
Cultivating From Obtaining Experience

Almost every man has a dream of venturing in the fantasy world, wielding a sword, and traveling to different places to witness the splendor of the world. After working in a factory for several years, Wang An, who was not yet old, received an unfavorable medical report. At that moment, the system activated. "Mission: Healthy Body—Restore your body to a healthy state (a healthy body is the foundation of everything)." So, he started jogging in the morning, swimming, practicing Tai Chi... Soon, he discovered that he had acquired a cheat that allowed him to gain experience points. The improvement in his skills brought him unexpected surprises. It turned out that those legends were real! Lightness skills could truly allow someone to walk on snow without leaving a trace and leap from roof to roof. The indestructible body could indeed make one's body as hard as a diamond, making one impervious to blades and spears. Innate Qi could give one terrifying strength that was able to crush iron into pieces. From then on, Wang An embarked on the cultivation path of gaining experience points like crazy.

Boiled Turbot · Urban
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40 Chs

Vajra Dhyana Palm

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"What is the definition of a heart attack?" Zhao Zhiyuan asked in return.

"It refers to the narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries that supply oxygen to the heart, which then leads to ischemia, hypoxia, and necrosis of the myocardium."

The main cause was atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, but there were other reasons such as intense exercise, excessive fatigue, emotional fluctuations, etc., which could be collectively understood as strong external stimuli.

Wang An had looked up related definitions and triggers.

The impact or force caused by the Pulse-Seizing Fist could also count as an intense stimulus that might be able to trigger a heart attack.

"You've done well to research this." Zhao Zhiyuan nodded at Wang An's response. "In theory, it's possible. Intense external impact may cause sudden cardiac arrest or rupture of the cardiovascular system. Cardiovascular rupture can cause ischemia of the heart. If not rescued in time, it can lead to death."

So, if there really was a Pulse-Seizing Fist, it should work by using special techniques to strike near the heart, which could potentially cause narrowing or rupture of blood vessels. That might lead to inadequate blood supply to the heart and trigger a heart attack.

Wang An now had a clearer idea. He then focused on learning about massage techniques related to lumbar vertebrae and the lower back.

Meanwhile, at a swimming pool in Hu An City, Qi Dahe looked at the young man in the water.

"A few days ago, that guy Wang An finally stopped coming. I thought I would have some peace, and now, there's another one."

In the swimming pool, Li Xinzhu was trying to step forward and practice Crushing Fist. He took two steps and fell into the water with a splash.

He spluttered and gurgled.

He quickly stood up from the water.

He coughed up water.

"What kind of water is this!"

He had almost choked to death from the water.


Unknowingly, it was already noon. It was time for lunch. Wang An prepared to leave the clinic.

Li Xinzhu met him. He looked a bit pale.

"What's wrong? Why do you look so bad?"

"I went to the swimming pool," Li Xinzhu said.

"Oh, how was it?"

"How was it? The water in the swimming pool is awful!"

"Huh?!" Wang An was stunned after hearing that.

"I almost choked to death. Is your method reliable?"

"The practice I'm doing does have some effect, but you need to proceed step by step. You first need to be able to move in and out of the water with control, and then you can practice martial arts in it. I also had a hard time not falling in at the beginning, but it gets better slowly. Patience is key," Wang An said with a smile after hearing Li Xinzhu's words.

"What's for lunch?"

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Before Wang An could answer, Li Xinzhu's phone rang.

"Hello, Master." He glanced at the phone number and quickly answered. "Yes, alright, I'll be there right away."

"I have to leave," he said and hurriedly left.

In the afternoon, Wang An continued to study at the clinic and spent nearly an hour teaching Zhao Zhiyuan some Tai Chi.

In the evening, he returned to his residence to continue practicing.

[You've struck your palms five hundred times, and you still feel like it's not quite there. Just a bit more. Keep persevering!]

'Just a bit more…'

Wang An stood in the courtyard and looked at his palms.

'Take it easy… Take it easy.'

In the following days, he spent most of his time in the clinic.

[You've learned Chinese traditional massage, experience +20.]

[You've learned Chinese traditional massage, experience +20.]


The experience bar for Chinese traditional massage grew longer each day, and he could feel his skills in Chinese traditional massage improving.

[You guided Zhao Zhiyuan in practicing Tai Chi, Tai Chi experience +1.]

During the process of guiding Zhao Zhiyuan in practicing Tai Chi, he also gained some experience points.

Guiding others was actually a process of organizing and summarizing the knowledge and skills one possessed.

These days, he had not seen Li Xinzhu, and he did not know what he was busy with.

That night, the sky was gloomy, and the wind was cold.

In the yard, Wang An practiced the Vajra Dhyana Palm.

He practiced the Five Animal Forms and Tai Chi in the morning and Vajra Dhyana Palm and brick-walking in the night. He did this every day.

While studying Chinese traditional massage in the clinic during the day, he would also practice Tai Chi. Although the increase in experience was pitiful, cultivation was a gradual process.

He struck out his palms.

Suddenly, he felt strange during one of his practice routines.

It was as though a tightly closed door was pushed open a crack. There was a cackling sound as though a thin paper gauze was ripped through.

[You have comprehended the Vajra Dhyana Palm on your own.]

[Vajra Dhyana Palm: Beginner.]

The prompt suddenly appeared.

'I've made progress. It wasn't easy!' Wang An heaved a long sigh of relief, and he smiled happily.

'Wait, what's this?' 

He noticed the number "20/999" appear behind the experience bar.

He hastily opened the panel and found that numbers had appeared after every skill's experience bar:

[Tai Chi (Advanced) 275/999]

[Swimming (Beginner) 436/999]

[Five Animal Forms (Advanced) 356/999]

[Intention Fist (Beginner) 127/999]

Regardless of the skill or level, the upper limit was the same. It was at 999. However, there were significant differences at different levels.

For example, at the beginner level, performing a set of Tai Chi could earn 10 experience points, but at the advanced level, at most, only 1 point could be earned.

In the next level, he might need to perform Tai Chi ten times to earn just 1 experience point. At higher levels, it might be impossible to stack up experience points through practice.

However, this was ultimately a good thing and provided a more intuitive representation.

'Why did this sudden change occur? Is it because I comprehended a skill? Or is it due to an increase in skills?' Wang An was a bit puzzled.

Suddenly, he felt a coolness on his cheek.

A snowflake drifted by. He looked up to find that it was snowing.

Wang An continued to practice the Vajra Dhyana Palm in the courtyard.

He performed one technique repeatedly. It was the Vajra Table Slap.

[Vajra Dhyana Palm experience +3]

[Vajra Dhyana Palm experience +2]

The prompts kept appearing.

It was indeed a day filled with gains.

The next day, Wang An went to the clinic as usual to study Chinese traditional massage. Li Xinzhu brought someone with him.

The person was in his thirties, with a robust physique, and had one arm suspended from a bandage. He looked very much in pain.

"Uncle, could you please my senior's arm? Here are the hospital's test results." Li Xinzhu handed a test result to Zhao Zhiyuan's father.

Zhao Zhiyuan's father took the test results and read them.

"How did this injury happen?"

"He was injured by someone," Li Xinzhu said in a low voice after a moment of silence.

Zhao Zhiyuan's father was slightly startled by the words, and Wang An and Zhao Zhiyuan were also taken aback.

Putting down the test record in his hand, he began to examine the senior's arm using traditional Chinese methods.