
Cultivating Harem: A Villain's Path to Immortality [18+]

I heard that when people travel to another world, they become super rich second-generation individuals, or at least have someone to rely on. So, why did I, Zhang Wei, become a beggar? Becoming a beggar was not hard enough, why did I lose my vision all of a sudden? Is my life not hard enough? But I heard there are immortals in this world. Since fate chose to abandon me, I choose to give up my bottom line. I can do anything to become immortal. Note: Goal no. 1 : Developing the character towards being evil. Goal no 2: Creating harem (including 18+ scene) Goal no 3: Adding some comedy to lighten up the story(will not start until second volume)

i_am_a_Cheater · Fantasy
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204 Chs

Heavenly Fate Temple Part 1

In the immortal world, within the expanse of the Celestial Crane Empire, a mystical mountain stands as a testament to the wonders of the realm. Adorned with an enigmatic ambiance, this mountain resides discreetly in a secluded corner of the empire. Nestled nearby is a humble village known as Silk Road Village, its fate intricately tied to the allure of the mountain. The mountain, aptly named Silk Cascading Dream, embodies an ethereal majesty that bewitches all who lay their eyes upon it.

Despite Silk Road Village's location in a far-flung corner of the empire, its prosperity rivals that of grand towns residing in the empire's heart. The source of this prosperity is none other than the enigmatic mountain itself. Towering to great heights, its peak perpetually shrouded in veils of mystifying mist, Silk Cascading Dream is a sight to behold. A verdant sanctuary, the mountain boasts lush greenery, thriving with invaluable spiritual medicines, and serving as the abode of formidable spiritual beasts, both majestic and powerful.

These spiritual beasts, guardians of the mountain's treasures, possess bodies filled with untold riches, rendering both their existence and the treasures they protect equally precious. Throughout the year, loose cultivators and disciples from small sects are drawn to this mountain, their desires driving them to venture forth in pursuit of hunting these awe-inspiring beasts or seeking the valuable treasures hidden within. Silk Cascading Dream's natural abundance ensures a constant influx of treasure hunters and seekers of spiritual enlightenment.

Vast in its expanse, the mountain is so colossal that those who delve deep within often find themselves deceived by its seemingly level terrain. Many who traverse its grounds mistake it for an endless forest rather than a towering peak. As one ascends the mountain, the lush forest deepens, and the number of rare spiritual herbs multiplies. The forest's depths also house an increasing number of spiritual beasts, growing more formidable with each step. Weaker beasts tend to reside in the outer parts of the mountain, while only the most powerful cultivators dare to venture into its deepest recesses in search of treasures.

However, few have managed to reach the mountain's highest point due to the presence of formidable beasts nesting there. The mountain's structure consists of three distinct parts. The lower section is a dense forest teeming with spiritual beasts, while the middle section is a verdant bamboo forest that obscures the path ahead. Beyond the bamboo lies the mountain's peak, veiled in a thick layer of mist and fog, its secrets hidden from all who dare to venture forth. Cultivators who have ascended to the top of the lower section have attempted to cross the bamboo forest but have inevitably failed, losing their way and returning to their starting point. Some have even fallen prey to a unique silk worm that attacks those who venture into the depths of the bamboo forest.

However, passing this obstacle is not an insurmountable feat. Despite the challenges, tales abounded of those who successfully crossed this middle stage. One such cultivator, Xiao Wenjian, had achieved the feat, only to find himself enveloped by a thick fog upon entering. Inexplicably, he fell into a deep slumber, ensnared within a dream.

Xiao Wenjian, a powerful loose cultivator hailing from a village adjacent to Silk Road Village, led a beautiful life. He was married to a captivating wife and had a lovely daughter waiting for his return within six months. Having previously ventured into the mountain and navigated the bamboo forest unscathed, his friends and family held no concern for his safety. However, unbeknownst to them, Xiao Wenjian had succumbed to the dream, unable to fulfill his promise of returning home.

After countless years, Xiao Wenjian awoke from his prolonged slumber, a sense of unease creeping upon him as he reflected on his unconscious state. Determined to leave this place and return to his family, he realized the passage of time had been far more extensive than he anticipated. Fifteen long years had elapsed during his slumber, and upon his return home, he discovered a world altered beyond recognition. His house was but a memory, and inquiries revealed the heartbreaking truth.

After half a day of inquiries, Xiao Wenjian learned of the tragic fate that befell his family. In his absence, they had waited patiently for a year before concern turned to despair. His friends had cared for them for several years out of loyalty, but their support gradually waned. With no choice left, his wife and daughter resorted to selling their possessions, barely sustaining themselves through odd jobs. However, a dire turn of events befell them when they incurred the wrath of an influential figure, leaving them in dire need of assistance.

In this moment of desperation, Xiao Wenjian's old nemesis, Zhou Wen, appeared with an offer of salvation. He pledged aid but under one condition: the marriage of both mother and daughter to him. With no alternatives, and unaware of Zhou Wen's connection to Xiao Wenjian, they reluctantly accepted the proposal, plunging themselves into an unforeseen future.

Upon learning of this arrangement, Xiao Wenjian couldn't help but feel a surge of anger towards himself for failing to protect his family. The enmity between himself and Zhou Wen was insurmountable, leaving him desperate to ascertain the well-being of his wife and daughter.

He attempted to reclaim his family, only to face their rejection as they had children with Zhou Wen. Homeless and bereft of purpose, Xiao Wenjian found himself adrift.

Over time, word spread of Xiao Wenjian's tale, shedding light on the mysteries that lay beyond the bamboo forest. Numerous individuals attempted to cross its threshold, but once they stepped into the mist, they were ensnared in dreams from which they could not awaken. Some would break free after fifteen years, much like Xiao Wenjian, while others remained trapped for five or twenty years. Tragically, there were those who ventured in as young men only to emerge as old, feeble souls, robbed of their vitality and succumbing to death upon their return.

As time passed, it became evident that reaching the mountain's peak was an unattainable dream, and the fervor surrounding it gradually waned. Yet, the allure of the mountain's bountiful resources persisted, drawing countless loose cultivators throughout the years. Silk Road Village, benefiting from this endless flow of visitors, grew in popularity, becoming a haven for casual cultivators seeking fortune at the foot of the mountain.

On this fateful day, a middle-aged man ascended the mountain with deliberate, unhurried steps. Though his pace was slow, his speed was unmatched. Within a short span of time, he effortlessly surpassed the lower regions of the mountain. His presence was so tranquil and natural that the beasts inhabiting the mountain seemed oblivious to his presence. The forest, which would typically take a loose cultivator at least a month to traverse, was crossed within a matter of minutes. The same held true for the bamboo forest, and as he set foot into the fog, a clear area seemed to form around him, shielding him from its grasp.

If casual immortal cultivators at the foot of the mountain witnessed this scene, they would be astounded, for even the most clueless among them would recognize the middle-aged man as a formidable immortal cultivator. With an unwavering gait, he ascended the mist-shrouded terrain. After a while, a section devoid of fog came into view, revealing magnificent structures and an ethereal atmosphere brimming with immortality. A grand gate stood before him, where young disciples were engaged in various activities—walking, conversing, and training. This hidden immortal sect, known as Heavenly Fate Temple, would undoubtedly astonish the smaller sects and loose cultivators, as none of them could have fathomed that such a majestic sect resided atop this mountain. However, the man did not display any surprise; it seemed as though he was already aware of the sect's existence and had come specifically for this purpose.

Approaching the gate, the two relatively powerful disciples guarding it drew near and paid their respects. One of them politely inquired, "Sir, before you lies the domain of the Heavenly Fate Temple. May I inquire about your identity and the purpose of your visit?"

With a composed tone, the middle-aged man replied, "I am Meng Chao, the Holy Lord of Soul Ascension Holy Land. I have come to visit Old Man Ye."

Recognizing Meng Chao as a person of great significance, the guard courteously requested a moment to relay the message. Retrieving a communication jade slip, he sent a message swiftly. Soon after, a young man appeared on a flying sword, gracefully landing beside them. The young man emanated a mysterious aura, and as he touched the ground, the two guards saluted and said, "Greetings, Elder Brother Hai."

Ye Hai nodded in acknowledgment and then turned his gaze to Meng Chao, his countenance brimming with joy. With a respectful bow, he greeted, "I have seen Uncle Meng."

Meng Chao reciprocated the smile and replied, "Nephew Hai, how have you been? Look at how much you've grown. The last time I saw you, you were a small child often tormented by my little doll, running to me in tears seeking justice."

Ye Hai blushed and hurriedly interjected, "Uncle, why bring up old memories? Didn't you come here to see Master? Come, let's not linger here."

With that, Ye Hai led Meng Chao away, leaving the two guards to resume their posts, watching the departing figures with reverence and returning to their duties as guardians of the Heavenly Fate Temple.

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