
Cultivating Destiny: A Journey Beyond the Mundane Life.

In an Imaginary Dimension, Lunell was a normal human who has done his best to find a purpose and to fit in the world, Yet he failed to do so as he had not found emotions. One day while exploring the imaginative wonders created by the human brain, A mysterious system message suddenly appears before Lunell's mind. It reads: "Are you tired of your mundane life and yearn to achieve something beyond?" Lunell, calmly in his mind, said yes. A powerful surge of energy came forth and encompasses Lunell as it broke through the fabric of reality. Lunell has now embarked on his journey of self discovery in the Dao Realms and maybe find some purpose in his life. -------------------------‐------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's my first time writing a novel and I am sure I would make some mistakes. I hope you can tell me what they are and help me solve them and make this novel approach perfection. The image was made by my sister. Thank you for checking it out!!

Lunell · Eastern
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13 Chs

Into the Mysticwood: Monster hunt with Zhang Li

As a month passed since Lunell joined the Elysian Lotus Sect, Lunell's living arrangements underwent a change. In accordance with sect regulations, he transitioned from receiving free meals as a new disciple to a new arrangement where he was required to pay one low spirit stone per day.

This adjustment signified a progression in Lunell's status and responsibility within the sect. While it added to his daily expenses, it also marked a step forward in his journey. It was a reminder that growth and development within the sect came with corresponding changes in one's privileges and obligations.

With his growing understanding of the Silent Harmonious Path, the successful completion of missions, and his dedication to cultivating balance and harmony, Lunell was well-prepared to adapt to these changes and continue his path toward achieving the Dao within the Elysian Lotus Sect

Satisfied after his meal, Lunell's thoughts turned inward as he mentally uttered the word "Status." The familiar system interface materialized before him, providing an updated overview of his progress and position within the Elysian Lotus Sect:

▪︎Name: Lunell

▪︎Age: 5 (Biological age in this world)

▪︎Cultivation Realm: Body Training Realm

▪︎Social Status in Elysian Lotus Sect: Inner Disciple

▪︎Active Quests:

Learn the Silent Harmonious Path (Entry Level) - 10% progress


Flowing Breath Meditation (Cultivation) - Intermediate (35% completion)

Iron Skin Method (Body Training) - Early (20% completion)

Graceful Footwork (Body Training) - Early (20% completion)

Whirling Palm Strike (Martial) - Early (20% completion)

Cyclone Kick (Martial) - Early (20% completion)

Tranquil Mind Stance (Martial) - Early (20% completion)

Lunell's journey within the Elysian Lotus Sect is marked by his progress through the various skill levels as he continues to strive for balance and harmony in his cultivation path

Lunell's recognition of the challenges and complexities of cultivation without proper guidance and a master was a crucial realization. Seeking insights, mentorship, and clarification on his skills and cultivation techniques within the Elysian Lotus Sect was a wise step to take.

With this in mind, Lunell decided to inquire if there were senior disciples or elders willing to offer guidance. He approached a gathering area or a place known for discussions and the exchange of knowledge, where experienced cultivators often shared their wisdom with fellow disciples.

Lunell, with respect and humility, asked, "Excuse me, esteemed seniors, I am in need of guidance and understanding on the skills and techniques provided by the sect. Would anyone be willing to provide insights and explanations for a junior like me on the path to achieve balance and harmony in my cultivation?"

His earnest request marked a pivotal moment in his journey, where the wisdom and knowledge of those who had walked the path before him could potentially illuminate his way forward.

Lunell's request for guidance and his eloquent demeanor left a favorable impression on the senior disciples. They recognized his sincere commitment to his cultivation journey and were eager to assist him. When Lunell mentioned that he was learning the Fundamentalsof Energy Usage, one of the senior disciples stepped forward.

With a kind and wise demeanor, the senior disciple began to explain the finer points of the Fundamentalof Energy Usage, shedding light on its principles and techniques. Lunell listened attentively, absorbing the knowledge and asking questions to clarify any doubts that arose.

The exchange between Lunell and the senior disciple exemplified the spirit of the Elysian Lotus Sect, where the more experienced cultivators were willing to share their insights and assist younger disciples on their path toward enlightenment. Lunell's understanding of the Fundamental of Energy Usage deepened, and he felt grateful for the support and wisdom he had found among his peers.

One day Lunell heard a knock on his door, as he opened the door to check who it was, Lunell recognizedhis face as he was the one who explained the situation of his home kingdom to Senior brother Li.

"Thank you for coming," Lunell said with respect. "I apologize for forgetting your name, but I remember the valuable insights you shared with our senior brother Li. How can I assist you today or learn from your knowledge?"

The senior disciple nodded, understanding that names were not always easy to remember, and began discussing the matters that Lunell wished to explore further. This encounter marked another step in Lunell's journey toward understanding and mastery in his cultivation

The fellow disciple introduced himself as Zhang Li, and he extended an invitation to Lunell. "Hello, I'm Zhang Li," he said with a friendly smile. "I couldn't help but overhear your discussions with others about your cultivation journey. It's always a pleasure to help fellow disciples. I noticed you have a quest to improve your skills, and I was wondering if you'd be interested in joining me on a mission."

Zhang Li went on to explain the mission, "We have an opportunity to go on a mission to hunt low-leveled Qi-refining monsters. It's a great way to gain practical experience and refine your skills. What do you say, Lunell? Are you up for the challenge?"

Lunell recognized the value of combat experience in his cultivation journey and eagerly accepted Zhang Li's invitation. "Yes, I believe this mission will be a valuable experience for us. I'm ready to join you," Lunell replied with determination.

With their agreement, Lunell and Zhang Li prepared for their upcoming mission to hunt low-level Qi-refining monsters. This mission would not only provide them with practical experience but also strengthen their bond as rivals within the Elysian Lotus Sect.

Lunell's eagerness was evident as he asked Zhang Li about their departure. "When are we planning to embark on this mission?" he inquired, preparing himself mentally for the task ahead.

Zhang Li considered the question and replied, "We can depart at dawn tomorrow. It will give us ample time to make the necessary preparations and ensure a safe journey. Does that work for you?"

Lunell nodded in agreement, ready to face the challenges and opportunities that awaited them on their mission to hunt low-level Qi-refining monsters

Lunell's preparation for the mission included considering a weapon as a backup, just in case his martial arts might not suffice. He remembered the sword that was in the market near the Harmonious Gate (cafetaria) The sword could serve as a reliable option for self-defense and combat during their monster-hunting expedition.

He went and bought a sword for 100 low spirit stones.

With his sword in hand and any necessary provisions gathered, Lunell made sure he was fully equipped for the journey. His commitment to the mission and readiness to face whatever challenges lay ahead showcased his dedication to achieving balance and harmony in his cultivation within the Elysian Lotus Sect.

As Lunell reviewed his preparations, he couldn't help but open his Status to check his progress in the various skills and techniques. His earlier experiences in a different world, where he was recognized as a genius, had instilled a strong sense of determination in him to excel in his cultivation journey. Here's a summary of his current progress:

▪︎Name: Lunell

▪︎Age: 5 (Biological age in this world)

▪︎Cultivation Realm: Body Training Realm

▪︎Social Status in Elysian Lotus Sect: Inner Disciple

▪︎Active Quests:

Learn the Silent Harmonious Path (Entry Level) - 10% progress


Flowing Breath Meditation (Cultivation) - Intermediate (40% completion)

Iron Skin Method (Body Training) - Early (25% completion)

Graceful Footwork (Body Training) - Early (25% completion)

Whirling Palm Strike (Martial) - Early (25% completion)

Cyclone Kick (Martial) - Early (25% completion)

Tranquil Mind Stance (Martial) - Early (25% completion)

Fundamentals of Energy Mastery - Proficient (70% completion)

Lunell's exceptional aptitude and dedication were reflected in his swift progress within the Elysian Lotus Sect. His cultivation in the Fundamentals of Energy Mastery was particularly remarkable, nearing proficiency faster than most other disciples. As he prepared for the upcoming mission, he felt a renewed sense of determination to achieve balance and harmony in this new world.

He also realized that Fundamentals of Energy Mastery is actually a very small book.

At the break of dawn, Lunell and Zhang Li converged at the designated meeting area near the forest inhabited by Qi Refining and Foundation Beasts. The location was commonly referred to as "Mysticwood Perimeter," a name that reflected the border between the sect's grounds and the untamed wilderness where these creatures resided.

With their preparations complete and a sense of determination in their hearts, the two disciples were ready to embark on their mission to hunt low-level Qi Refining monsters and further their cultivation experiences in the midst of the mystical surroundings of Mysticwood's Edge.

Lunell and Zhang Li were joined by 2 other disciples, each introducing themselves with eagerness and determination. As the group of young cultivators prepared to embark on their mission to hunt Qi Refining monsters, they exchanged greetings and shared their anticipation for the journey ahead.

With introductions complete, the group of young disciples left as they followed their individual paths into the depths of Mysticwood's Perimeter, ready to face the challenges that awaited them. Each step brought them closer to the experience they sought and the opportunity to refine their skills on this mission.