
Cultivation Chat Group: The Heavenly Court Returns

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Cultivation Chat Group. When he first opened his eyes after reincarnating, he was greeted by two beautiful faces. One of them being the Heavenly Emperor who became his Mother and the other one was Heavenly Way White, his father. Born as the child with the most terrifying background ever that should have never existed. You ask why his background is so terrifying? His Mother, a creation of the third Heavenly Way and modified by the eight to execute his elaborate master plan to restore himself. The organisation she rules, the Ancient Heavenly Court, is the most powerful organisation in the entire world of cultivation and his father, he's the worst of all. Suppressing the entire All Heavens and Myriad Realms in an attempt to become Heavenly Way, only to sell it to someone else and repeating it once again after. As the only Heavenly Way to have half-transcended the Way he is also the strongest of them all. Our protagonist, however, is not interested in any of this and just wants to get to Canon as quickly as possible to have some fun. Along the way, he inadvertently becomes the most powerful individual capable of single-handedly ending the current era. Read as the most powerful cultivator that All Heavens and Myriad Realms have ever seen, messes up the original timeline. --- Note: This is my first time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave This story will not have any harem, so don't ask for it! Everything but OC belongs to their respective authors!

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 112: Marriage (2)

As the sun rose over Spirit Butterfly Island, its golden rays painted the landscape with a warm glow. Zenith Heaven Emperor stood at the entrance of the elegant Spirit Butterfly Manor, adorned in his regal robes and radiating an aura of power that commanded respect. Today was the day he had chosen for the official betrothal ceremony, where he would seek the approval of Soft Feather's parents for their union.

Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, the emperor stepped forward and entered the grand hall of the manor. The room was adorned with exquisite decorations and filled with the fragrance of rare flowers, an atmosphere befitting such a momentous occasion. Soft Feather's father, Spirit Butterfly, known for his protective nature, sat at the head of a long table, his piercing eyes filled with curiosity and anticipation.

"Greetings, Venerable Spirit Butterfly," Zenith Heaven Emperor said, bowing respectfully. "I have come to formally present my marriage gifts and humbly request the honor of marrying your daughter, Soft Feather."

Spirit Butterfly observed the emperor with a discerning gaze, his expression stern and unyielding. He was well aware of his daughter's affection for the emperor and the powerful bond they shared. However, as a father who cherished his daughter above all else, he felt the need to protect her and ensure her happiness.

"Zenith Heaven Emperor," Spirit Butterfly began, his voice carrying a note of caution. "I appreciate your gesture and the gifts you have brought. Soft Feather's happiness is of utmost importance to me. Tell me, why do you seek an official betrothal ceremony when your power and position already secure your union?"

The emperor paused, his mind momentarily drifting to the thought of simply taking Soft Feather by force if her parents refused their consent. But deep down, he knew that the cultivation world held traditions that even he, as the Heavenly Emperor, had to respect.

After all he did not want to annoy his mother even more. This is something she especially asked him to do. Why no one knows, perhaps she just wanted him to comply with the traditions of the cultivation world, but in Zenith Heaven Emperor's opinion it is more likely that she just wants to annoy him. After all he already isn't the good daughter the Old Heavenly Emperor always wanted and ever since then she likes to see him suffer on such occasions. This is her way of taking revenge.

"Esteemed Spirit Butterfly," the emperor responded, choosing his words carefully, "while our union may be unshakable, it is important to honor the traditions and customs that have been passed down through generations. By seeking your approval and participating in an official betrothal ceremony, I wish to demonstrate my respect for Soft Feather, for you as her father."

Spirit Butterfly's stern expression softened, his eyes reflecting a mix of apprehension and acceptance. He understood the emperor's rationale and the weight of tradition in their world, even if Soft Feather, as a person born in modern times, held different beliefs.

"Zenith Heaven Emperor," Spirit Butterfly hesitated, his voice filled with a mixture of gratitude and concern, "I appreciate your understanding of our traditions. However, I must express my reservations about this union..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Spirit Butterfly's wife who had been listening quietly, abruptly interrupted him. Her piercing gaze bore into Spirit Butterfly, a clear message of disapproval in her eyes.

"Spirit Butterfly!" Her voice carried a firmness that brooked no argument. "We have raised Soft Feather to make her own choices, and she has chosen the Zenith Heaven Emperor. Are you going to deny her happiness?"

Spirit Butterfly's face reddened slightly, his wife's interruption serving as a reminder of their previous disagreements on this matter. He understood that his wife's words carried weight, and he couldn't afford to upset her further.

Sighing inwardly, Spirit Butterfly relented, his voice softer this time. "Zenith Heaven Emperor, I see the sincerity in your eyes, and I can sense the deep bond between you and Soft Feather. With my wife's words and her unwavering trust, I give my consent to your union. May you both find everlasting happiness together."

Relief washed over the Zenith Heaven Emperor, mingled with a hint of sympathy for Spirit Butterfly. He knew that the decision was not an easy one for the concerned father, but he appreciated Spirit Butterfly's willingness to prioritize Soft Feather's happiness.

A wave of relief washed over Zenith Heaven Emperor as he bowed deeply in gratitude. The burden of seeking approval had been lifted, and the path to their official union was now clear.

"I am truly grateful for your consent, Spirit Butterfly," the emperor replied, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "I promise you, I will do everything in my power to protect and cherish Soft Feather, for she is my greatest treasure."

As Zenith Heaven Emperor expressed his gratitude and promises to Spirit Butterfly, an unexpected presence made itself known. The Old Heavenly Emperor materialized before them. Her eyes gleamed with amusement as she witnessed the unfolding scene.

Using her powerful space manipulation abilities, she reached through a shimmering space gate and held up a smartphone, capturing the moment of Zenith Heaven Emperor kneeling before Spirit Butterfly. With a mischievous grin, she snapped a picture, freezing the image for eternity.

The Old Heavenly Emperor, found immense joy in teasing her son. She had been observing the proceedings through her space powers, unable to resist the opportunity to playfully tease Zenith Heaven Emperor.

"You're such a delightful son," she chuckled, her voice filled with laughter. "I couldn't miss the chance to capture this precious moment and have a little fun with it. This picture will serve as a reminder of your obedience to your future father-in-law."

The true purpose of why the Old Heavenly Emperor forced her son to do all this has just been revealed and as Zenith Heaven Emperor suspected she wanted him to do it to annoy him to no end. After all where do you see the dignified emperor of the Heavenly Court kneeling.

With the interruption by the Old Heavenly Emperor having brought a lighthearted interlude to the ceremony, Zenith Heaven Emperor regained his composure and continued with the presentation of his bridal gifts. As the most powerful individual in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, his gifts were nothing short of extraordinary.

Approaching Venerable Spirit Butterfly, Zenith Heaven Emperor extended his hands, presenting a carefully crafted box containing a cube with a Way of Eternal Life in its rudimentary form. Venerable Spirit Butterfly can use this cube to absorb this Way of Eternal Life, which will be a great help in his further cultivation. Alongside it, he placed an Imperishable Granule obtained from Fourth Heaven as a spoil of war.

Venerable Spirit Butterfly's eyes widened in astonishment as he accepted the gifts, recognizing their immense value.

Turning his attention to Spirit Butterfly's wife, Zenith Heaven Emperor presented her with a beautifully ornate box. Inside lay a legacy-grade weapon, personally created by the emperor himself through his Visionary Pathway. Alongside the weapon, he placed another Imperishable Granule.

Spirit Butterfly's wife couldn't hide her astonishment at the sight of the magnificent weapon.

"Venerable Spirit Butterfly and Fairy Spirit Butterfly, I offer these gifts as tokens of my deep respect and gratitude," Zenith Heaven Emperor declared, his voice filled with sincerity. "May they serve as a symbol of the bond that we share, and may they bring you strength and joy in the days to come."

The betrothal ceremony continued with renewed solemnity and a heightened sense of unity, as Soft Feather's parents, now with hearts full of gratitude, embraced the union of their daughter with the Zenith Heaven Emperor.

Meanwhile, the Old Heavenly Emperor, never one to miss an opportunity for mischief, quietly and mischievously filmed the entire ceremony. Knowing the value of such cherished memories, the Old Heavenly Emperor preserved the sacred event, ensuring that the moments shared between their families would forever be etched in the annals of their shared history.