
Cultivater Devourer The World's

Li Fu, after waking up in a world which preys on the weak,With his reincarnation comes an immortal system, which advises him to consume tasteless pills and herbs for cultivation, to help him in getting stronger. Will he successfully survive or will he succumb to the agonizing life in this new world? But there is something that bothers him Why the hell is he always transported to another world whenever he is setting in that world!? 30 votes= 1 extra chapters 50 votes=2 extra chapters 100 votes = 3 extra chapters

King_1559 · Eastern
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11 Chs


While Elder Hu Ming and Teacher Su were talking to each other inside the Registration room about Li fu.

Li fu Himself was was Walking with Li fi while Talking to each other

" Brother do you think if we reach a Strong enough Level of Cultivation.we will be able to live forever?"

Asked Li fi while looking at Li fu asking with a hint of Fear in her eyes 

' It seems She really is afraid of Death but who isn't afraid of Death?'

Thought Li fu when He saw the fear in eyes of Li Fi

"Of course! you stupid we can live forever if we reach a certain Level of Cultivation otherwise Cultivating would not be called Cultivating Immortals!"

After Saying that Li fu brought his hand Infront of her for head and flicked it with a little force 

" Ouch! It hurt Brother!"

Said Li fi while raising her voice a little 

" Sorry..." 

Apologized Li fu He really didn't mean to hurt her.

" Humph! I don't need your apology! let me hit you in the forehead!"

" Nope! "

 Said Li fu as He started to run

" Stop right there Brother!" 

Said Li Fi as She also ran and started following him

Many Deciples saw them running they didn't say anything because nearly all of them might look in their Twenties their age was at least in their Forties so they just Looked at them as children playing around

In Cultivation world it is very normal for a Sect not to have new Deciples for many years so most of the Sect is filled with old people 

While Li fu was running He found that his body Seems to have Infinite Power He didn't understand where this Power came from

' I will look into this later '

thought Li fu as He he reached back to His place as Li Fi also came while panting

" Hey! Stupid brother how are you not tired?!"

Asked Li fi because in her Opinion Li fu has been Physically Stronger then Her but it wasn't this strong 

" What can I say I am just better then you"

Said Li fu with a face which was filled with Pride

" Humph! Stinky Brother i am going to cultivate don't disturb me"

Snorted Li Fi as she pushed like fu aside and went Inside to Cultivate.

Li fu shaked His head and went to his room to sleep since He would rather sleep then wait for night while doing nothing.

At Night

Li Fi came out of her room Smiling because She could feel that if she cultivated for 6 or 7 days more She should be able to ( Breakthrough Qi Gathering realm Level one).

When she came to living room there was on the table Before eating she decided to call Li fu.

She walked towards Li fu room she opened the door and saw him sleeping She was going to wake him up when she remembered him flicking her Head so she decided not to wake him up.

"Humph! that what you get for flicking me in my forehead! "

After that she went outside to eat and eat food like food was going to run away from her . If Li fu was here he was here he could only describe this with two words

' Female Foodie '

Next Day

"Brother !Wake up or else you are going to be late!"

Li fu jumped up from his bed and ran out to wash his face and just grabbed a Few boiled eggs in storages bad as He ran twords the class with Li Fi 

Li fu ran as fast as he could with Li Fi at this time He was very thankful to the person who made the freshening array in sect because of this array as He didn't need to take a bath just needed to wash His face as all smell and dirt will disappear and feel fresh 

After they reached the class Teacher Su was Standing in front of them with a face of ' are you serious right now?' 

" Li Fi and Li fu this is your second day in class and you come late is This really What you new deciples should do?"

" Sorry Teacher next Time something like this won't happen!"

Said Li fu and Li fi in unison 

" Fine just go and take your seats "

After hearing Teachers Su permission to sit in their places they went outside their seat 

After Class

" Okey all of you today's four hour class is finishing now go Cultivate or enjoy your day "

Said Teacher Su as all of the Deciples stood from there seats to go out of the class 

Before Going out Li fu brought the boiled eggs from his storage bag Which he had stored in the morning and Started to eat them

[ Ding! Host has ate boiled eggs Experience Points gained 0.3!]

[ Ding! Host has ate boiled eggs Experience Points gained 0.3!]

[ Ding! Host has ate boiled eggs Experience Points gained 0.3!]

Started to eat Li fu as he hears a voice

[ Ding! Host has 100 Experience Points now upgrades Hosts Cultivation Level!]

Before Li fu could say anything He felt he was inhaling fresh air as he closed His eyes for few seconds when he opened His eyes he saw everyone other than Li Fi looking at him in shock 

He was Going to ask what was Wrong when Teacher Su Looked at him with shocked eyes and said

" you! have breakthrough (Qi Gathering realm Level one ) !?"

Hearing this Li Fi who was standing on his right side also Seems to understand what has happened as She also Looked at him in shock. 

After Teacher Su had spoke everyone in class was quite with shock and Li fu was also quite happy since He made a Breakthrough but he didn't know what to say so He just brought his System Panel out to look at his Status.

' System ' 

Said Li fi in his head as His Status appeared in front of him.

Host Name:Li fu

Cultivation Level:Qi Gathering realm ( Level one )

Experience: Zero / 150

Talent: Single spiritual root ( Earth )

" I really made a Breakthrough..."

Said Li fu while being shocked he knew that he will make a Breakthrough but he still couldn't believe that he is now a genuine Cultivator.

Teacher Su " Li fu you follow me to Registration room to meet Elder Hu Ming."

Teacher Su said after sorting her thoughts

Li fu" Okay Teacher Su." 

Li fu said as he started to follow Teacher Su while being lost in thoughts.

Bed they could go out Li fu called them out

" Teacher Su can l come with you guy's in Registration room?."

Teacher Su " Okay just follow me."

Agreed Teacher Su in a hurry as they Started to go towards Registration room. 

During their walk none of the three spoke. When they reached Registration room Teacher Su knocked on the door.

After few second Elder Hu Ming voice sounded from inside.

" Come in "

Hearing this Teacher Su opened the door and signaled Li fu and Li fi to follow her Inside 

" Teacher Su why have you brought them here did they do something in you lecture?."

" Yes! Elder when I tell you you won't believe what Li fu has done."

" Why do you say that in my long life i can proudly say that there is nothing I have not seen with my eyes."

" Then Elder tell me have you ever seen some make there first breakthrough in less then three days."

" That is impossible Even The most fasted record is of a person is 4 days and that person had five spiritual roots of Heaven rank!."

Said Elder Hu Ming as a look of admiration appeared on his face for the person which he mentioned but the next second he composed himself.

" Ok enough of this Teacher Su tell me what Li fu did "

Said while Picking up a Cup of tea and taking a sippy from it.

" Li fu made a Breakthrough in my Class!."

Said Teacher Su with a look of seriousness.

" Pffff."

Elder Hu Ming spat out the tea which was in his mouth 

"Is what she says true!?."

Asked Elder Hu Ming in a loud tone while looking at Li fu in surprise.

He had suspicion that Li fu was a person who had Back in time when he was killed or when his life span came to end but this Level of fast Cultivation was beyond his ability to accept easily.

Li fu didn't understand why Elder Hu Ming asking this in surprise even though he made a Breakthrough very fast with System helping him he shouldn't get this big of a reaction right?.

But he still answered Elder Hu Ming question.

Li fu " Yes Elder I have made a Breakthrough."

Elder Hu the was very happy hearing this he was going to ask him which Cultivation method he used but he stopped himself and thought if he asked that he might know about me knowing that he came from future and he might betray the Sect.

After thinking he decided what to say.

Teacher Su was also worried that Elder Hu Ming might reveal that he knows that Li fu came from future.

At this time Both Elder Hu Ming and Teacher Su had unknowingly agreed in their minds that Li fu is indeed a person who came from future.

Li Fi who came with them clenched her hands and looked at Li fu she died have any jealousy but fear that if she didn't practice then she and Li fu will have different years of life she decided to practice hard after going back.

Elder Hu Ming " Li fu it Seems like you might have a Rare Dao body which allowed you to Breakthrough."

Said Elder Hu Ming which seemed to sound that he also believed that.

Hearing this Teacher Su let out a sigh she was very worried that Elder Hu Ming might lose his himself and reveal that Li fu has came from future.

Li fi who was standing on the side couldn't hold herself back from asking Elder Hu Ming about DAO Body 

Li fi " Elder what's this DAO Body you are talking about?."

Elder Hu Ming " Dao body is just like Spiritual roots but they are Thousands of times rare then The Five spiritual roots So not many people know about them."

Elder Hu Ming" Dao body can increase the speed of cultivation by many times that should be the reason he can make a Breakthrough!."

Elder Hu Ming" But Dao body is not awaken at young age Dao body is awakened when a person has reached at least hundreds of yeas age."

Elder Hu Ming" It seems like for some unknown reason Li fu seems to have awakened his Dao Body at a very young age."

Li fi" Is awaking it earlier bad for him."

Asked Li Fi in worry.

Elder Hu Ming looked at her trying to see some kind of motive because Inside Sect Deciples might look getting along with each other he knows most of them have their own motives.

After looking at Li Fi for a while He didn't find any kind of hidden intention.

Which made him very satisfied.

Elder Hu Ming " No their are no side effects to Awakening it at earlier age."

Elder Hu Ming" okay both of you go back and you house for the day to rest I need to talk to Teacher Su here about some matters."

Li fu and Li fi both nodded their heads and went outside to go back to their house to rest.

When both of them left there was dead silence in the room.

Elder Hu Ming " so now do you believe me?."

Teacher Su" Yes but I have a concern if he has came from future why did he joined out sect if he could go to other sects like the yellow level sect and hide for some years and come out of the sect as a strong man "

Elder Hu Ming" It seems you have forgotten his sister's has Five spiritual roots and I myself asked him if he wanted to join Immortal Sword Sect if he didn't accept it it would sound stupid as hell and even strange."

Teacher Su" I forget that Li fi had five spiritual roots for a second."

Said teacher Su in a embarrassed tone.