
Cultivating Harem: A Villain's Path to Immortality [18+]

I heard that when people travel to another world, they become super rich second-generation individuals, or at least have someone to rely on. So, why did I, Zhang Wei, become a beggar? Becoming a beggar was not hard enough, why did I lose my vision all of a sudden? Is my life not hard enough? But I heard there are immortals in this world. Since fate chose to abandon me, I choose to give up my bottom line. I can do anything to become immortal. Note: Goal no. 1 : Developing the character towards being evil. Goal no 2: Creating harem (including 18+ scene) Goal no 3: Adding some comedy to lighten up the story(will not start until second volume)

i_am_a_Cheater · Fantasy
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204 Chs

The Gathering of the Supreme Ones

Zhang Wei received the remnant technique with a cheerful mood, but after hearing about the deal between Ancestor Long and Emperor Azure from Madam Chi, his good mood was ruined. This reminded him once again that he was not on Earth and that this world was not harmonious. The law of the jungle prevailed here, where mortals' lives were worth less than animals to powerful immortals. Here, the ones with the strongest fists had the final say. Although he had decided to be heartless in this immortal world in the past to survive and not care about anything, he still felt uneasy upon hearing that 10 billion mortals were going to be sacrificed. He knew he could not change anything because he was weak. The weak had no say and no dignity. He then hardened his heart and decided, "In this world, only power matters, so I must become strong no matter what. Only when I become strong can I be free, and only then will I have the right to decide what I want."

Madam Chi noticed that Zhang Wei suddenly became silent and asked, "What's wrong? What are you thinking?"

He snapped back to reality and changed his expression, "No, nothing. I am just happy to have received this technique. I will reward you specially tonight. But first, let me study this technique."

Madam Chi became happy and said, "I have to go and discuss something with my elder sister. I will return in the evening. But be careful with this technique, it is very dangerous."

Zhang Wei said, "Ok, do not worry, I will be careful. You can go."

Madam Chi left with her personal maid, and Zhang Wei was alone sitting on the bed, starting to memorize the technique. He had to remind himself that he was no longer on Earth, and there was no room for kindness or mercy in this world. His weakness may lead to his downfall, and he refused to be a pawn in the game of power. He would stop at nothing to achieve his goals, even if it meant sacrificing his humanity.

As he studied the technique, he reveled in the thought of becoming the ultimate predator, the one in control. He knew that he had to be the cruelest and most ruthless if he wanted to survive in this world of savagery. Everyone else was just a pawn to be used and discarded, and he would do whatever it took to ensure his dominance.

In this cutthroat world, power was the only thing that mattered, and Zhang Wei was willing to pay any price to achieve it. He was determined to become the strongest, no matter the cost.

Place: Soul Ascension Holy Land

The Holy Lord of The Soul Ascension Holy Land was sitting in the main seat, his expression solemn as he awaited the arrival of his special guests. Standing behind him was the First Elder, who shared his seriousness. The hall had eight empty seats, and it was clear that the sect master was expecting someone important.

The doors of the hall creaked open, and in walked the guests. Each of them executed a powerful aura, signifying their strength as powerful immortals. They were all of the nobel status and very powerful.

The Sect master stood up as the guests approached, and each of them bowed respectfully before taking their seats. The atmosphere in the room was tense, with a palpable sense of power and authority emanating from the group of immortals.

The first to take their seat was a woman named Tian Yi, the Sect Master of the Thunderstorm Sect. She had long black hair and sharp, angular features, giving her a stern and serious appearance. Despite her intimidating demeanor, she was known for her sense of justice and her unwavering dedication to protecting the innocent.

Next was a man named Xuan Wu, the Sect Master of the Black Tortoise Sect. He was a tall, broad-shouldered man with a thick beard and piercing blue eyes. He radiated a sense of calm strength, and was renowned for his mastery of defensive techniques and his unbreakable will.

Sitting beside him was a woman named Zhi Yin, the Sect Master of the White Tiger Sect. She was a fierce warrior with short, spiky hair and a mischievous glint in her eye. Her lightning-fast strikes were feared by all who faced her in battle, and she was known for her ruthless cunning and her willingness to do whatever it took to achieve her goals.

Beside her sat a man named Ming Chen, the Sect Master of the Red Phoenix Sect. He was a handsome and charismatic man with a shock of red hair and a playful grin. His fiery personality matched his element, and he was known for his passion and his ability to inspire others to follow him into battle.

Next was a woman named Lan Feng, the Sect Master of the Azure Dragon Sect. She was a quiet and reserved woman with long, flowing hair and piercing green eyes. Her elegant movements and graceful technique belied her incredible power, and she was known for her mastery of the wind element and her ability to manipulate the very air around her.

Sitting beside her was a man named Yan Shi, the Sect Master of the Black Dragon Sect. He was a brooding, intimidating figure with a shaved head and a permanent scowl. His mastery of the dark element made him a formidable opponent, and he was known for his cold and calculating demeanor both on and off the battlefield.

Next to him was a woman named Hua Xue, the Sect Master of the Snowflake Sect. She was a beautiful and elegant woman with long, flowing white hair and a serene smile. Her mastery of ice and snow made her a force to be reckoned with, and she was known for her calming influence and her ability to bring peace to even the most chaotic situations.

Finally, there was a man named Feng Ming, the Master of the Phoenix Empire. He was a regal and imposing figure with a proud bearing and a stern gaze. His control over the fire element was unparalleled, and he was known for his unshakable will and his unwavering devotion to the ideals of his empire.

As the meeting began, the Holy lord of the Soul Ascension Holy Land knew that he was in the presence of some of the most powerful and influential figures in the world of cultivation. He could feel the weight of their gaze upon him, and he knew that the decisions made in this room would have far-reaching consequences for the future of the entire realm.

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