
Cultivate and Upgrade:Urban Journey

This book revolves around a system possession where all the villains on Earth become monsters in Li Nian Long's eyes. Defeating them rewards him with money drops, equipment, special items, and upgrade experience. He also gains powerful skills and has countless bizarre life professions awaiting activation. Being able to level up by battling monsters in the city, capturing the attention of exquisite beauties—could anything be more exhilarating?

sijiu_yao · Fantasy
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217 Chs

Chapter 97: A Pity for Being a Woman

"Menglong, there's a hundred billion here." Shao Meiyun walked over with a golden bank card, a smile on her face. "This is the supreme card of our Liu family's own bank. With this card, you can even overdraft up to ten million."

What's the most profitable industry in the world? Some might say it's the arms trade, others might say electronics and technology, but the truth is, it's actually banking. Just think about the interest earned through bank loans, and you'll realize how banks rake in money hand over fist. That's why some people call bankers evil, because banks truly are money-sucking machines.

As one of the top ten families in Huaxia, the Liu family naturally needs vast financial support to operate smoothly. Opening a bank is the best way, and the Liu family bank has been in operation for over forty years, bringing in profits exceeding one trillion yuan each year. Besides banking, the Liu family also ventures into real estate, catering, services, and various other industries. In short, the Liu family is not short of money.

"Good." Taking the card, Li Nianlong nodded. "This money will be put to good use. I'll repay the Liu family for this favor in the future."

Shao Meiyun was pleased because Li Nianlong was a man who repaid kindness.


"This isn't a favor," Shao Meiyun said. "You're a member of the Liu family, so spending your family's money is only natural. Moreover, you saved Grandpa and the Liu family. What's a mere hundred billion? If we really want to tally up, the Liu family owes you a great debt of gratitude, not the other way around. If we were to tally it up, the Liu family would owe you."

"You're right." Old Master Liu took the tea leaves from a servant and approached Li Nianlong. "This hundred billion is nothing to the Liu family. Consider it pocket money from your grandpa." He handed over the tea leaves and looked at him intently. "Don't separate yourself from the Liu family. You were born into the Liu family, and you'll remain a part of it even in death. A hundred years later, you'll still be honored in the Liu family's ancestral hall."

"Where I die is not up to anyone else!" Li Nianlong glanced coldly at Old Master Liu before turning away.

Old Master Liu froze for a moment, and Shao Meiyun smiled wryly before catching up to Li Nianlong. "Menglong, wait up, I'll see you off."

After they left, Old Master Liu sat in his room, sighing softly. "Ah! Such a stubborn child, but I may have been too hasty."

Meanwhile, Shao Meiyun and Li Nianlong walked side by side. Shao Meiyun spoke softly, "Menglong, don't blame Grandpa. He just wants to lead the Liu family out of its predicament."

"I understand." Li Nianlong replied calmly. "I know you haven't given up, but let me make it clear, I will never agree to become the family head. The Liu family has stood strong for thousands of years, and its current strength is more than enough without me."

"Maybe it doesn't need you, but to ward off the threats facing the Liu family, a strong family head is indispensable." Shao Meiyun looked into Li Nianlong's eyes. "Menglong, do you know why the assassins didn't target me? Not waiting for Li Nianlong's response, she smiled slightly. "It's because my martial arts skills are mediocre. Even though I could temporarily stabilize the Liu family, I could never become the family head. The assassins understand this; otherwise, I would have died long ago."

Li Nianlong glanced at her and shook his head gently. "Maybe the assassins just wanted to kill the Liu family head."

"Perhaps!" That was also a possibility.

Shao Meiyun tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled faintly. "But my sister is really grateful to the assassins. Without them, she wouldn't have met you. Compared to my uncle and those two cousins, I prefer you."

"Your grandfather must be furious to hear that." Li Nianlong smiled faintly. "I'm also grateful to the assassins. Without them, I wouldn't have received a hundred billion."

Shao Meiyun chuckled. "You're mischievous."

After seeing off Li Nianlong, Shao Meiyun returned to Old Master Liu's room.

"Has Menglong left?" Old Master Liu was practicing tai chi in the room, his movements smooth and graceful, yet imbued with power.

"Yes, he's gone." Shao Meiyun stood by, a hint of urgency in her tone. "Grandpa, you scolded me earlier, but in the end, you made the same mistake as me."

"You rascal." Old Master Liu laughed and scolded, finishing his tai chi routine and exhaling a breath of energy. The energy sword he released was five meters long, astonishing Shao Meiyun. "Grandpa, your skills are even deeper than before."

"It's all thanks to Menglong's pills." Old Master Liu chuckled and sat down at the table, pouring himself a cup of tea before sighing softly. "Who would have thought that the misfortune of the Liu family would bring such fortune? With talents like Menglong appearing."

"A lot is predetermined." Shao Meiyun sat down beside Old Master Liu. "This is heaven's way of letting our Liu family rise."

"Not exactly." Old Master Liu sighed again. "Meiyun, you're still young and your vision is limited."

Shao Meiyun composed herself and respectfully said, "Please enlighten me, Grandpa."

"You think Menglong's personality is like?" 

"Cold on the outside, warm on the inside, tough on the outside, gentle on the inside."

"You're right." Old Master Liu sighed. "But it's a pity, he's not a hero after all!"

Shao Meiyun suddenly understood, a hint of regret flashing in her eyes. "Indeed, it's a pity. Menglong is a good person and could be a good leader, but he can only be a caretaker, not an expansionist."

Looking at Shao Meiyun, Old Master Liu sighed deeply. "If only you were a man. If you were, you could do better than Menglong. At least the Liu family could ensure its long-term development for the next fifty years."

"You flatter me, Grandpa. I still have many shortcomings."

The more humble and cautious Shao Meiyun was, the more Old Master Liu regretted for her. He shook his head gently. "That's good. After all, Menglong is here now. With you assisting him, it's the ideal combination."

Shao Meiyun smiled faintly. "That's what I think too. Menglong is really outstanding." After a pause, she added with a hint of regret, "It's a pity I'm his cousin. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to resist marrying him."

Old Master Liu was momentarily stunned, then burst into hearty laughter, shaking his beard. "

Well said! Menglong is too outstanding. I'm afraid no woman in the world can resist him."

Speaking of which, Old Master Liu looked somewhat mischievous as he glanced at Shao Meiyun. He chuckled, "Meiyun, you're thirty-four this year. In a few years, you'll be an old maid. Haven't you found anyone who interests you?"

"It's difficult." Shao Meiyun shook her head gently. "There are many outstanding men, but they marry and establish themselves in their twenties. Who would want an old maid like me? I'm unwilling to marry those useless men, so it's better this way. At least I'm free and don't have to quarrel with my husband over trivial matters every day."

"Your mindset is rare, but men should marry when they're older, and women should marry when they're older too."

"I've said before, I won't consider marriage before forty." Shao Meiyun said softly. "I still have six years. Grandpa, the situation in our Liu family is still not optimistic. Do you want me to conceal Menglong's and your illness? Are you trying to lure the snake out of its hole?"

"Yes." Old Master Liu showed appreciation in his eyes. Then his expression turned serious. "To hire such terrifying assassins, it must be the work of one of the top ten families. Although I suspect the Dragon family, I can't rule out other families trying to sow discord. Since that's the case, I'll draw out the snake. When the culprit is revealed, it will be clear who's behind it!"

Shao Meiyun's eyes flashed with a hint of killing intent as she felt the gravity of the situation. "The Liu family has stood tall for thousands of years. How can we be insulted by such small fries? If they dare to reach out, they must pay with blood!"

Feeling Shao Meiyun's determination, Old Master Liu nodded in satisfaction. "Well said. The Liu family has lasted for over two thousand years. We won't be humiliated by such petty people. This time, we'll make the mastermind come out, or we won't stop!"

The two highest authorities in the Liu family had reached a consensus. They discussed some specific details, and in the end, Shao Meiyun brought up the most crucial factor: "Grandpa, Menglong is unwilling to succeed as the family head. The younger generation of our Liu family is either cowardly or reckless. None of them is suitable for such a big responsibility. What do you think?"

Old Master Liu stroked his beard, closed his eyes in thought, and for a while, the room fell silent, with only the faint sound of frogs croaking outside the window.

After a long time, Old Master Liu opened his eyes and said, "Menglong is cold on the outside but warm on the inside. He's also loyal and righteous. He's not refusing outright; he just needs time to accept it. To convince such a person, we need to appeal to his emotions, reason with him, and constantly strengthen his sense of belonging to the Liu family. I believe that with time, even a stubborn person like him will come around."

Pausing for a moment, Old Master Liu looked at Shao Meiyun and said, "I'll leave this matter to you. After all, I'm an old man on his last legs and can't appear in public."

"Rest assured, Grandpa. I'll take care of it." Shao Meiyun replied with determination.

"Good, I trust you to handle it." Old Master Liu chuckled. Then he remembered something else. "I heard that many foreign forces have gathered in Tianfu recently. What's going on?"

"I was just about to tell you about that." Shao Meiyun's smile faded, and she said seriously, "At the end of last month, several unidentified foreign individuals died in the southern part of Tianfu. After investigation, the suspects were preliminarily identified as members of the 'Kung Fu Panda' who have been frequently appearing recently."

"Is it him?" Of course, Old Master Liu had heard of the Kung Fu Panda. During this period, this mysterious figure had 'executed' many local underworld forces in Tianfu. At that time, the Liu family was in dire straits, and Old Master Liu didn't have the energy to deal with this matter. Moreover, the Kung Fu Panda had only eliminated bad guys, winning a lot of public support. Old Master Liu didn't need to intervene. Recently, due to overwork, he had spit blood and was hospitalized, completely cut off from the outside world. When he heard about the Kung Fu Panda, Old Master Liu was very surprised.

"It should be." Shao Meiyun nodded. "But judging from the Kung Fu Panda's usual style, those foreigners must have done a lot of bad things. After investigation, they were indeed notorious internationally, a group of international mercenaries."

Old Master Liu shook his head. "The identity of mercenaries should only be a cover for them. They must be affiliated with some force behind them."