
Cultivation, but I'd rather be a weakling

Hao Yu is a transmigrator and reincarnates to a xianxia world. He had cultivated painstakingly for 10,000 years and became a immortal; however, he realized a truth. "Why should I cultivate?" "I hate harems" "I don't want to stand at the peak" "I don't age and don't need to eat" "Seriously, there's no point" So he decides to become a teacher for the next 70,000. During that time he sent 7 incarnations down for fun. "By the way, I wonder how strong those 8 empress are? Well, they aren't any concern of mine." (I won't be writing this a lot and from time to time I'll write, unless people really like this. So if you want more chapters, go comment or etc. Just let me know.) [The Cover Art is something I drew] [Still needs a lot of work, but here are my plans] 1. No harem (like I hate cultivation harems with a passion, but there are love interests) 2. Main character refuses to cultivate 3. Main character starts off as 80,000 years old 4. Immortals in this story can't die unless they are killed by something external 5.Kinda want it to be based more on romance than action (Might not edit chapters, cuz I'm just doing this for fun and it'll be too much work.) -Youtube channel down below- https://youtube.com/@murasakinokarasuvtuber

cas5_off · Fantasy
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42 Chs

So You're One of Those

"Hmm…that's strange." Hao Yu sat on his bed while he had a hand on his chin.

"Why can't I reincarnate? 2,000 years ago I sent my 7th incarnation to the lower realms, but after that I couldn't go into reincarnation anymore. It was like something was blocking me from reincarnation."

Hao Yu was confused and didn't know what to do. Incarnation for an immortal was different from a mortal.

A mortal uses their own soul to reincarnate to live a new life while an immortal uses a part of their soul to send an avatar to gain experience in the mortal realm.

There were several benefits to it, but Hao Yu did it more for entertainment.

Those incarnations were like a dream, thus the incarnator usually wouldn't remember a lot of things in it.

This is done so that there isn't any affect to their main soul otherwise no one would want to do it. If the soul was hurt or destroyed, it wouldn't hurt the main soul as much.

Even though that's the case, immortals would rather use their main body to look for opportunities and experiences. Although not all the memories would disappear, a lot of it would be blurred and forgotten.

Whenever Hao Yu finished the reincarnation he would write down what he could remember and sell them for fun. He couldn't remember a lot of details like their face or half of the childhood part, but he could remember most of the adult part-since that was when things began to clear up.

So far, he managed to sell 10 copies of each, but after that no one would be willing to buy it, even if it was for free. Hao Yu didn't mind it since he did it for himself.

The titles were:

-Dream of Exiled Fox

-Dream of Eccentric Man and Arrogant Spider

-Dream of Imperialistic Might

-Dream of Feather (Edited this)

-Dream of Cherry Blossoms

-Dream of Demonic Fear

-Dream of Banishment

He didn't really bother making the name and just used what he thought came to mind.

Even if the name was better it wouldn't matter because only he reads it. He was just a little scared about selling some stories that involved demons, so he would keep them from ever surfacing to the immortal realm.

He sold those to the mortal realm and funnily enough the same thing happened. 7 of them were bought almost instantaneously and then no one would get close to it.

If someone were to say that I wrote the demon love stories, then I can just say that they weren't mine or else I'd be in trouble. Thankfully a lot of immortals are arrogant and don't bother going to the mortal realm or reading mortal books.

I simply wanted my stories to be read if possible, but I already gave up on that thought in the 3rd book.

Sadly he laid down on his front, "now I can't even break my highscore, I'm so bored ahhhhhh~"

Hao Yu had made a game from incarnating. In every life, no matter what, he would always die a year after getting married. But in all 7 lives he was a virgin then too.

Hao Yu was after all once a human and had thoughts about marrying, but was suspicious of marriage to the point he was scared of problems relating to it.

'Will I be betrayed? Will I lose all my money? There has to be a reason why I die after getting married in the mortal realms right???'

Over time after the 2nd to 3rd life he decided to never get married because then he wouldn't have to deal with a lot of issues. So far, being a virgin has made him clear headed and not lust go crazy having sex with anyone and everyone.

'no sex before marriage'. Fuyooh~

"I really wanted to beat those 7 lives too~ but oh well it was rather interesting! Being a virgin is still the best."

*knock knock*

"Teacher Yu!Open the door! It's Feng Leng!"

"Feng Leng? Again!?"

Hao Yu remembers him for being a determined yet talentless cultivator, but Hao Yu had never given up on him.

His goal was to help every student that walked into his classroom. The only times it doesn't apply is if they simply don't want to be taught. That type of person, no matter how you teach, they won't listen even if you tell them the answers.

Students that he thought were salvageable, he did try, but it was only by helping them remove a mental block. This was very time consuming, but he tried his best. If he failed then it was only his lack of ability as a teacher.

Feng Leng eventually became a shooting star amongst his peers and defeated many geniuses. Some even called him the reincarnation of an Immortal Emperor.

The last time that he had heard from him was about how he had become a great immortal in 1,000 years….truly incomprehensible.

Hao Yu couldn't even imagine the amount of pain that Feng Leng had to go through to get such an outburst of power in such a short amount of time.

Hao Yu opens the door to see Feng Leng cupping his hands towards him respectfully.

"Greetings Teacher Yu."

As well as three others who he didn't know.

"G-greetings teacher Yu!"



At this moment I had only one thought that I couldn't help thinking after seeing Feng Leng surrounded by 3 women that were extremely beautiful.

'This bastard isn't my student. When did I teach him to make a harem??' For some reason, although Hao Yu wasn't mad, he was slightly irritated and disgusted by Feng Leng who was smiling from ear to ear innocently.

'So you're one of those'. Hao Yu silently thought.
