
Cultivating From Obtaining Experience

Almost every man has a dream of venturing in the fantasy world, wielding a sword, and traveling to different places to witness the splendor of the world. After working in a factory for several years, Wang An, who was not yet old, received an unfavorable medical report. At that moment, the system activated. "Mission: Healthy Body—Restore your body to a healthy state (a healthy body is the foundation of everything)." So, he started jogging in the morning, swimming, practicing Tai Chi... Soon, he discovered that he had acquired a cheat that allowed him to gain experience points. The improvement in his skills brought him unexpected surprises. It turned out that those legends were real! Lightness skills could truly allow someone to walk on snow without leaving a trace and leap from roof to roof. The indestructible body could indeed make one's body as hard as a diamond, making one impervious to blades and spears. Innate Qi could give one terrifying strength that was able to crush iron into pieces. From then on, Wang An embarked on the cultivation path of gaining experience points like crazy.

Boiled Turbot · Urban
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40 Chs

The Eyes Of A Jackal

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Wang An could feel the force in the opponent's arm, and in his mind, a series of images flashed past. This was exactly like what was shown in that ancient book!

He would look at the pictures every day, and they were firmly imprinted in his mind.

However, he had never successfully practiced even one set of those movements from the ancient book.

During the pushing hands, the red lines in one of the pictures suddenly connected and flowed like a stream through the mountain and river.

Originally unconnected and untwisted, the force suddenly strung together and instantly became smooth and unobstructed.

At that moment, his body trembled. He felt a sudden revelation.

[After a period of practice, your Tai Chi has made great progress. The Tai Chi you practiced has now reached a higher level.]

[Tai Chi (Advanced). Reward: Tai Chi Force Dissipation.]

At that moment, Wang An felt his eyes light up. His mind buzzed, and suddenly, a lot of Tai Chi techniques appeared in his mind. They were all Tai Chi Force Dissipation.

Tai Chi Force Dissipation was a technique used by Tai Chi practitioners to deflect the opponent's force and dissolve the attack.

Yang Wudi's "Bird Can't Fly Technique" from the past was an advanced level of Tai Chi Force Dissipation.

At this moment, he felt a flash of enlightenment, akin to an epiphany.

In just an instant, Wang An felt like he had gained several years, even ten years, of Tai Chi Force Dissipation experience.

Seeing Wang An lost in thought, Yang Xianhua suddenly changed his moves and used a powerful kick.

When Wang An was taken by surprise, his hands firmly grasped Yang Xianhua's arm, and the strength suddenly disappeared. Instead of lifting, the opponent guided the force smoothly to the side.

Yang Xianhua quickly changed his move and used a single-handed hook, Tai Chi force, and a single whip.

Wang An drew a circle with his hands which resembled flowing clouds. It instantly dissipated Yang Xianhua's spiral force.

At this point, the two were no longer practicing pushing hands. They were essentially going all out. It was almost like a real fight.

Yang Xianhua did not care about full force against a student anymore. He used all the Tai Chi techniques he had learned.

Wang An, on the other hand, countered every move and diverted the force.

No matter which direction Yang Xianhua attacked from, Wan An used Tai Chi to deflect all of it.

Yang Xianhua was becoming increasingly anxious. If he could not even handle a student, how could he teach others in the future?

Suddenly, he gritted his teeth, stomped fiercely, and shot out like a tiger. He fiercely struck at Wang An's midsection.

His eyes looked fierce as he aimed a direct punch at Wang An's vital spot. If it landed, it would certainly leave Wang An injured for a few days.

Wang An evaded with a sidestep, but another punch came charging with the power of a galloping horse.

He raised his hand to block the punch. Both of his hands circled as if holding a ball and neutralized the force.

Yang Xianhua hesitated. He felt a weakness in his body. His waist and legs felt sore and weak.

'This is not good!'

At this point, Wang An did not charge but retreated instead. He raised his hand to block Yang Xianhua's arm, and a palm struck under Yang Xianhua's ribs. The force surged from the ground and arrived in his palm instantly.

Yang Xianhua grunted. His body lifted off the ground by the hit. After landing on the floor, he turned in a Tai Chi step and assumed a Tai Chi Cloud Hands posture.

"Not bad. You've practiced Tai Chi quite well," Yang Xianhua said with a smile.

"President Yang, you flatter me." When he saw Yang Xianhua stop, Wang An also stopped.

He realized that the sudden change in Yang Xianhua's moves just now was definitely not Tai Chi.

The ferocious momentum was somewhat to the Crushing Fist, and the posture seemed to be quite aggressive.

'Could it be that Yang Xianhua also sends his disciples secretly to learn the Intention Fist here?'

Anyway, the sparring session was quite rewarding.

His Tai Chi had finally leveled up, and unexpectedly, he had learned new skills and techniques.

'So, as long as the skill levels up, there's a possibility of gaining abilities related to the upgraded skill.'

"Great!" A student shouted and led the applause.

The sparring session between the two had been very exciting. It was much more exciting than the soft Tai Chi pushing hands they usually saw. It was like a scene from a martial arts movie.

"You all continue practicing. I'll step out to take a call." Yang Xianhua smiled and pushed the door open and went out with his phone in hand.

Once outside, his smile disappeared. His face darkened. His eyes turned cold and chilling.

"Hiss!" He sucked in a breath as he held his ribs.

The spot where Wang An had hit him a moment ago hurt a lot.

The strength of a world weightlifting champion with a single palm strike was already hard to endure, let alone when it was augmented with the Tai Chi Force.

This was why Wang An had pulled back. He had used less than half of his strength. Otherwise, Yang Xianhua might have needed to call an ambulance by now.

Tai Chi appeared gentle, but it used to be a martial arts technique capable of killing people in an instant.

How did the Tai Chi master Yang Wudi earn his reputation in the former dynasty? Not by teaching people to practice health-preservation exercises, but by winning in martial arts competitions.

"You bastard!" He turned and glared at the room behind him. His eyes were as fierce as a jackal's.

Inside the room, two students were talking with Wang An eagerly.

"Young man, you have good skills. How long have you been practicing Tai Chi?"

"Not for long."

"You might have won just now, right? Impressive! That guy is the vice president of the Tai Chi Association!"

"It was a draw. President Yang let me win on purpose," Wang An said modestly.

"That's great! A young man with both skill and modesty is very rare." A round-faced, slightly chubby middle-aged man laughed.

Inside the mountain villa, in a separate private room, Yang Xianhua was shirtless.

He held a bottle of medicinal wine in his hand and slowly wiped the area under his ribs, where a clear palm print was visible. The skin had turned purplish.

It was from the palm strike Wang An had delivered just now, which could have broken several ribs if it had landed any heavier.

After dealing with the palm injury, he put on his clothes, walked out of the room, and appeared outside the training room. He took a deep breath and forced out a smile.

He pushed the door open.

"Is everyone done resting? Shall we continue?"

Wang An felt like Yang Xianhua was looking at him.

'Could President Yang be harboring resentment toward me for what happened just now?'

In the next class, Yang Xianhua explained the Tai Chi Cloud Hands.

After less than ten minutes of teaching, a phone vibrated. Yang Xianhua picked up the call. He frowned slightly. Then, he hung up and continued with the class.

This time, what he was teaching was not very impactful, but Wang An still picked up something while he was demonstrating the Tai Chi Cloud Hands.

While he was teaching, the door creaked open, and a woman peeked inside. She seemed to be in her thirties, with light makeup, a beautiful face, a rounded figure, and a strong feminine charm.

Yang Xianhua was stunned when he saw her.

"Sorry. Please continue practicing on your own. I'll be back in a moment," he said and walked out of the room.

"Why are you here?"

"Yang Xianhua, where did you go last night?" asked the woman angrily.

"I told you I had a social engagement."

"Social engagement? Did you socialize with some little vixen? At the Orchid Terrace Hotel, right? You spent the whole night with two others. You're quite the playboy!"