
cultivating body

archean, a reincarnator from earth, carves out his unique path in a world of cultivation

jankian · Fantasy
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24 Chs

chapter 14

Arc headed back up the mountain and directly headed to Aurora's room,

After arriving Aurora didn't began explaining what would happen immediately, she told Arc they would wait until the her students arrived 

This would only be said once, and a dao vow would be made to prevent it from leaking,

 as for why she didn't explain it to them earlier and waited for Arc to exit seclusion,

If she a golden core cultivator can sense when others think of her, naturally a nascet soul could do the same on a higher scale,

 if you don't place the proper defenses they could potentially "hear you" regardless of the distance inbetween 

While waiting Aurora and Arc began chatting about the tool she will be forgining to help her breakthrough, it was something similar to a metal cage with lightning rods 

Its purpose wasn't to stop the lightning, but break it down, and make it easier to absorb 

The lightning was incredibly dangerous and while most who challenge it try to weaken it, endless benefits are given to those who were refine it

This is a more difficult way to breakthrough but will cause Aurora to be significantly stronger than a normal nascent soul 

 the lightning isn't spirit qi, its real true lighting formed from world qi amplified significantly by spirit qi 

This causes it to be dangerous to even lighting cultivators, but this gives Aurora an advantage as few people has an understanding of world qi, 

Arc while among these few he was  definitely the weakest to understand world qi 

Arc withheld no information, he shared everything he knew of world qi, the absorption and how the blends into spirit qi

He shared everything in hopes of something that could help her, as due to his low strength, he was worried his understanding wouldn't be able to help her 

This conversation continued until Iris arrived, Aurora decided that she wouldn't wait for mia, as she wouldn't even understand what was happening 

Mia looked emotionless most the time due to one simple fact, she isn't thinking, it's only when she starts to think that you see she is very hardworking, but also very stupid

" We will be heading to represent the Black mountain sect, according to the information we have gathered, they will not directly attack, but they may attempt to bait us into attacking"

" from what it looks like they're going to try to hold a competition, in honor of the new Nascent soul cultivator"

"Most likely they will invite one of you to compete and they'll attempt to kill you, either I retaliate, leading to them to have an excuse to target our sect"

" or I let them do whatever they want, essentially letting them believe we are pushovers, which would most likely would lead to them attacking our sect again"

Iris seemed worried as she spoke

"What can we do to prevent it" 

Aurora then spoke confidently

"They can try but they will fall against Arc" 

Arc nodded his head before responding 

" I'm not very good at fighting" 

Iris once again felt a headache form, it seemed as if everyone around her enjoyed bothering her 

Aurora looked at Arc's confused face and spoke 

"spirit beasts are stronger than same level cultivators, we use tools and weapons to reach a similar level to them, you chased down a spirit beast for weeks on end, while only be a qi condensation, the bear being a foundation establishment" 

" essentially if anyone put you against a cultivator your same level, it would be difficult for them to cause any trouble"

" they have to still pretend like they're a good guy, so they won't pin you against someone with a hyper realm that you, at most will put you against a powerful qi condenser, holding a fairly powerful artifact or defensive gear" 

Arc seemed worried as he spoke

" I chased the bear for weeks because I couldn't land a fatal blow, i'm not good at fighting, i need more experience" 

"Thats simple then go grab your spear" 

Aurora spoke calmly 

Iris felt her hairs stand on end as she spoke

" I think Arc can handle it from here, i'll be leaving" 

She ran out leaving Arc without hesitation 

Arc removed his spear from his storage ring, and before he could even react Aurora punched him 

Arc's body flew through walls, and he landed somewhere in between the first peak and second peak, the same forest the bear is living, though Arc had no time to think about that as Aurora never stopped her endless assault 

Arc saw her wearing in large silver armor and wielding a large sword, it was just as long as Aurora was tall, if not longer 

Iris seemed to have seen this coming and to prevent being included she decisively left

A green Aura surrounded her as she ruthlessly attacked Arc, leaving him no exits, he was forced to adapt or collapse 

She does not take no for an answer, if he fell unable to fight, she strikes him with earth elements, knowing how weird his body is, it allowed him to recover 

Naturally she wasn't using her full power, as she is a body tempering cultivator, and is infinitely close to her tribulation

Even a nascent soul cultivator wouldn't want to taste the bite of her sword, 

Arc began fighting back eventually and attempted to use formations dics to slow her done the barrier was broke immediately, the illusions were ignored, and the isolation barrier stopped her for less than a second 

She actually felt annoyed it stopped her that long, so she struck him faster than he could react

The longer they fought the more surprised Aurora became, as no amount of pain would make Arc flinch or fall back, Most cultivator's who hate to fight is because they are afraid of pain

Arc continued to fight, and his skill improved rapidly, since Arc has understanding of his soul and body, he only need to find the good habits to have in a fight, and directly implement them into his muscle memory, 

Arc used Aurora as a template, they fought similarly, only difference being she welds a large sword, and he a spear

He slowly adjusted his habits, to better fit combate with a spear, and became more aggressive attempting to gain some ground 

Neither Aurora or Arc were content with staying at the same level, they were always pushing forward 

Aurora stuck him with the handle of her sword before kicking him, sending him flying through several trees 

Arc felt pain all over his body he had no injuries as she forcibly imbued him with earth spirit qi his body automatically healed, leaving him with only the pain and no injuries 

Arc gasped for air, as his grip over the spear tightened he struck forward attempting to cut of her advancing attack, the attack didn't seem to faze her as she struck one more forcing Arc to collapse this time he was unable to get back up

While Arc has not taken any physical damage during this might, his mind and soul have been under pressure and stress, so he collapsed due to metal fatigue as he had fought for nearly an 30 mins at maximum power without rest

Aurora finally ended her assault, she placed her sword within her spirit ring and she sat down next to Arc and spoke 

"You did well, starting today until we head to their sect, we will fight like this until you are unable to stand" 

Arc slowly caught his breath before attempting to stand, Aurora watched and if it seemed he would fall she would help he gain his balance 

He managed to get on his feet without falling, he then took one step and fell, Aurora caught him, and as she looked down she found that he fell asleep in her arms. 

The next day when Arc woke up he had a massive headache, and could barely see straight

"This sucks"

He spoke quietly as even his voice seemed to loud, Arc headed towards the kitchen to prepare some food, in hopes that it would make him feel better 

He didn't feel like going through a complex process to cook a meal so he decided to go for a simple childhood favorite 

Growing up as a kid one of his favorite meals was spaghetti and boiled eggs 

After putting eggs to boil, and putting the pasta to boil he just waited, when they were done he rinsed the pasta with cold water, then removed the egg shells 

He sliced the eggs up and mixed them into the spaghetti, and began eating it 

Lately Arc has been feeling more nostalgic this wasn't a problem before, but since he knows that cultivator can and have traveled between various world he couldn't help but to think of his home 

He has tried to distract himself, to tell himself to worry about that when he is stronger, but at those moments when he isnt working, or cultivating, he just feels disconnected 

Eating food from his home and earth helped his spirits, but he could only hope that these feelings doesn't get in the way of his cultivation 

Arc ate as he wondered what he would do next

If you see any grammar issues , or spelling issues, please let me know so I can fix it

jankiancreators' thoughts