
Heavy Spear

" Finally found it! Thank you for showing me the way." Standing in front of the weapon shop that he set out to find, Chu Yang smiled happily as he thanked the person beside him who had shown him the way.

"No problem, it is quite hard to find a new shop like this. Helping you young'uns is the duty of us old ones." The man standing beside Chu Yang was a kind looking elderly man, who looked more than happy to help, as he slowly made his way back to whatever he was doing beforehand upon seeing that Chu Yang had indeed found the place he was looking for.

Chu Yang waved goodbye to the kind elderly man before finally turning around and facing the weapon shop.

The weapon shop looked like any random weapon shop you would find, with the only difference being the fact that it looked way cleaner and more orderly, most likely due to the fact that it was the first day that it was open.