
Cultivation Can Wait; Anime Is My Fate!

After reincarnating into a world where qigong cultivation is commonplace, our main character makes the obvious decision to become a weeb.

LysUltima · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 13

They soon arrived at the police station and had their statements taken, something that didn't take too much time. The police asked them to stay for a bit longer, however, so the three stayed in the police station's lobby.

Several minutes later, the two girls were in the middle of exchanging their contact info. It was something that they would have to finish later; just then, the disgusting molester came swaggering out of the back, practically shedding a confident air. Of course, the handcuffs were gone.

The two girls looked positively shocked, while Riku merely frowned and furrowed his eyebrows.

He decided to act the straight man in what he could only imagine was a massive practical joke.

"Umm, shouldn't he," Riku said, pointing at the veritable vermin of society, "be in a jail cell?"

A police officer answered him, "No, there's no evidence. We can't detain an innocent person. Although we appreciate your attempts at upholding justice and encourage you to continue to do so, there's no evidence of this person's wrongdoing. You three may leave."

Riku was speechless, probably the most speechless he'd ever be in his life. A moment later, a lightbulb flashed inside his head, and he silently took out his phone and tapped it a few times.

However, Riku's lack of a response had nothing to do with the fuming masked girl.

"No evidence? How is there no evidence? We have the person he attacked right here! Two witnesses gave written statements. If that's not enough, everyone else in the subway car saw the crime. What more evidence do you need?"

The officer calmly replied, "Do you have a video of the crime?"

She faltered. "N-No."

"Thus, we cannot make a case. This man is a free man."

Flustered at the police's bullshittery, her voice pitched in volume, "What!? But that makes no sense!"

Riku chose this point to cut off the girl's fruitless argument. "Hey, do you recognize this person?" He showed his phone to the masked girl.

She peered closer and said, "Yeah, this is pretty clearly the walking trash in front of us. How did you get this picture?"

Riku shrugged. "It seems like this character is indeed who he claimed to be: the fifth son of the Kumochi clan. Nothing we say will help."

He figured out the general gist of it from hearing the police officer speak. And when his divine sense saw their statements shredded and in the trash can, it was all but confirmed. Only powerful cultivation clans had the power to completely disregard the law, and didn't the perpetrator himself say that he was part of the Kumochi clan? He initially thought that the claim was bogus as the Kumochi clan could just straight-up hire prostitutes to deal with whatever horniness their scions were feeling. The victim wasn't even attractive to start off with. (Though maybe Riku was a bit biased towards Haruka-chan.) But maybe this particular scion got off to train molestation. He really couldn't understand these types of people.

His own clan was no weakling and was only slightly lesser in influence to the Kumochis. If Riku stepped in here, perhaps he could get the groper in prison right then and there. After all, he doubted that the police particularly enjoyed letting a serial molester on the loose either. But actually jailing a descendant of a powerful clan was pretty much akin to suicide, unless one had the protection of another powerful clan, something that Riku could provide.

However, the Shinosaki Corp. was currently going through negotiations with the Kumochi Corp. for a critical business contract, and Riku knew that if he did move against this fifth son, he would effectively be sabotaging the rest of his family. There was no way Riku would do that, especially when he had a better idea in mind. A much better idea.

"That's right!" gloated the pervert, "There's nothing that you lowborns can do!" He chuckled. "I'll forgive you females this once. Remember not to fuck with people you can't afford to fuck around with. Haha!"

He strutted right out the police station, blissfully unaware that he had just fucked around with a person he couldn't fuck around with. He was most certainly going to repeat his crime from earlier the day, if Riku judged his swagger correctly.

Thus, Riku followed him and secretly made use of his skills to fuck over all his attempts to grope people.

The molester only gave up and went home after three hours of beautiful cockblocking, courtesy of the youngest Shinosaki.


Nighttime settled in, and Riku was outside the personal mansion of the Kumochi fifth son. It was a pretty extensive place to say the least, and the fact that even the fifth son could have a mansion of his own was a testament to the Kumochi clan's enormous wealth.

He was clad in a hooded black robe with magical properties, some of them being: cloaking one's face with shadows, a portable charger for one's phone, and anti-aircraft missile proofing. Nifty little features that looked cool but lacked practicality, really only existing to lift the price of the robe to something more profitable to the seller.

Actually, the anti-aircraft missile proofing was probably the most for-show feature of the robe; it offered virtually no protection to the cultivator themselves as the "proofing" was just for the robe itself.

Back in the Second World War, powerful cultivators kept being shot by anti-aircraft missiles. While the cultivator was mostly unharmed, the cultivator's clothes were definitely not. But who would have the face to keep on fighting when his mountain or her valley were hanging out in the open?

After one powerful forty fart cultivator heard comments among the soldiers about his "small dick," he embarrassedly went into seclusion for a few years. When he came out of seclusion, he revolutionized clothing technology—finally clan elders would not have to worry about their clothing being destroyed before they were. While the price of these new missile-proof robes were shockingly high, they quickly sold out, the buyers mainly being powerful female cultivators and powerful male cultivators suspected of having a Leaning Tower of Pisa (short, old and can't keep up) instead of an Empire State Building (tall, young and stout).

His clothing's history aside, Riku had the slightly cliché plan of sneaking into the Kumochi residence and doing unspeakable things to the molester after temporarily kidnapping him. Hence the getup: what he was planning on doing was in no way legal.

Incidentally, the mansion was located somewhere southwest of Kyoto City, in what used to be Iga Province. Those familiar with Japanese history might know that Iga Province was famous for one thing during the Warring States Period: ninjas. And it just so happened that Riku was sneaking into a building wearing black clothing.

Riku had to suppress his growing urge to do some hand signs and yell out, "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

Theatrics were not conducive to the mission of secrecy, so he resigned himself to just silently create a few shadow clones, who silently followed him speeding towards the mansion's gates. While they were mostly useless and had next to no combat ability, Riku spent nearly an entire month perfecting this technique after watching a certain ninja-themed anime, and this was the perfect time to flaunt his skills. He had to use them sometime, dammit.

He spread his divine sense out to encompass the entire mansion, looking for the location of the molester. Instead, he sensed a group of cultivators standing around the mansion's entrance. Guards.

His jaw dropped, and he stopped in place. "How did they know that I was coming?"

The guards were actually decently strong, "decently strong" meaning that he would need at least a few minutes to take them all out. Though, it was only because he was too overpowered: it was a much higher security detail than a mere fifth son could possibly have normally. Cultivators tended to be expensive to hire, and eight cultivators averaging around twenty farts in strength protecting somebody long-term would cost anyone a fortune and a half. A guard regiment like the one in front of Riku would only be deployed to protect a target if the clan had notice of an incoming attack.

Riku quickly realized that the cultivators weren't meant to protect against him. After all, nobody but his parents and grandmother knew of his actual strength. Neither did Riku tell anyone of his plans to attack the Kumochi clan. In all likelihood, the molester pissed off someone else he shouldn't have, something Riku accepted as very possible given the pervert's track record of douchiness and general unlikability, and needed cultivators to defend himself for the time being.

It was unfortunate, though, that rock-paper-scissors wasn't exactly a method to get past detection arrays and security cameras. It was also unfortunate that rock-paper-scissors was the only skill set that Riku had any particular confidence in. And once he was seen and an alarm was sent to the Kumochi clan headquarters, multiple cultivators equal to him in strength were probably going to fly or teleport over. By that point, Riku's only choice would be to leave and go cry in a corner somewhere.

He made a mental note to ask his grandmother how to make himself invisible sometime in the future.

Riku would need a few minutes to subdue the group—again, being only proficient in rock-paper-scissors did not help—without resorting to lethal measures, something he was absolutely not willing to do. There was no way to defeat them before reinforcements arrived.

Thus, the two obvious choices of sneaking in and beating up the guards were not feasible.

Riku was stumped.