
Cultivation! But I have Minecraft Cheats ON

Transmigration! A mystical phenomenon, unbound of logic, transending the limitations of worlds and moving beyond. And is also, a cliche to jumpstart myriad tales of fantasies. There are many ways to transmigrate, various methods achieving different causes and effects. However, what happenes when you have been aided by the powers of a game itself during transmigration. Or been given a system which wishes to ???? you. Why do transmigrators have such powers in the first place ? Is it really just a trope or does it have a deeper meaning behind. How do you even use Minecraft Cheats inside a world of Cultivation? Will Shen Wang, our protagonist be able to effectively utilise the Minecraft Cheats which only aid him at a beginner level? Follow along, and find out...... ............................................................................................................................................................... Hello there, potential reader, before you begin, I would like to warn you that our protagonist is quite on the loose side. Sadly, the protagonist will not be chasing after Jade Beauties nor would they be flocking around him. The protagonist is himself. Instead of his circumstances, he is the one who slowly begins to understand his own nature which had been supressed by the righteous upbringing on Earth. So, follow along and watch me unfold the best novel of my life. ( Mostly because it's the only novel that I've written ) PS the art cover is not mine.

Ashpour · Eastern
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35 Chs

Let Him Cook!

On a barren hill, a few thousand kilometers away from Lake Lotus Sect. 

/gamemode creative 

A figure assimilated from thin air, taking the shape of a human. 

It was Shen Wang. 

At last, he had decided to roam the world for a few days and gain some experience in dealing with this new world. 

With a resolute gaze in his eyes, he had concluded as to what was going to be his next endeavor in this world.

"According to the novels that I read in my home planet, the world of cultivation is rutheless and unforgiving, killing a weaker being is no different than drinking water."

"Thus, If I want to live in this world, I need to overcome the guilt and shame of ending a life," Thinking so, Shen's sight fell upon a small mortal settlement below.

Shen had been venturing thousands of kilometers to find a mortal village which was far from any cities or sects. 

He especially made sure that there were no cultivators nearby, thus although it took him a few days, he was able to successfully locate one. 

"It's just a matter of time before I get caught by the Lake Lotus Sect, Once they find out that a rookie cultivator broke through to the 9th minor realm and condensed the Vital Lotus Body, even an idiot would be able to tell that I'm most likely the culprit."

"Even if I had left no clues from my side, I have no idea about their investigative methods." 

"Furthermore, I also need to overcome the values that had been implanted into my mind against murder and violence." 

Most of the people living on Earth would condemn ruthless things like murder, genocide, ill treatment or deportation to slave labour, killing of hostages, torture or inhuman treatment, plunder of public or private property

wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages. 

Extermination, enslavement, deportation, mass systematic rape and sexual enslavement in a time of war. 

The list goes on and on. 

Earth was too much of a righteous place. 

This world was not. 

And Shen knew it. 

"Huff, time to get used to murder and genocide!" Shen's eyes were filled with curious determination to overcome himself. 

He had decided to experiment on this village. 

"All right then, I'll set up a temporary tent around this area and begin my preperations!" 

This decision was not something random, in fact Shen had been thinking about it ever since he found the "Elements" page in his creative inventory. 

Under the "Elements" page laid the 118 Elements which had been discovered on his home planet. 

Upon some experimentation, Shen found out that he could combine these elements' atoms into molecules. 

And with the infinite duplication inside creative inventory of the materials he could have a large variety of chemicals created. 

"Although it's a pity that I can't duplicate the materials from this world," Shen shighed. 

Although he could duplicate the items which originated from his inventory

endlessly, he couldn't do anything similar to the materials from this world. 

But that didn't matter too much now. 

"Now then! I'll synthesize methalphatamine!" 

Creative Inventory 

Crafting Table 

Carbon! Nitrogen! Hydrogen! 

"Hmm, as far as I remember, the structure of methalphatamine molecule looks like this..." [refer to author's comment for image]

[Following is the recipie of actual meth production, based on the chemical formulas involved] 

" So basically, usually one would start with, 

1 mole of Pheylacetone reacts with 2 moles of N-Methylformate to form the Formyl amine of Methalphatamine. 

The reaction basically involes nucleophillic substitution reaction in which the carbonyl group's oxygen in Phenylacetone gets attacked by nitroged resulting in the release of Carbon dioxide and methyl amine. 

Finally, the Boiling point of Methalphatamine is 212 degree celcius, whereas methyl amine boild at around 225-230K. 

We don't need to worry about carbon dioxide as it would already get removed as air during the reaction. 

Finally, after seperating the formyl amine of Methalphatamine all you need to do is add water and hydrochloric acid.

"However, I don't need to go through all that hassle now do I?" Shen smirked as he started to combine the elements fo Carbon, Nitrogen and Hydrogen in a certain "structure". 


Without any commotion, a molecule of Methalphatamine was ready. 




1 stack of Methalphatamine!

1 nano-gram of Methalphatamine!

1 milligram of Methalphatamine!

1 gram of Methalphatamine! 

1 kilogram of Methalphatamine! 

Crystal Meth!


"Hehe, although this thing is "illegal" on my homeplanet, nothing stops me from making it now!" 

"Crystal methamphetamine typically is smoked using glass pipes similar to

pipes used to smoke crack cocaine. Crystal methamphetamine also may

be injected. A user who smokes or injects the drug immediately experiences an intense sensation followed by a high that may last 12 hours or more." 

"It's a revolutionary "herb" for the mortals here." 

Shen already had a self-proclamined brilliant plan in mind. 

With enough blue crystal meth ready in his inventory, Shen took out a Player's Head from his inventory and wore it. 

The Sun had already started to set in the horizon as Shen took out mystical appearing robes and wore them. 

His "mysterious" attire was ready. 

With a single thought, Shen started to float in the air and started to fly towards the middle of the village. 

"Look there's a person flying in the sky!" 

"It must be an immortal!" 

"Lord Immortal! Lord Immortal!" 

The mortals of the village started to notice the flying figure in the skies and started to pay their respects by kowtowing to the mysteriosu expert!

Shen figure floated in the air, silently observing this small village. 

The Village had a simple structure, it was situated inside a small valley, which isolated it from the majority of the forest. 

There was also a few wells which had been dug for water needs. 

"At least about 100 chickens, 30 cows, 20 dogs and 38 sheep are present inside this village, the population of this village seems to only be about 50 or so...." 

Shen quietly analysed the situation of the village. 

The majority of the population here was middle aged, with about 15 childern, 10 aged and around 25 adults. 

"The adults would go for hunting and herb gathering in the noon while the women, children and aged took care of agriculture and the animals." 

Shen had been obseriving this village since the previous night, and started to make rough estimations based on his observations. 

Looking at the structure of the village, there was high possibility that there was no cultivator here. 

It was a perfect target to experiment on. 

It only took a moment for Shen to think through all of this.

"Lord Immortal! How can we be of service to you?" An aged man with a hunched back asked Shen, while he himself, was still bowing down on his knees. 

"I was travelling through the heavens when I felt a connection of fate which led me to this village." 

"Oh?" The villagers gasped in interest. 

"No need to worry, this connection seems to be leading me to take in one of you as a disciple. Thus, I've come here to see who amongst you is fated to inherit my supreme cultivation guidance," Shen waved his hand and said so with a smile on his face. 

"Immortal Master's guidance!" Many Villagers gasped in shock and excitement. 

"T-Then, I, Hao Tian, the Village Head would like to ask the Immortal Master to stay in our humble village as a guest," The Old Man shuttered and offered Shen to stay as a guest. 

"Hmm, Very well then, I shall impose myself on you little Tian." 

Shen's lips curled into a warm smile, giving all the nervous villagers a sense of protection and relief. 

"Please Immortal Master, let me lead you to my house. Although this lowly servant is a pauper, I shall definately give my all to give you a warm welcome," The Village Head, Hao Tian started to lead Shen Wang towards his adobe. 

As soon as Shen left the place, the silent mortals erupted into a frenzy. 

"Did you hear! The Immortal Master is saying that one amongst us is going to be taught cultivation by him!" 

"Ahh, I wish I was chosen as a disciple." 

"Dosen't that mean that we'll be able to fly just like him too?" 

"Of Course! Didn't he say that someone here will be taught all of his supreme methods!" 

Although, a majority of the children didn't quite understand what was going on, after hearing that they would be able to fly in the air like that Immortal Master, they immidiately cheered and started to argue who amongst them would be the one chosen. 

That Night, A feast was held. 

Everyone's gaze was filled with hope and excitemet, as they flocked around the Immortal Master, trying to gain his attention. 

Even the old man Hao Tian was starting too bootlick Shen Wang. 

However, even with all the commotion, Shen simply sat crossed legged while floating, giving off a sense of serenity. 

Dances were held, cows and chickens were slaughtered to make fresh meaty soups for the Immortal Master. 

This continued for hours, finally at mid-night Shen Wang opened his eyes and raised his hand.

Seeing Shen's gesture, all the villagers stopped dancing and eating. In just a moment, the entire valley had descended into silence. 

Shen Wang thus started to speak. 

"Whoever amongst you is able to withstand the Immortal Fate Crystals the longest is going to be my fated disciple." 

Spiritual Qi started to gather around, creating all sorts of windy phenomenon. 

From thin air, hundreds upon thousands of blue shiny crystals appeared and started to float around Shen Wang. 

"Now then, I shall crush these crystals into gusts of "Immortal Fate Power" I need all of my friends here to inhale this," said Shen, with a tranquil tone.

At this moment, under the moonlight, Shen and the Blue crystals shined with a light of mystery and wonder, carrying an immortal phenomenon. 

The pupils of all the Villagers, from young to old started to dilate as they looked at the Immortal Master floating in the air as all sorts of images started appearing before their eyes.