
Cultivation Cafe

Liu Tang was close to achieve the highest peak of being a cultivator, the Celestial status. However, right before he could cultivate and burn his final Qi, a beam of energy destroyed his entire kingdom. He woke up in an unfamiliar era. This era is where people use a device made of glass for communication and beetle-like vehicles were used for transportation. He had traveled into a completely different world. Liu Tang was now an employee of an unpopular cafe with demons and evil spirits trying to threaten his daily life. To cultivate, he now has to brew coffee and make deserts. Watch how Liu Tang serve delicious coffee and pastries while dealing with demons and other transmigrated cultivators' problems as he tries to rebuild the cafe.

Peltivierre · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Cultivation By Brewing

Wu ShuChun was a woman with an incredibly beautiful face and body. Her figure would always be accentuated by her style, which were mostly composed of a tight suit and a skirt.

Her appearance was divine, but it was her attitude that made her an old maid. ShuChun was already reaching her thirties, but no man could stand her demeanor.

"DongFeng," Liu Tang scoffed as he watched his nemesies bow to the human. "You follow her orders? But she's just a human."

"Human, huh?" ShuChun grinned cracked her knuckles, approaching Liu Tang. "Let's see who's the woman now!"

Liu Tang felt his world spin, suddenly realizing that the skinny woman he just met who was also wearing high heels threw him to the ground. The man laid there, his back on the floor and his eyes stuck on the light fixture of their rundown cafe.

"What just happened?" Liu Tang couldn't help but ask himself.

"Boss was a martial arts genius back in high school," DongFeng said, helping him up. He was still wallowed by shock, but he had mostly recovered from it. "She can take on three large men even when she's in those heels. I've seen her do it."

"DongFeng, how long has it been sice you worked here?" Liu Tang faced DongFeng. "You seem to have forgotten about me and have become accustomed to this place. Why is that?"

"Less talking, more working," ShuChun said, pushing both me behind the counter. "Oi, Liu. I know you hit your head on the brick wall yesterday, but don't cause medical expenses for me please. Heal yourself."

"How am I supposed to–"

DongFeng covered Liu Tang's mouth with his hands before the latter could finish. He grinned at their boss, "He understand, boss. Thank you for your guidance."

ShuChun wasn't impressed. She scoffed at them before walking away, gentlly closing the door as she left.

Liu Tang pulled DongFeng's hand off of his mouth. "That woman is crazy!" he yelled.

"She's our boss," DongFeng said. "Now, if you still want to have a job, listen to her. Our cafe only gets three customers per week, so we have to serve each and every one of those customers with proper care."

"Three customers per week?" Liu Tang scrunched his face. "Do you open for one hour a week?"

"The position, the management, and the overall aesthetics of this cafe is not up to trend," DongFeng sighed. "I wouldn't even work here if I'd have the choice to choose. But I don't, so I have to stick it up."

He was lying if Liu Tang says that he didn't feel bad for this DongFeng. The tone, expression, and the feeling in his eyes were very much real, making Liu Tang suspect that this DongFeng is not the ruthless tyrant he knows.

"Wait," Liu Tang raised his hand. "Three customers per week. How many have you served?"

DongFeng raised two fingers, "Two. I'm still waiting for the third one. I know somebody would come. It's been like this since I worked in the cafe."

Liu Tang remembered the woman who was calling him when he first came to this world. The woman was probably the third customer that DongFeng waited, and now they were a customer short.

"What happens when we didn't meet the three customer per week quota?" Liu Tang found himself asking.

DongFeng pursed his lips, taking three seconds before answering. "Boss will skin us alive, but don't worry. There will always be a third customer."

Liu Tang gulped. He suddenly found himself being scared of what ShuChun could actually do to them when they miss one customer. Even if he wasn't part of this world, he was still worried.

"Hey, while waiting for the third customer," Liu Tang asked DongFeng. "Do you mind showing me the ropes in this job? I'm really interested but I think I forgot how to do things."

"You're here earlier than me," DongFeng crossed his arms. "What do you mean you forgot?"

Liu Tang was silent for a few seconds. "Oh, that's because I hit my head yesterday just like ShuChun said. My mind became hazy and now I can't serve coffee."

DongFeng watched the closed door and the growing darkness of the night. It was almost closing time, but the third customer has yet to show up. "Fine. Let's do it since I don't have anything to do anyway."

DongFeng led Liu Tang on the kitchen area where they brew their coffee. He took out all of the materials they needed to brew and started to make a coffee for them to drink.

"Coffee is something that a lot of people look forward to every single day," DongFeng said to which Liu Tang interrupted.

"But apparently, not for this cafe," Liu Tang snorted but didn't seem to impress DongFeng who only sighed. "Sorry, please continue."

"I'm going to show you how we make our coffee here," DongFeng said. "French Press because we need to have a basic thing here. This will be quite easy for you."

Liu Tang listened to every single word that DongFeng said to him. He memorized all the details including the time and the ratio of coffee to water, even the minor details on why this has to happen and what not to happen at all.

After twenty minutes, ShuChun arrived at the cafe. "DongFeng, come with me."

"Yes, boss," DongFeng said without any hesitation. He took off his apron, placed it on a hook and left with the boss.

It still impressed Liu Tang how submissive DongFeng was here, yet it irked him how ShuChun treated his nemesies. Maybe he wasn't used to seeing his enemy looked down on.

"Shut it, Liu Tang," he said to himself and slapped both his hands on his cheek. "You have to have the third customer for this week. You don't know what's going on, but you have to show that ShuChun what you can do."

He took a deep breath and decided to practice. Liu Tang cleaned the equipment that DongFeng used. He dried them and went to the kitchen area, remembering all the details to brew the coffee.

"Let's make a French Press," he said to himself. His hand was on the bag of coffee when he felt a familiar tingling sensation. Liu Tang brushed this feeling off and continued with his task. He took the grinder and ground the coffee beans, that was where he heard the voice in his head.

'Qi Burning in process. Brew <French Press> to Burn 5 Qi.'

Liu Tang gasped. "I cultivate by brewing coffee?!"