
Cultivater Devourer The World's

Li Fu, after waking up in a world which preys on the weak,With his reincarnation comes an immortal system, which advises him to consume tasteless pills and herbs for cultivation, to help him in getting stronger. Will he successfully survive or will he succumb to the agonizing life in this new world? But there is something that bothers him Why the hell is he always transported to another world whenever he is setting in that world!? 30 votes= 1 extra chapters 50 votes=2 extra chapters 100 votes = 3 extra chapters

King_1559 · Eastern
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11 Chs


After walking they reached a ground which had many rooms like buildings.

Li fu looked around while following Li Fi and Wei yan after looking around he noticed something.

' Wait! i am in a cultivation world but why the hell is everyone talking in English and everything written in English?!.'

' Could it be that the system translating it for me everything in English and whatever i say or write it get translated in Chinese for them? '

' Thank god the system translates it for me after all i only know English and Urdu.'

After walking they reached a white room building where a board was hung on the top of the gate.

 : New Disciples Class:

Wei yan " let's go in."

Li fu and Li fi followed him inside when Wei yan opened the door and went inside.

When the door opened everyone who was sitting inside the class looked at the door which was opened.

The teacher who was standing Infront of the class looked at Wei yan and said.

" Wei yan I get that you are good in cultivation but it doesn't mean that you can come to my class late."

Wei yan " sorry teacher Su I was just bringing juniors to class."

" mmm? juniors well its been nearly four years since someone entered the sect."

Said the teacher as she looked at Li Fi and Li fu behind Wei yan.

"Okay Wei yan you go to your seat and you too come in front of class and introduce yourself self if anyone have questions they want to ask then raise their hands!. "

Li fu looked at the teacher and he had to say the cultivation world really has one of the most handsome man and beautiful women.

This teacher of his has Long Red hair and purple eyes with a perfect S figure and pure Baby white skin color which seems to give their own seductive charm.

"Are you done staring at me kid?."

" huh?!I..I..I wasn't staring at all miss teacher!."

He said that as it caused a laugh from the other Students.

As Li fu had a wry smile on his face and his hand in his head.

" Okay okay! you guy's go and introduce yourself my name is Su Yan every student calls mean Teacher Su."

After hearing this Li Fi went to front of class and said with a cheerful smile which gives of a good impression.

" Hello everyone my name's li fi I hope to get along with everyone."

After that Li Fu came front of class and said with a nervous expression on his face. 

"Hello everyone my name's Li fu and i Hope to get along with you all."

As they introduced themselves to everyone in class a boy raised his hand and asked.

" I have Heard rumors that One of you have 5 spiritual roots us that true?."

Li Fi " Yes it is true! I have five spiritual roots at Earth rank!."

As she said that the class start to talk to each other in low voices.

" So it's true about her having five spiritual roots."

" Hey! doesn't that mean other rumor is also true. "

" What other rumor isn't there only this rumor?."

" Wait you don't know?!. "

" Let me tell you since you know that there was a rumor that one of the new deciple has five spiritual roots there is another rumor with it!."

" Stop making a suspense just tell us already!."

" Well the rumor is that the New deciples are twins and One of the them has waste single spiritual root at Earth rank!."

" what really!?. "

Seeing that the discussion was Going in wrong direction Su Yan stopped them.

" Okey all of you be quiet ! and Li fi, Li fu there is front place empty you guys go and sit there."

After nodding their head they went and sat on the chairs with study tables and a flash appeared in Li fu eyes not knowing what he was thinking. 

Seeing that both of them have sat Su Yan said.

" Well everyone seeing that we have two new deciples we will be studying Dao Heart space again. "

As Su Yan said these words many disagreement appeared in class.

" But teacher Su we have heard it so many times!."

"Yeah teacher Su we are tired of hearing about it!?."

Seeing that there were disagreements she didn't get discouraged but instead said with a little smirk on her face.

" Any one of you who dosent want to listen to my lecture they can go out of the class and hop like a Rabbit around the entire Deciples class ground while saying I am a stupid little bunny who doesn't listen to class."

As Su Yan said this everyone in the class other than Li Fi and Li fu blushed with shame and started to say.

" hahaha teacher Su we were just joking!."

" right guys!."

"Yes! Yes! we were just joking teacher Su!."

"Yeah teacher su how could we not listen to your lesson!."

Listening to the talk between teacher Su and his fell class mates he had a doubt in his heart if it was really a cultivation or something like a comedy world?.

Li Fi " Brother look it seems everyone here gets along with each other I am sure we will also get along with everyone here!."

Whispered Li Fi to Li fu who was sitting on the study tables on her left.

After hearing Li fi he stopped his thoughts and thought that they are acting like this because they have good relation with each other after all senior Wei yan said that the new Sect Deciples will remain in this class for ten years.

Teacher Su " okey everyone calm down i will start the lecture"

"Dao Heart space is a separate space in the mind of cultivators where the cultivator will write what kind of dao they are following and they can change things in their dao and the more stronger the dao the more hard it is for cultivator to cultivate a dao Heart from it "

"And if someone puts some kind of limitations on there dao Heart there cultivation speed will also increase with it "

Listening to teacher Su Li fu had some strange expression

Because the dao hearth is different from what he had read in those cultivation Novels

But consider that the cultivation in the Novels is just made up with by the author's but this is real world so the things have to be different from novels 

After listening to the lecture of teacher su for four hours the class ended and teachers su told everyone to go and practice what you have heard

Teacher Su " Okey everyone you guys go and practice what you all have heard today"

" If you guys are not cultivating the remaining day I would recommend going to cafeteria to eat a new dish which has appeared yesterday "

After she said this Li fu and Li fi went out of the class and Li fi asked Li fu

Li fi" hey brother are you coming to cafeteria with me since the food is free we should go and make the best of it hehe!"

Li fu" no you go I want to enter my dao heart space "

Li Fi" Okey then see later bye!" 

Said Li fi as she ran towards the cafeteria 

Seeing Li Fi running towards the cafeteria Li fu shaked his head and went back to the house given by the sect 

After reaching the house he went to his room and sat Crossed legged on his bed and tried to meditate

" empty your mind dont think about anything else and think there is a separate space in your mind " 

Li fu repeated what he had heard teacher su say when he opened his eyes he was in a room which was completely white as he looked around he could only come to one conclusion 

" this is my dao heart space " 

Li fu looked around his dao heart space it was the space of a normal size room and was completely white there was no other color in it as if the most purest place with no impurities 

After looking Round his Dao hearth space he sat on the ground.

Li fu " Okey since i have entered my dao heart space lets write what kind of dao heart I want to have "

Said Li fu as he thought for sometime and a look of inspiration appeared in his eyes 

" yes that it!" shouted like fu in excitement as he stood up from the group 

As he thought of writing in mid air in his head as words floating started to appear in front if his eyes which were pure golden

 " The Unbound DAO!"

" i am unbound by the limits of Time and space!"

"i can hold sun in one hand and moon in the other hand!"

"i can shake the stars with my wrath!"

" i can rule the world of yin and yang!"

"i can turn the world in to a pit of flames!"

" while others perish I remain Even after the end of time itself! "

" I can change sand into a tree and ocean into a lake of lava!"

Looking at the Golden words Li fu nodded as he again sat down closed his eyes and tried to go out of his dao heart space like teacher Su told in class

" empty your mind dont think about anything else and think you want the get out of your dao heart space"

mumbled li fu as he tried to quit his dao heart space after a few moments he opened his eyes and saw himself back in his room 

" sigh~I have to be honest I am lucky that I have the system other wise according to what teacher Su said the more higher the limit of your dao the more hard it is to breakthrough "

"But with the system I only need to eat herbs, pills and well there won't be normal animals in this worlds they should be called monsters so eat monster meat to get experience points to breakthrough!"

" well i really am starting to love this world there is nearly no pressure of study you need to only get four hours of lecture form Monday to Friday and the Saturday and Sunday are free and even the food is provided by sect for free and at the end of month the deciples are even given spirit crystal's to spend !"

After speaking he felt a little hungry and got out of his room and went outside of house and started walking towards cafeteria as he moved towards cafeteria he saw Li Fi sitting with teacher su and eating some boiled chicken and eggs

Li fu was a little surprised to see teacher Su sitting with Li Fi but he still walked towards them after all there is only one cafeteria in sect well thats what he heard from Wei yan during class

so teacher's,elders and senior deciples and even outer sect deciples come here to eat here but not all of them because after reaching Golden core they don't need to eat they can just use spiritual energy to fill there hunger 

But some of them still come to enjoy the taste of food because spiritual energy can fill there hunger but it is taste less according to what Wei yan told him during class