He had never seen these two fight like this before and was a little helpless. 

"Father, have you met Xiao Yang?" Li Cheng asked

Li Jain nodded, "Yes, I have." 

Seeing how much Jing Xuan liked this new friend of his, Li Jain was a little curious and decided to meet the kid. But he was surprised to find that the child has the Alluring Yin physique. He wondered how it was possible for Xiao Yang to develop this physique at such a young age. Normally, he had only seen such a physique on magic beasts like the cat and fox races. But since there are beastman races in this world, Li Jain figured that Xiao Yang might belong to either the Cat or Fox race to develop such a physique. Luckily, he hasn't awakened yet.

After further observation, he found that the child didn't have ill  intentions nor did he display evil or malicious actions towards Jing Xuan. So he decides to leave them alone.

"Don't you think something is odd about him?" Li Cheng continue to asked

Li Jain pretended to give it  thought and shook his head: "I think he's a good kid, and he seems to care about Xiao Xuan a lot. Nothing strange."

Li Cheng looked at his father with suspicion. "Sheng said that he had an alluring aura on him."

"Yeah, how did Sheng Sheng know? Is it because you were attracted? Seems like your willpower is still lacking." Li Zhang teased his younger brother with a playful smirk.

Jing Sheng blushed in response. "Shut up." 

Earlier today, when he sat a few feet away from Xiao Yang, he had an inexplicable feeling that made him want to get close to the other boy. This feeling he felt was so strong that he couldn't believe what he was seeing at that moment. It was the sensation that made him want to protect the child at all cost, even though he knew nothing about him. 

For the first time, Jingsheng felt truly afraid about something he couldn't control. Therefore, he decided to ask Xiao Yang about it.

"That alluring aura is because of his special physique. It has the ability to draw people closer to him. When the ability awakened, he could tell a person to harm themselves and they will do it with pleasure." Li Jain explained

Li Chen gasped loudly. "Father, is he that powerful?"

"Will be, but not yet." Li Jain answered, "Anyway, Xiao Xuan, you should talk to him tomorrow. I think Xiao Sheng was just looking out for you."

 "Yes, father. I'm sorry Sheng Sheng." Xiao Jian nods in agreement, and apologizes to Jing Sheng.