
Cultivate and Upgrade:Urban Journey

This book revolves around a system possession where all the villains on Earth become monsters in Li Nian Long's eyes. Defeating them rewards him with money drops, equipment, special items, and upgrade experience. He also gains powerful skills and has countless bizarre life professions awaiting activation. Being able to level up by battling monsters in the city, capturing the attention of exquisite beauties—could anything be more exhilarating?

sijiu_yao · Fantasy
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217 Chs

Chapter 6: The Adorable Girl Yue Chang

"Ahh!" Just as Li Nianlong was about to allocate all 10 remaining points to True Qi, Dragonfly seemed to remember something and hastily exclaimed, "While True Qi is crucial, balance among attributes is equally important. Naturally, True Qi can be emphasized more, but the other three attributes should still develop evenly. Over-specialization is not advantageous."

Li Nianlong found himself in a dilemma. Dragonfly's advice echoed the education system's emphasis on producing well-rounded students rather than specialists, which often resulted in individuals being 'jack of all trades, master of none'. Despite being a physical education teacher now, Li Nianlong recalled the drawbacks of such an approach during his own schooling years. Instinctively, he wanted to resist the idea of becoming a 'know-it-all', but considering Dragonfly's familiarity with the system, he suppressed his reluctance, nodded, and after a moment's thought, allocated the points.

After allocating the points, Li Nianlong suddenly felt unusually invigorated, as if he had boundless energy and vitality.

His new status:

Li Nianlong: Level 1 (35/200)

Strength: 11

Speed: 11

True Qi: 11

Intellect: 12

Unused Points: 0

Talent: Auspicious Avoidance: Born with the power to sense fortune and misfortune, easily avoiding danger.

Skill: Random Fist (Novice 1%): The unorthodox style that defeats masters, lacks form in attacks, leaving enemies at a loss, increasing Strength by 10%, Speed by 10%, lasts for 30 seconds, no cooldown, consumes 5 True Qi per use.

Money: 30

Equipment: Brick (Durability 1/1): Garbage among garbage, unremarkable, weak destructive power, yet painful when hit, has a 1% chance to cause 3 seconds of stun when hitting the head.

"Uh..." Dragonfly broke into a sweat seeing these numbers.

"Is there a problem?" Li Nianlong grew tense, noticing Dragonfly's odd expression.

"It's not wrong, per se." Dragonfly wiped her forehead, muttering, "I just didn't expect Host to distribute points so evenly."

"You said being balanced is better!" Although spoken softly, Li Nianlong heard it clearly and frowned, wondering why Dragonfly was now criticizing the very balance she advocated.

"Yes, balance is key, but not to the extreme." Sensing Li Nianlong's dissatisfaction, Dragonfly explained with a hint of grievance, "In my view, 7 points should have gone to True Qi, and the other three attributes should each get 1 point. After all, each level up boosts the four attributes by 5 points each. Strength, Speed, and Intellect will naturally grow significantly through leveling, whereas the demand for True Qi will certainly increase in the future. Adding more to True Qi won't be a mistake."

"I see." Li Nianlong nodded understandingly. "I'll follow this pattern in the future."

"I merely suggest. You don't have to follow it strictly." Dragonfly quickly added.

Li Nianlong looked at Dragonfly and smiled, "Let's stick with this plan!"

Dragonfly stole a glance at Li Nianlong, lowered her gaze, and softly agreed, "Okay."


After a 24-hour journey, the train finally pulled into Tianfu Station. As the train neared its destination, Yuechang, who had slept for a day and night, finally opened her eyes. Stretching and yawning, she said, "That was such a comfortable sleep."

Li Nianlong: "…"

Nalan Ruyue: "…"

Yuxi wiped sweat off her forehead, rubbing the back of her head and laughing awkwardly, "Yuechang is like this; when tired, she can sleep for days."


"Hey!" Yuechang climbed down from the upper bunk, put on her shoes, and reached out to Li Nianlong with a sweet, soft smile. "Hello, big brother. I'm Yuechang, moon's Yue, Chang'e's Chang. I'm Yuxi's twin sister."

"Hello." Facing the adorably gentle girl, Li Nianlong felt his spirits lift. Her hand, like the rest of her, was soft and supple, cool to the touch like water.

Truly a top-notch girl.

Li Nianlong smiled faintly, "Perhaps my words aren't pleasing, but both you and your sister are beautiful, yet you don't resemble each other at all."

This comment elicited a light harrumph from Yuxi, "So what if we don't look alike? There are plenty of dissimilar twins in the world."

"We hear that a lot. Yuxi and I are used to it." Yuechang's smile remained gentle, melting hearts.

Withdrawn her hand, Yuechang extended it towards Nalan Ruyue, smiling, "Sister Ruyue, thank you for taking care of Yuxi along the way. I was too sleepy to chat with you, I'm sorry."

Nalan Ruyue gently shook her head, signing a few gestures before their hands gently clasped.

Li Nianlong translated, "She says it's okay."

Both Yuechang and Nalan Ruyue smiled lightly.

Before disembarking, Nalan Ruyue donned her pinkish-white straw hat, pulling the brim low to hide most of her face. They followed Li Nianlong and the Yue sisters off the train.

On their way out of the station, Li Nianlong asked, "Have you booked a hotel?"

"We have." Yuxi flicked her ponytail, curiously examining the layout of Tianfu Station. She chirped cheerfully, "Big brother, we're staying in Tianfu for a month. As a local, will you be our guide?"

"I'm afraid I won't have the time." Li Nianlong apologized, "But if you encounter any trouble, call me anytime, and I'll help if I can."

They had exchanged contact information on the train, including phone numbers, QQ, and WeChat, making communication convenient.

"Alright then!" Yuxi pouted, but then an idea struck her, and she asked curiously, "Big brother, aren't you a P.E. teacher? Since schools are closed, shouldn't you be free?"

"I am free." Li Nianlong smiled faintly, "But I plan to take a summer job to supplement the household income."

Though his account held a substantial amount, and Long Qingyun still sent a generous monthly allowance, Li Nianlong had resolved to sever ties with the Long family after the assassination attempt. If not for fear of alerting them, he would have canceled the account altogether.

Without Long Qingyun's financial support, the meager salary of a P.E. teacher wouldn't suffice, especially with Nalan Ruyue to support. A part-time job was necessary.

Fortunately, with the Fantasy System, he earned 30 yuan from defeating three robbers on the train. Logically, defeating more red-named individuals would earn him more money, and working could also trigger Life Professions, which was advantageous.

"A summer job?" Yuxi's eyes sparkled with excitement, "Great! Big brother, since you're going to work anyway, why don't we hire you as our guide? No cheating, 50 yuan a day, okay?"

"Cough, cough…" Li Nianlong choked, nearly fainting.

The average wage for ordinary workers in Tianfu was over 3,000 yuan, and a hotel attendant could make 4,000 to 5,000 yuan a month. Even running a small barbecue stall could net at least 100 to 200 yuan in pure profit daily. Yuxi's offer of 50 yuan a day, totaling 1,500 for a month, was a paltry sum. It was considerate of Li Nianlong not to throw his luggage at her.

"Really…" Yuechang giggled, covering her mouth with her hand. Her laughter was as soft as her demeanor, and her eyes curved like crescent moons, utterly adorable. "Yuxi, you're teasing someone again."

Yuxi stuck out her tongue, "What can we do? We're not rich! Maybe I should work with big brother instead."

"Forget it! I wouldn't dare work with you." Li Nianlong shook his head, reluctant.

Yuxi grew upset, "What do you mean? What's wrong with working together? I'm a beauty! Working with me should be an honor."

Li Nianlong shot her a glance, "We're exiting the station."

"Hey!" Yuxi frowned, hands on her hips, "Li Nianlong! You're going too far! I... sob, I have your child, and you treat me like this... I can't live!"

Seeing Yuxi squat on the ground, covering her face and crying, the surrounding passengers showed sympathy and glared at Li Nianlong with disdain.

"Taking advantage of such a young girl, how despicable."

"He got her pregnant too, what a sin!"

"Damn, pretty boys have no conscience."


Hearing the crowd's reproaches, Li Nianlong's scalp tingled. Yuxi truly knew no bounds, slandering him without shame. Spotting a few young men looking eager to intervene, Li Nianlong wished he could knock her out with a brick.