
Cultivating Vampire Essence

Chris is a simple guy with a simple life, who doesn’t have a ‘simple’ Family. He is from the family of the greatest Vampire Hunters! However, by a single twist of fate, he finds himself Reincarnated into the body of the only Male Vampire in their world, who is the Vampire Prince. Watch as he uses this twist of Fate to become the Greatest Vampire Killer from a simple high-school nerd. *** ARC 1: Soul Switch Chris is soul-switched upon facing a curse that he never intended to. Now, he is Reincarnated inside the body of the Vampire Prince! Following the instructions of his Grandpa Jack, he leads his life as Alucard and blends in with the Family of the Royal Vampires to get to know their secrets more and help the Wingstons to accomplish their goal. But — living as the Vampire Prince is harder than he thought. Catching up with his studies in the Academy of the Gifted, managing his persistent girlfriend and his lustful sisters — and worst of all, Ranking Up as fast as he can. But, the only way to do that is none other than to Cultivate the Essence of the Lustful Vampires using the Forbidden techniques of Dual Cultivation. ———— Author’s Note: This is not the first book I’m writing if you guys are wondering, but I am still an author who’s in the process of learning to write! I hope you enjoy these wonderful characters and their story as I enjoy writing about them! This world has a simple magic system which is introduced clearly throughout the story! Also, as you guessed by the title... there will be a lot of ‘Lust’ in this book >w

The_Little_Fox · Fantasy
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14 Chs

C9: Crimson Magic

Chris exited the room into the hallways for the first time after his Soul Switch.

The corridors were something one could expect from a Mansion, a red carpet, and walls with pictures of the noble Vampires hanging on the walls.

Though, for Chris, they were pictures of disgusting murderers.

"Ha…" he sighed as he wandered through the corridors, searching his memory for a situation where he had studied these lessons with Annie before.

Apparently, they studied in the Library of the Mansion.

He could hear the growls of most of the family resounding in the hallways. 'At least everyone is asleep. Any more surprises from sisters and my reactions might blow up the cover!'

Chris was surprised by how long the Mansions hallways were, but – he had seen the thing from the outside as they drove by it when he was back with the Wingstons. And it was huge.

The Library was on the 2nd floor, so he stepped down the stairs only to meet two children who were running by him, both wearing glasses.

The Mai sisters are the daughters of his Mother's youngest sister.

They were running around the hallways at a supernatural speed.

'Must be playing Vamp tag,' he thought as he walked by.

"Good morning, brother Al!" the two girls greeted him, both at once as they stopped before him. They smiled at him, showing their sharp baby fangs.

Chris tried to smile – but – it was out of character.

Alucard was one depressed Loner and a bright smile didn't suit his face. His eyes always represented some dead coldness.

"Morning, Mais."

He replied as he walked along. The Mai sisters gazed at him as he moved away.

"Hmm… Sona, don't you think brother is acting a little weird today? His 'Morning' sounded a little… brighter," little Mona asked her twin.

Sona gazed at her and giggled. "Maybe he's happy today – maybe… he kissed a girl!"

Both of them started giggling.

However, the girls weren't the only ones in the conversation.

'Holy shit – this bastard is too cold and lonesome. This guy's life is sad even when he's living inside a great fucking mansion as the Government cover up their crimes… Fuck it,' Chris cursed inwardly as he walked towards the doors of the Library, listening in to the conversation of the Mai sisters.

Soon, he reached the enormous white doors that were leading into the Vampire Queen's Library.

He pushed open the doors and went in, only to see a single light that was hardly enough to illuminate even the very corner of the library.

"Hmm? You came! You… shameless Vampire, hmph!" the sound of sister Annie resounded in the silent library.

Chris could tell that only he and the sister were there at this ginormous library at that moment. He walked between two enormous shelves towards the very dim lamp light she was using to read.

Not like they needed to 'see' in the night, but – they did need the Lamplight to see words in a book.

"Yeah, sorry for the incident earlier. But – as a 17-year-old, you can understand these reactions of us boys, right?"

"Hmmm… shut up about it now. You're a lil extra talky today too – what is this, the new you? Puberty affects your personality too – huh?"

"It's not that effective, but – I slightly changed, just like Mom said I would," Chris added a little something he caught from a conversation with the Vampire Queen in the past.

'Damn, I nailed that!'

"Wow… so, you are still a little like you." The girl closed the book and stood up.

Chris was a little surprised to see that the girl was still in her nightgown, but – what the hell – he was in his damn pajamas too.

"Take a seat, please." The girl said, standing up and switching on the lights to the library.

The whole library lit up and now it seemed much larger than before.

Chris took a seat at the table.

Apparently, this Al guy had only begun his Academic education in the Supernatural Academy this week, right around the time when Chris began learning the art of Vampire Hunting. Honestly, the Vamp Prince wasn't as good as he thought.

"Oi… don't close your eyes! Watch me."

Chris's focus on his memories was broken instantly, and it made him a little irritated.

"Eyes on me!"

"Ok ok." Jeez, what a persistent girl.

The Vampire girl stood up on the table, with her shoes off, and spread her arms wide, as if she was doing some breathing technique. "First, deep breath. Haa… there's nothing better than taking a deep fresh breath in the early morning."

Chris kept his gaze on her, without averting his eyes from her body – just as she ordered.

Only then did he happen to notice…. She was a little sexier than he expected.

Her hair was white, just like Chris's and her skin was dead pale, and her smooth thighs were just a perfect fit. Her boobs – oh God – they suited her quite small body and her cute face too well.

Suddenly, as she calmly breathed in the air, the aura surrounding her became stronger. Her scent became stronger alongside her presence.

Simply, she felt stronger.

"Take a deep breath first. Take it all in, calmly." Her voice was calm now, not uneven as before.

Annie didn't feel like a normal Vampire anymore.

Even though she was only in her 2nd year in the Academy of Supernaturals, she was a 2nd Rank Vampire, a Crimson Ranker. So, her [Crimson Magic] was already on another level.

"Are you looking?" she peeked, opening one eye.

Chris, who was expecting some magic right about now was annoyed by her suspicion. "Of course, it's magic. Why wouldn't I be looking?"

"Oh? You sound lively today."

'Oh crap, I did it again!'

"Just – do it."

Annie took another deep breath and she was suddenly raised a foot higher into the air from the top of the table. Her body was covered with a crimson red aura. Her eyes were closed, and her appearance was not of a Vampire, but an angel now.

"Focus your mind, Al. This magic is dark – so imagine a face that you disgust. Focus your anger on the magic and release the energy from the palm of your hands. Then – send the projectile into whatever target you want." The girl said as she placed her hands closer to each other.

A ball of crimson aura was forming between her hands, and the aura surrounding her was getting stronger.

"Ha – ha…." she panted.

'Calm… think of – Mom,' she thought inwardly, and an image of her dead mother near the evening Sun formed in her mind.

The aura weakened as she needed it to, and the crimson aura disappeared from her body. Her body slowly glided down and her feet touched the top of the table.

"Finally... You weren't closing your –" she stopped speaking upon seeing the boy staring at her as if she was a total wonder. "Oh, so you liked that?" Annie smirked.

Good day to all my readers, comment and support me with power stones if you like the book!

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